Shocking Discoveries

I stare as my pack it's way into the pack meeting hall they all silently follow one another never wanting to break the orders of the alpha.

I wait continuing the chores I had been given knowing if I entered any pack meeting I would be going against the Alphas orders. I quickly finish what I was doing and make my way upstairs to clean the alpha suite understanding this is the best time before the alpha gets back from the meeting and does his daily ritual of his stress relief and sadly there was nothing I could do but take whatever anger he had whilst his Luna watches laughing and mocking me.

I make my way into the alpha suite and start cleaning the kitchen then into the living room then I continue the rest of the apartment style space making sure everything is perfect and not a hair on their carpet is out of place. I wait silently for a few seconds as I finish almost an hour later however the alpha has still not returned from his meeting knowing that I must continue my work I leave the suite and make my way to the rest of the house my brows furrowed in confusion as I see the house is still silent and almost dead compared to the bubbly lively house of the general life in the pack house. I walk down the marble stairs to see them all gathered in the dining hall with another Alpha so deciding it was not best to interrupt I decided to just grab what I need and head upstairs to the bathroom to start my next chore.

I scrub the bathroom floor as I hear footsteps but ignore them hoping I wasnt going to be needed and I keep cleaning the floor trying to make it polish but I pause when I smell an unusually sweet smell heading towards the bathroom I kept my head down trying to avoid being seen by the wolf whose scent I did not recognise. The smell of seawater with a slight hint of fruit continued to make it's way near the bathroom as they attempt to open the door I panic not knowing what to do so I stay silent hoping they would get the hint however it failed and I hear an angered growl come from the other side hut i do my best to ignore it but my heart begins to race.

I can feel my wolf pacing around my head as the other wolf struggles to get in. I back away into the corner as the wolf begins to growl as the door still wont open I curl into a ball as they begin to pound on the thin wooden door frustrated as it would not open.But then I heard a crack in the wood and I push myself further into the corner my small frame rocking back and forth slightly and I jump and sequel in surprise as the door falls quickly to the ground and the bucket of water underneath spills causing and splash coating the walls in the murky water which I sighed as I would have to clean that later.

I still sit curled up eyes towards the ground as the water inched closer to me as the smell of the ocean and fruit comes closer I jump as they place a hand on my chin pulling it up towards them so I would look into their eyes. My hearts races as I look into her eyes and hear her whisper the word 'mate'.

My wolf quickly responds my jumping around my head howling for her mate.

"No this cant be real its not real it's all just a dream I'll wake up I'll wake up" I keep repeating hoping this was all just some sick and twisted dream

"No mate this is not a dream little one"

My eyes widen in fear as I see my alpha standing behind the redheaded woman with a scowl on his face as he speaks his faces changes into a kinder one towards this woman.

"Alexandra this thing can not be your mate you need a strong mate maybe my son would be better suited then we could join our packs "

The woman whom I now understand is called Alexandra turns outraged towars the man and glares straight at him as she speaks "first of all its Alpha Alexandra to you , second of all why is she not fit to be my mate . Do you wish to deny the moon goddess who purposefully put us together, that should not be what you just suggested to me Alpha or we shall have some problems" She says almost as if she wished he would start to fight her but I stay firmly pressed against the corner.

He takes a step back showing her dominance but failing drastically

"all I'm saying Alpha Alexandra is that maybe she isn't the right for you the moon goddess can make mistakes "

Alpha Zane say almost spitting her title of Alpha . She turns back to me and growls as I flinch at her hand moving towards me . She notices the bruise underneath my cheek and crouched to my level and her eyes soften as she speaks to me

"did he do this to you? " she almost whispers I debate my choices hoping Alexandra could get me out of this place and if I trust her she might after a moment I nod my head and she quickly stands as Alpha Zane rushes towards me eyes blazing in fury . She stands in front of me and quickly grips Alpha Zane by the throat and lifts him off the ground and Luna Maria screeches in the background . I stare dumbfounded as my Alpha mate drops him back onto the ground without even a word as she nods in approval at his scared form laying in the murky water. She spins and makes her way towards me step by step I try to sink away from her forest green eyes . She stops just in front of me and carefully holds out her hand waiting for me to make the move and I look between the two Alphas in the room and decide my fate would be better with Alpha Alexandra .

She takes my hand and whispers for me gather my belongings whilst she speaks with Alpha Zane about me moving to her pack and I say nothing hut stare at the floor and give her a small nod.

I quickly gather my few hidden treasures from my small unfurnished attic such as a necklace I was found with and picture of me and some young boy and the few pieces of tattered clothing that I owned.

I quickly walk down to the front entrance and she Alpha Alexandra standing by a black car . She beckons for me to go to her and I do I walk to her car where she takes my belongings from me and looks in disgust at my clothing and shakes her head muttering something about Zane and simply stated

"you wont be needing these" Just leaving them on the ground however hands me the the photo and the necklace for me to hold as she quickly opens the passenger seat car door for me to sit in and motions for me to sit giving me a joke bow which makes me let out a little laugh which she seems delighted by I smile politely at her trying not to anger her and sit silently into the seat shifting uncomfortably at the close proximity of me and my mate not that my wolf minded at all. She starts the car and takes off with a SUV in front and behind her sleek black car. I tried to pay attention to the music as neither of us say anything but the car lulls me into a peaceful sleep as we continue our journey to her pack .