
I wake from me sleep in slight confusion as to where I am and it takes me a few moments but i eventually realise that I am still sitting in Alpha Alexandra's car . I snap my head towards her watchful eyes and they widen in shock as they see so much kindness in her eyes compared to the raging inferno of anger I saw at my pack house . She looked away as we begin to slow and the trees stopped whizzing past and a huge mansion like house came into view with people crowding around the entrance.

She looks at me silently asking me to stay in the car for now and I don't wish to anger the Alpha so I comply and give her a discreet nod as she steps out of the car. She walks up to the man around her age and quietly talks to him and they seem awfully close and my wolf begins pacing as he places his hand on her arm. I silently watch as they continue to talk and begin to shift in my seat at the young man's proximity to mate an emotion i was not used t creeping to the surface I continue to watch patiently trying not to move and it worked for a time that was until the man wraps his arms around my mate and my emotions simply got the best of me and I quickly stand growling from the car making my way towards the man drawing both of their attentions to me and i see the man smirk at me which only fuels my anger more and as i reach them I force his arms away from her my wolf growling in distaste towards him I pull her body towards my ow and wrap my own arms around her glaring at the man at which he simply places his hands up in surrender. Alexandra chuckles and wraps her own arms around my small body which seems so fragile compared to her own muscled body and i breath in taking her scent in as i press my own body further into her and then it dawns on me and I jump away and blush at our close contact and I stand facing my eyes to the ground "I apologise Alpha".

She growls in distaste , I whimper scared of her dislike towards me my wolf pacing anxiously. She quickly grabs my hand and I begin to panic as she walks so fast she almost drags me into an office which i assume is her own due to the strong scent of hers floating around the room . She sits in the chair behind the large oak desk . She holds out her hand for me to walk towards her sitting form . I stay feet rooted right next to the door making sure i could bolt if it was needed, she sighs disappointedly which pulls at my heart slightly.

"Can I at least know your name little mate?" She almost whispers as gently as possible almost as if to not want to scare me . I keep my eyes to the ground going not to anger her or disrespect her Alpha Zane said if you disrespect any Alpha they would punish you.

"I'm s..sorry.. for touching you Alpha , please don't....hurt me .. I d..didn't mean"

I flinch as she stands up and as she walks towards me I take a step towards the door.

"You never need to be afraid of touching me Mate that's what we do" She says as She gently holds out her hand and my wolf urges me to take it but my memories remind me of Alpha Zane . I struggle to move my limbs but as I take her hand I cry out in pain as my broken rib which never got the chance to heal due to the repetitiveness of the beatings. Sadly my wolf was too weak from us not being allowed out many times so She never got a full chance to emotionally and physically heal from all of the torturous times we endured during our oh so pleasant stay there. Alexandra quickly helps me sit but i see a debate going on in her eyes and then without any warning she quickly picks me up like a child across both of her arms and holds me to her chest and walks slowly not to move too much to help avoid hurting me She walks in the opposite direction of the office towards a large open area with a bunch of rooms and corridors

she shouts "doc" which causes me to jump but she received no reply which seemed to anger her "doctor Morgan"she growled out . A middle aged man walked around a corner with his head held low avoiding eye contact with the agitated alpha .

"How can I help Alpha Alexandra? " he politely asks studying my small form in her arms and i give him a polite small as he leads us over to a small room

"My mate has been injured by her last pack i need you to check she is okay and specifically her ribs" a small gasp comes from the doctor and I quickly turn away my eyes knowing his disgust towards me everyone else except my mate has it so why would he be any different. Dr. Morgan askes Alexandra to place me on the bed gently. She stays beside the bed never once moving as Dr. Morgan runs multiple tests under Alexandra's watchful gaze calms me as Doctor Morgan places his hand on me to put pressure in bruises and scars scattering my body . My mate growls as he begins to lift my tattered shirt to address my broken ribs and I simply place my hand on hers that are gripping the edge of the bed in anger. I feel her hands relax from their tense positions and I feel her slump into the chair beside me . I slowly slip into into a silent slumber as the doctor disappears into another locked room with my blood .


"What do you mean she's been abused" I hear an angry voice growl which i quickly recognise to be my mates. "Alpha Alexandra I'm sorry but the signs are all there , look you need to be careful she very fragile , underweight and will most likely have a large amount of mental issues that come with this type of lifelong abuse " I hear the doctor tell Alexandra .

"I've dealt with this before remember " she snarls in response. I furrow my eyebrows and question what those words meant but decided not to speak up and ask her what she meant in fear of her anger. She walks over to me and looks in surprise to see I am awake . "Hey" she whispers trying not to look at me . I smile towards her trying to be friendly . She look towards me again and say "come on let's take you home" I panic in fear and start crying "please don't take me back there , I don't want to go back " my breathing begins to struggle and I begin to see black spot clouding my vision and the last thing I see is a panicked Alexandra.