A Luna

I wake up feeling a cold draft from the open window, the sun shining through the blowing curtains casting a soft morning glow across the room and as i turn my heart sinks seeing I'm lying alone in the bed but i give a small smile as i see a note placed perfectly on the bedside table.

'Emmy, I'm sorry i wasn't there as you woke up but I'm in the pack house doing some work you can join me after breakfast '

I smile and climb out of bed instantly regretting it as the cold hits my arms and i grab a towel and climb into the shower deciding to try and dress up before heading over so after i shower i climb out blow drying my hair and curling it before applying some mascara and pink lip gloss. i walk out of the bathroom in my towel before turning to the closet and i walk over to where my dresses are hung and i out a simple maroon dress which reaches just above my knees and i pull out a simple pair of black combat boots. I leave the room and head towards the kitchen before grabbing a yoghurt and an apple before sitting down at the kitchen island before heading to the door grabbing a long black coat on the way out. I start walking trying my best to remember the way to the pack house but as i arrive i start climbing up the flights of stairs before heading onto the office floor where i try to walk towards Alexandra as i can smell her scent strongly in a room with a closed door but i'm stopped as a man grabs my arm growling and i freeze as he spins me to look at him.

"Rogue" He growls his eyes glowing red in anger "how did you get up here anyway?" I whimper not knowing what to do and i gasp as he pushes me into the wall so I cower into the corner flinging my arms up into my face to try to protect myself as he stalks towards me but we both freeze as a menacing growl comes from the room across from us.

"Stand down now James" I hear an incredibly angry wolf say it takes me a moment but i realise its Alex and i let out a sigh of slight relief but im still frozen in place as the man who i now know as James is still angrily staring at me ready to pounce but he makes no move as Astraea slowly walks over to me trying not to scare me and she slowly crouches in front of me before opening her arms and i move from the corner slightly sitting in the floor but accepting the comfort that my own mates arms provide and i see james standing frozen looking around awkwardly not knowing what to do but i simply run my nose along her neck deeply breathing in her scent as i can slow the fast beating of my heart. She pulls away and her eyes roam over my body checking for any sign of injuries and i see a fragment of relief pass over her eyes as she sees that im physically alright. She stands pulling me up with her and she holds me by my waist never letting me leave her side as she turns to james and her eyes ignite with rage.

"How dare you attack someone who is walking around freely clearly no one else has an issue with her and that's because she bares my goddamn mark on her neck so i suggest before you go attacking people be aware of who they are" by this point she has her hand wrapped around his neck and her eyes have shifted to there usual black which signifies her wolfs appearance and i stare at her in fear not knowing what to do as james' face becomes an incredibly dark shade of purple but without knowing my feet have begun to move towards her and i lightly place my hand on her forearm and i can feel her muscles relax under my touch and she turns to me and her eyes return to their natural colour and she takes me back into her arms and everything is peaceful as we walk into her office and she lets me sit on the brown couch that lies along the left side of the room and i sit and she walks around her desk to take her seat, and in that moment my heart sinks as she lets out a distressed sigh and i can feel the worry and pain from her in the mate bond.

"im sorry" I whisper but i know she hears it as her head snaps to mine but a single tear rolls down my cheek and she pushes back from the desk that she started to work at and she makes her way over to me and crouches in front of my sitting form and she tucks a piece of my hair that's fallen stray in front of my face before looking into my eyes and responding

"baby you've got nothing to be sorry for im just stressed about everything and with my own pack not knowing who you really are how am i supposed to go after Zane whilst worrying about my own pack not knowing who you are" I can hear her heart ache seeping into every word she says and I nod pulling her up from the floor and she sits at the end of the couch placing one leg on the floor and raising one of her knees and tugging me towards her and i sit between her legs and she wraps her arm around my waist and places her head on my shoulder and we just simply exist in that moment and is all peaceful until there's a sharp knock on the door then i see the door open and Lorcan just strolls into the room but his eyebrows shoot up at our position and he gives a joking shake of his head and walks over handing a series of files to my mate before bowing to the two of us and leaving the room in silence. But just as the silence starts its over as an energetic child bounds into the room and his smile is so contagious and i laugh as he jumps straight into my arms.

"Hi Beau" i say laughing into his hair at his excitement

"Come and play with me " he squeals in excitement and i turn to my mate who simply gives me a nod of encourage meant so i place beau on the floor grabbing his hand as he begins to drag me down the stairs into the back garden of the pack house and he starts to place with some of the other kids and he runs back over to me before tapping my leg and shouting

"tag you're it" i laugh before running back towards him and his friends and chasing them around the school yard and i catch one of them and lightly tap their shoulders and shouting tag before spinning and i laugh slowly running back off towards the other side of the field and i see a little blonde girl come up to me and i see the tears in her eyes so i pause bending down to her level.

"Are you okay?" I ask her worried for her and she shakes her head before responding

"Are you the luna"i simply nod in response to her question an she continues "Mummy said that luna's will always help you if you need it" i nod again as she continues " well one of the boys stole my teddy and hid it somewhere and now i cant find it will you help me" i smile taking her hand and she starts walking into the pack house.