
"what's your name sweetheart" I ask her

"Gracie" she mutters as we walk into the living room and she describes her teddy to me and we look around but eventually i find the stuffed bear hidden under a stool and i give it to her and she lifts her arms up so i pick her up

"Gracie where is your mummy? " I ask her wondering where to take her next.

"Mummy is with the angels with my little brother" her response simply breaks my heart and i nod

"where should i take you then?" i ask her hoping for a response that will help me

"Daddy just lets me run around until he comes home from training" i sigh but nod

"Why don't you spend the day with me Gracie how does that sound ?" i ask giving her a wide smile and laughing as she nods her head and i take her upstairs to Alex so i can let her know but as soon as i walk into the room Gracie flies out of my arms and over into the arms of Alex and i see Alex widely smile as Gracie begins to talk to her about me and I stand in the door frame and lean my head wishing i could capture this moment forever and my mate looks up at me and smiles widely before setting Gracie down who immediately runs back over to me so i pick her up and hold her in my arms.

"I want to take her into town and pick up a few things is that okay?" i ask before tickling one of Gracie's sides and as she laughs i turn back to my mate who is staring at us with a wide smile on her face.

"here take my card and buy her anything she wants and get yourself something okay" i nod smiling at her and her eyes glace over for a moment before she turns back to me

"indigo is going with you for protection" I nod and turn as i sense the bubbly presence beside me. We both start walking towards the cars and we climb into a simple Suv before pulling out of the drive way the three of us laughing and giggling and singing along to the radio as we drive through the dense forest making our way into the mall and as we pull into the parking lot my heart begins to beat at a faster rate and it takes me a moment before i can bring myself together. Gracie bounds out of the car and over to me so i scoop her up into my arms and i smile widely at her feeling a little lost in where to go until i feel Indigo link her arm through mine and she quickly sets off towards the mall and we make our way through the doors and Gracie points at one of the toy stores excitedly so we all rush in and she immediately becomes attached to a doll and she grabs some extra clothes for it.

"Can i get it pwease Luna?" Gracie asks looking up to me with such hopeful eyes and i smile at her giving her a nod and she jumps in excitement we walk to the counter and i swipe Alex's card through the machine before we turn and walk out the store and i see indigo biting her nails nervously as we walk into the next store and i see a whole section of Art so we walk over to it and i pick up a few different things and then i grabbed a few art things for Gracie so she had something she could do other than play with her dolls. I look over and still see a worried look sprayed across Indigo's face which worries me due to her usual bubbly self.

"Why don't we go and grab some food in the food court" I say hoping to get to talk to Indigo alone whilst Gracie eats, We decide to eat in some Pizza restaurant place and just as we sit in the both ,Gracie sitting comfortably beside me, i see in my peripheral vision a waiter coming up towards us and i can see the nerves in his eyes as he walks over.

"What can i get you girls?" He asks his voice wavering at the end but he keeps the fake smile plastered on trying his best to seem confident.

"Can we get a large cheese pizza and three soda's please" i ask giving him my best smile an he nods and wanders back off to behind the counter and starts to talk to someone but i stop paying attention as Gracie began chatting endlessly about a million different things and i see Indigo looking around her eyes never really focusing on anything and i turn to Gracie trying to entertain the impatient child that sat beside me as she waited for her food.

Eventually after a series of different random conversations the waiter strolls back over handing us out food and soda and without saying anything he quickly walks back over and leaves us and we all tuck into the food and quickly Gracie finishes and she tugs on my sleeve catching my attention.

"Luna can i go and play over there?" She points at an area where there's a few other kids playing i smile at her

"Yes but please be careful okay and stay where i can see you" I say thinking this would be a good opportunity to talk to Indigo who is still nibbling on her first slice Gracie climbs over my lap and runs over to the play area and i turn to Indigo.

"Are you okay Indigo?" i start "you're unusually quiet" she looks up at me with tear drops in her eyes and im shocked at the emotion that runs through her eyes and i instinctively reach over and grab her hand giving it a reassuring squeeze and she looks up at me and her next words shocks me more than any others and i was totally unprepared for it.