Things change

"I think i might be pregnant" she whispers and on her face is written the story of a broken woman my mouth drops as i fail to understand the sadness in her voice.

"That great Indigo" but her face tells another story "That's not great" i say trying to go with the flow she simply sighs "Why don't we go pick up a few tests at the store and we can take Gracie home to her dad okay then me and you can talk this through?" i say my voice sounding calming and her shoulders relax slightly and she nods at me failing to form any sentences but i shout Gracie over leaving the cash on the table and wrapping an arm around Indigo giving her as much comfort as i can as we head to the store to grab a few tests before heading to the car and i put Gracie in the car seat and we drive back into the dense forest and back to the pack house and we walk in and Gracie is pointing towards her dads room and we knock on the door. I see a rather young kid who looks to be about 17 and he looks to Gracie and holds his arms out towards her and she leaps into his arms shouting

"Daddy" and i laugh at her excitement my mind still curious to his young age but i smile and say goodbye promising to see Gracie soon as i lead the still silent Indigo into my room and i pull her into my arms trying to comfort her as the tears begin to stroll down her face and i sit her on the bed and i sit cross legged in front of her.

"What's worrying you about if you are pregnant Indigo?" I ask wanting to know what's worrying her

"Lorcan sad he didn't want any kids yet and if i am i don't want him to be angry at me Reyna, We have a long past and he is the only reason i am sitting here today and i would do anything for him but i wont give up a child" She sobs into her hands as she speaks and i pull her in and she lays her head on my chest and i feel her tears soaking through my dress but i say nothing trying to comfort her and eventually they lessen out to slight hiccups and she pulls back

"Why don't you go take the tests and once your done ill join you in there and we can find out for ourselves and then take it from there because no matter what happens I've got you okay like you told me when we first met we are going to be best friends and ill always be here for you" i say telling her reassuringly and she climbs off of my bed and walks into the bathroom and i take a moment to breathe and i sit there thinking over everything but mainly worrying about how this will affect Indigo and Lorcan's relationship. I see the bathroom door open and Indigo sticks her head out and waves me in. I see her leaning against the bath with a tier on her phone and several white sticks lay on the counter top and i close the bathroom door and lock it so no one else can walk in and i lean against the door and she moves over to me and she leans on my shoulder and i wrap my arm around her trying to calm her as much as possible and we stay silent. The timer goes off causing us both to jump as it cuts through the silence and i stand but don't look at the tests.

"Do you want me to look or should we do it together?" I say looking into her eyes she looks up at me and I can see the tears building in her eyes.

"can we do it together please?" She whispers i nod and we turn around and on every single test it says positive and i have to catch Indigo as she falls to the ground as her knee's give way underneath her at the positives. I lower us both to the floor and she grips onto my shirt and she sobs as i wrap my arms around her waist trying to give her as much comfort as possible. I face her for a moment before saying

"No matter what happens I've got you okay Indigo" I whisper to her as we sit on the floor and i can feel someone come into the bedroom behind us and two seats of footsteps then someone angrily pounds on the door

"Indigo what's going on what's wrong ?" we heard Lorcan's worried voice resonate through the door.

"Please baby what's happening?" i can tell he is beginning to panic but indigos shaking her head saying she doesn't want him to see her like this and i know she is worried about his reaction to her pregnancy so i decide to open the door and step out motioning for her to lock the door behind me and she does. Now i stand face to face with a very annoyed Lorcan and i see my own mate sitting on the bed behind us.

"What the hell is going on Emmeline, Why is my mate so upset "He says and i can tell he is becoming increasingly angry and he slams his fist into the wall beside me and a that moment i hear the door open and a tear stained Indigo emerges from the bathroom and Lorcan immediately goes to his mate and wraps his arms around her and he begins to whisper soothingly into her hair and he rocks slightly back and forth as she continues to cry and then i can feel my mate probing around in my head and i allow her in

(A/n italics for Alex bold for Emmy )

what's going on Emmy?

Indigo's pregnant. At this her eyes widen and she smiles but i simply shake my head and tilt my head towards the couple

Lorcan told her she doesn't want a baby and now she is terrified Alex her eyes soften at this and she holds her arms out for me to com to her so i place my back on her chest to keep an eyes on the scene that unfolding in front of us and its Indigo that talks first.

"Please don't hate me Lor" she says looking up at him as he looks down at her i can see the love in his eyes and his no kids decision confuses me but i wait

"I could never hate you Indie no matter what" at this Indigo's hysterics start all over again and she begins to ramble and her secret comes out without her realising

"You say that but then you told me one thing and now i know another and i cant go without you Lor because you saved me and i would give up without you but i cant give up on this either it means to much to me already dammit" She pauses for just a moment before blurting it out

"Lor i'm pregnant" she says and his eyes widen and he just stares at her and i see her visibly flinch and more tears roll down her face silently until a very wide smile erupts across his face and he picks her up and spins her around with glee and i can see her eyebrows knot in confusion at his response

"But you told me you didn't want kids why aren't you upset?" she questions and i can see the betas smile drop slightly at this

"I do want kids Indie I just wanted you to myself for a little while longer before i had to share you with our kids there is nothing that makes me happier than the thought of you pregnant with my pups " I smile as a huge smile erupts on her face at her mates excitement and i sigh finally being able to relax into my own mates arms and as she grabs all of her stuff and leaves happily with her mate i decide just to lie on the bed not bothering with changing out of the clothes im wearing and i see my mate stand an pull our shoes off before climbing into bed with me pulling me close as i wrap the blanket around us snuggling into my own mate trying to sleep as my mind continues to reel from todays news and events.