
It had been three days and between the work i was doing with the pack and helping Lorcan and then all of the online shopping that Indigo dragged me into today had slipped my mind. Today Blake was arriving and hopefully i will learn who my parents are, but my mate was still in her coma and each day was getting harder and yet i still couldn't sleep. I had decided to go home but i couldn't find Lorcan to tell him about it.Until i walked into the kitchen to see him frantically pulling random foods out of the cupboards as Indigo sat gleefully on the edge of the counter swinging her legs.

"I've got to go home because i want to grab some things before Blake arrives and I need to sort a few things out"I say and they stare at me wide eyed with their mouths hanging wide open

"Like the place you live with Alex?"Indigo asks me rather stupidly

"Yes i know i haven't been home in awhile but i just really need to grab something"They just nod at me still looking shocked and i go to walk out the door "Oh and if Blake arrives please set them up in the office please!" I shout back as i step outside of the door. I walk the path that i remember perfectly the same path we had walked a million times before and I notice the way the flowers stood tall and the tree's cast the perfect amount of shade without it being actually dark. As i stepped up to the front door my hand hovered over the handle

'You can do this we need this' My wolf whispers to me and this is the first time id heard her talk since our mate had been injured and with this i open the door and walked in and i flick the light on since the curtains were closed leaving the room dark and i look around the perfect little room that we had spent nights on the sofa watching movies and i keep moving trying not to focus on one thing too much an i make my way to the bedroom that she uses and mine right across from hers. i decide to head to mine and i grab all of the clothes that are in my closet and i open the door to her room i look around seeing two doors. i walk over to the first on and pull the door open and its her closet and i walk in looking around and i see a half of the room completely empty and the other half filled with her own clothes I smile at this as i begin to place my clothes were they should go before grabbing leggings and a tshirt and i turn and walk to where all of her hoodies are hung and i let my nose lead to me to the one she wears the most and i almost snort at the hoodie as its shockingly plain black and i head into the bathroom and my mouth drops at the large room but i quickly step into the shower and I look around and go to grab my shower things but i left them in my own room and it was too late now but i saw Alex's in the corner of my eyes so i grab that.

I step out and start blow drying my hair deciding just to leave it natural after that as i pull on my clothes and i inspect her hoodie once more before pulling it to my nose her untouched scent lingering on it perfectly and i pull it over my head and i pull a bit of it over my nose and take in her scent again before i drop it and I look over myself in the mirror giving myself a slight nod before heading out and I put my shoes on from beside the door and i make my way back to the pack house.

"Luna!" I hear from what i believe is behind me and I spin to see no one there and then i turn back and see someone waving at my from up ahead but they look frantic so i hurry my pace and eventually hear shouting from ahead and i see a large crowd as looking at someone so i push my way to the front

"Whats going on"

"Will the Alpha ever wake up"

"We all know a beta isn't supposed to lead for this long" I hear them all shouting in agreement as i come up to the front my anger and my wolf's feelings of disrespect had gotten the best of me

"ENOUGH" The field goes silent at the strength of my command and anger "Now many of you know me as the Luna however many of the men do not so i suggest we all calm down and you stop ridiculing your Beta who spent a long time juggling pack work and his mate whilst i was still in shock however its my turn to step up so i suggest you all calm yourselves and just listen" The entire field was silent and even more people had joined us now "We are unsure when Alexandra will wake up and everyone is just trying to get through im currently doing all the work and i'm just doing my best so please this is a pack its time we start to act like one now from tonight every friday we are going to hold a pack bbq so any necessary information can be shared and i can get to meet you all any questions" I sigh as i watch the same girl that tried to take my seat in the dining hall that one time step forward

"How do we even know whether you are her mate or not?"

"One wolf can only bare their mates mark, correct?" I wait for her response in which she chooses simply to nod at this i pull the hoodie over my head and i brush my hair out of the way displaying my mark to the entire crowd and at this some shock and she just gasps and rolls her eyes storming away and i nod but before i can leave one of the warriors sinks to one knee and places a closed fist over their heart and I look at him a little shocked but the row by row they all dropped to one knee and i look to my side to see Lorcan down on his knee too and they all bow their heads at me and i feel tears come to my eyes and the loyalty and I stutter out a thank you as they all begin to stand, as they walk out of the field they all begin to mutter how much they cant wait for the pack bbq tonight.

"Luna?"I turn to look at Lorcan"Blake and the others have arrived they are waiting in the office"

I nod at him sending him a warm smile asking him to make sure everything is set for tonight as i head into the office where i knew something i had never thought id face alone was waiting for me. Walking through the halls had never felt lonelier than this i had no clue what do with myself and i stood outside the door for a moment praying to the moon goddess that she would send my mate back to me.

"Hello i'm sorry to keep you waiting i've just had somethings to deal with"I say not looking at the three people knowing what it meant but deciding not to say anything