
"She looks like us" The woman said to what i'm assuming is her mate who is just staring at me.

"Erm hi im Emmeline" I say unsure of what to do as i sat behind the desk watching as emotions filled their eyes

"We chose that we chose emmeline" She says gripping the man's hand firmly and we fall into silence as Blake looks uncomfortable

"Emmeline id like to introduce you to our parents" I look at him with shock in my eyes and my words catch in my throat

"our?" I ask unable to say anything else

"Im Kendra" The woman says to me"and this is my mate brett"

"We had a daughter when Blake was around four and it was amazing for a few weeks until we had an attack by rogues and i had left you and your mom at the house blake was with the betas at the time and when i got back you were you were" Brett trails off

"Gone how what happened to you?" i ask my curiosity getting the best of me Kendra looks at me with sad eyes

"They came in through the back i wasn't expecting it and i was tending to you, you had started screaming and i barely saw it coming and they hit me and they kept doing it until i was about to pass out and then they stabbed me and i couldn't move i just watched as they took you i'm so sorry"

"its not your fault"I say feeling no resentment towards her"So you are parents"

They just nod at me and their eyes simply scan mine and i stand from the desk

"Will you come and meet my mate?" i ask and Blake looks at me strangely and i send him a slight nod.

We walk out of the room in silence.

"We always cared you know" Brett says as he walks beside me "we kept looking for years we were still looking for answers when blake came to us telling us he had found you"

"Your mom was devastated she blamed herself and she does even now it broke her knowing that we lost you on her watch"

"Shes not to blame i know that it was never her fault" i say taking a breath "I just don't know how to act i don't know what to say to any of you my only form of guidance isn't here with me"

I open the doors to the hospital and they both look at me with saddened eyes as i lead them into her room. I walk over to her

"Hey baby"I start placing a kiss on her forehead "i brought you some people to meet you these are my parents it's my mom Kendra and my dad Brett and you'd never guess it but im an Alpha's daughter, Blake you know Blake but he is my brother apparently" I turn back to them and i see my mom with tears in her eyes "What's wrong?"

"You said mom"she says to me and i walk up to her and i wrap my arms around her and in this moment i feel comfort that i had never quite felt before with anyone.

"We have to go" Blake pulls us form the moment an my heart drops at the prospect of my parents leaving after just seeing them

"Its okay Em we will see you soon i promise" My dad says before wrapping me in his arms "and i'm sure next time we will properly meet Alex" I give him a sad smile and watch as they walk out and i turn back to my mate and i sit and i watch her.

"I really want to see those eyes Alex let me see them please" Yet nothing comes of it it never does.