Chapter One

The journey had been slow and tedious, this damn paladin was making it hard for me to enjoy my skills at being a thief, and a nightingale no less. Still haven't found the heart to return that skeleton key yet; it was proving to be too useful. Casavir was proving useful with his healing magic since I run into trouble more than I would care to admit. We had just finished fighting some bandits on the road near Riverwood. The last of them turned tail and ran. I drew an arrow, time slowed as I aimed then releasing the arrow, it hit its mark right through the chest killing him.

"My lady, that was not very honorable," he protested.

"Think of it as natural selection, anyone who is stupid enough to think they could rob the Dragonborn should die," I said simply. He constantly questions my methods, and sneak around when dealing with my jobs for the Guild, where proving to be difficult, I've simply had enough. I'd travel to the wall of oblivion if it meant more entertainment than the excitement I was having with this tin can. Reaching Riverwood, I gave the reigns of my horse to Casavir to stable, "I will get us some rooms and a meal. I'm having a bath. Did you want one?" I asked shouldering my pack. He nodded his head in agreement, "Yes, that sounds pleasant."

It had been awhile since I had been to The Sleeping Giant Inn, Orgnar would be sight for sore eyes. The last rays of light where disappearing over the mountains. Twilight, my favorite part of the day. My papa always told me I had the eyes of a Khajiit even though I was a Breton mix Nord. A couple of drunk men were hanging around.

"Oh look at this beautiful lass, she looks thirsty. I think I might buy her a pint of brew," he said in my direction raising his mug. Not sure how he could see me under my hood, I usually wear my magus circlet but when I enter towns I don't like to be recognized. UGH, I was not in the mood for drunk men, his companion, who was even drunker yelled, "Hey baby, want to lip wrestle with me?" I pull my arm back and punch him right in the nose. He fell to his knees in pain, blood gushing out, and his friend starts laughing at him. I turn and walk up the stairs, "Did that make you feel better, Princess?" A shadowed figure asked, "No, because I always throw my punches in two's, did you want the other one?" I ask holding up my other fist. He laughed, laughed right to my face. I pulled back my arm to throw my second punch, but he moved at the last second grabbing my arm and spinning me, pinning me with my back against his chest. "If you're looking for someone to kiss your boots, Princess, you should look elsewhere," he said in my ear. I struggle against him. He was strong. I suppressed a growl, taking a deep breath to not let my wolf take over me, he let go. I turned around to get a better look at him, tall and rugged, with dark auburn hair and a pair of golden eyes, a shade I had never seen before. "You look like you handle yourself pretty well. You available to hire?" I inquired.

"What does a wench like you need a tracker for?" he asked.

"Does it matter what I need a tracker for? Gold is gold," I said.

"I never said that you could hire me," he grumbled.

"Yeah, guess not, you look like you're really busy holding up that wall there," I replied.

His lip curled up exposing his canines as he chuckled, "Feisty, with a sense of humor, I like it. Let's say you do me a favor and then I would owe you one," he says, examining my sparkling green eyes.

"If you want favors you can ask the local wenches," I replied tartly.

"Don't flatter yourself, Princess. Not that kind of favor, I just need some help retrieving something of mine," he continued. Well, whoever this man was he obviously needed help. I did like helping people.

"What can I help you with?" I asked.

"My wolf Karnwyr he went missing a week ago. When I went looking for him I found that he had been captured by some trappers, there trail leads east of here. I wouldn't need your help but these trappers have grown into a small army of bandits, and I'm not about to go stumbling into their den without another pair of eyes and skilled hands," he said.

"I will help you get your pup back, ranger, but we do so tomorrow. I am in need of a bath, food, and a bed in that order. I am Breanna, what can I call you?" I asked entering The Sleeping Giant as he followed me in. "Just Bishop," he replied.

"Orgnar, Bath, rooms, food and mead, please," I greeted him.

"Well if it isn't Breanna Flamekeeper, been a long time since I saw you last, you know where the bath is but I only got one room," Orgnar said.

"That's fine, I guess we can bunk together like usual," I replied.

"Bunk with who, princess?" Bishop asked, helping himself to some mead.

At that moment Casavir appeared at my side, "with me," he said. Bishop was annoyed and amused at the same time.


How in oblivion did Casavir of all people get to enjoy this minx?

"Let's have that bath now," I said reaching up under Casavir's cuirass to pull him along, enjoying Bishop's jaw on the floor and Casavir's blushing cheeks as he protested.

"My Lady, that is not proper."

"I thought you were going to guard me from danger?" I asked with a bit of laughter in my voice.

"My Lady, I can stand guard outside the door," Casavir said, stopping at the door way refusing to enter. The only fun I ever have with Cas is when he gets all flustered.

Bishop moved to the doorway, "Well, if you're offering princess, I'll join you, help scrub your back," he said with a mischievous smile. "NO!" Both Casavir and I said in unison. Bishop looked a bit deflated but I felt he was not going to give up that easily. Casavir finally gave in and entered the bathing room with me.

Casavir entered the bathing room with me, closing the door and latching it. He walked around to check its security, then found a stool near the door and planted himself on it facing the wall. I walked up to him his face red as a tomato, I began unbuckling the various buckles on his plate armor.

"My Lady, what are you doing?" he asked pulling away slightly.

"You know as well as I you can't reach some of these, that is why knights have squires but you don't have a squire, you have me." I said removing some of the pieces, then I finally coaxed his chest piece from him, the tunic he wore was damp and stained with a few bloody splotches. He looked up at me a mixture of emotions swirled in his beautiful bright blue eyes. He stood to tower above me, his eyes never leaving mine. My heart ached for him, he was full of pain, I pulled him into my arms, the top of my head fit right under his chin. He held me back, there was no words we just needed the comfort of familiarity. He finally turned me away to undo my armor, I heard him take a sharp breath in as he realized I wore nothing under my armor.

I chuckled "Did you really think I wore anything under this armor that fits to my body like a second skin?" I ask stepping out of it revealing my milky skin a few silvery marked scars marred my well toned body. He placed his hands over his groin to hide his obvious excitement, I was unashamed of my nakedness, however he refused to look away.

"Still not ready to be truthful to yourself I see," I said walking around him and stepping into the tub. Casavir faced the wall the whole time I washed the dirt and grime from my body, I did the same to my armor and hair. Hanging my armor to dry I also dried myself and slipped into a soft cotton tunic and leather pants, my hair still wet I lean over Casavir's shoulder and kiss his cheek as my wet hair drips down on to his pants.

"Your turn," I said then turned and walked out.


By the wall of Oblivion that woman got under his skin. Was it cruel the way she purposely teased him? She was right he was not a saint or god, he was just a man, a man who wanted that woman. Could he be just a man again after the sin he committed? He did not know, but he could feel her start to slip from his grasp, he needed to make a decision, say goodbye and stick to his vow or to hell with his vow and give her the torturous pleasure she gave him day in day out.

I emerged from the bathing room combing my fingers through my long red hair, Bishop holding up the wall near the door like he previously was outside, a smirk of amusement on his face. "Did you enjoy that as much as I did, Ranger?" I asked, glancing at him from the corner of my green eyes.

"Your hobbies are amusing princess, you enjoy watching the paladin trip over himself. I knew there was something that I liked about you, but the man under all that armor wants you, and one of these days he's going to break, you should be ready when it happens," he said, then headed off to his room that was right next to ours. I wondered what he was thinking, who was the man behind the ranger? I would have lots of fun with these two if I played my cards right.

Casavir was not happy that I had agreed to help Bishop, "My Lady you should not trust him, he is deceitful and only cares for himself," he said protesting sitting on the edge of the bed in our rented room next to me.

"I am not the fair maiden you paint me as Cas, I am a woman that has seen many things, I read people very well, everyone has darkness in them, even you," I said taking his hand in mine, to comfort him. He was shocked by my words and looked defeated, he went to protest but I cut him off. "Stop denying it, the more you lie to yourself the unhappier you will be, you need to come to terms with whatever issues happened in your past, you can also choose to leave my services if you are that unhappy with my decisions, now let's get some sleep," I said pushing him down on the cot and had fallen in next to him pinning him between me and the wall on the cot before he could protest about sleeping on the floor. I was getting lonely sleeping by myself all the time.

A moment had passed before Casavir spoke, "Breanna I will stay by your side for as long as you need me," he said placing his hand on my arm. It was the first time that he had called me by my name.

A few days into our journey a roar came from the sky and the ground shook. I drew my bow. Bishop had eyed its workmanship. I could only begin to guess if he knew its origins, being a nightingale. Most of my armor was nightingale as well. I know he sure enjoyed watching me walk in front of him as my hips swayed in the tight fabric, "Want to see who the better archer is? I asked with a wink.

Bishop laughed, "what's the mark Princess?"

"The dragon's eye," I said as it came roaring down on us Casavir running past us to grab the Dragon's attention while we attacked it with our ranged weapons. "Tiid Klo Ul" I shouted. Time slowed as I drew an arrow and aimed took a breath in then released the arrow as I exhaled. My arrow found its mark with deadly accuracy, time caught up to me and the dragon reared in pain. I didn't wait to watch if Bishop made his mark, I pulled my cloak from my head letting my loose curls fall down my back pulling my dagger and short sword from my hips I ran in to join Cas.


He stared in awe. She was quite the woman, so sure and confidant of who she was, never willing to back down from a fight even against a dragon. She is a beautiful warrior goddess. The stance she took as she drew her bow was from long hard training, it was perfect. The craftsmanship of her bow was very unique, and both her bow and armor carried the sigil of a night bird cradling the moon in its wings which only symbolized one thing - she was a nightingale in the service of the Lady Nocturnal. Bishop drew his arrow and let it fly but too distracted by the flaming hair trail behind her blades drawn to attack the beast, his arrow just hit the beast's snout. The dragon turned to snap at her. He shot three arrows in unison to dissuade it from tasting her flesh. Casavir called for her to use her voice. What did he mean by that, he wondered. She opened her mouth and spoke that strange language again, "Mid Vur Shaan," she shouted, both Bishop and Casavir's weapons began to glow blue with strange powers filled with battle fury. The language she spoke was full of power. Casavir had lunged in with his great sword. Ripping it out caused a splash of blood that sprayed across Breanna. She climbed atop the beast's head sticking her sword into the dragon's skull as she used her dagger to stab around her sword in various places. Pulling her blades from the beast she jumped down from its falling head and tumbled out of the way. Bishop had raced to her side, fearing her injured as she hadn't gotten up.

Bishop hauled me to my feet but my legs still gave out and I sunk against him, as the dragon's power left turning it to ashes and bones. Its power swirled around me. I took a sharp breath as its power found its way into my body and the pain that came with absorbing it, it was not as bad as the last dozen times or so. I looked up into Bishop's golden eyes, I saw something in them but not sure what, he looked down at me covered in the blood of a dragon, my body still humming with power and kissed me. His soft lips captured mine, I felt his raw sexual energy flood through him and into me, he finally broke the kiss after some time, "why didn't you tell me you were the Dragonborn?" He asked his breath ragged.

"I thought you preferred tavern wenches?" I asked out of breath as well.

"I have my eyes trained on a better target than any tavern wench," he replied.

"Are you telling me you prefer a woman covered in the blood of her enemies?" I asked glancing at the state I was in.

"Mm, not a perfect woman is she, more's the pity," he said pulling me tight against him. Raw desire mixed with regret shone through his eyes as Casavir's gauntlet fist smashed into the side of Bishop's head knocking him a few steps back. Casavir pulled me into his arms. "Don't touch her you wild animal. Keep your hands to yourself, Ranger," Casavir hissed. Bishop came up with his knife drawn, Casavir pushed me protectively behind him.

"You know Paladin, she doesn't need you to defend her honor; she is quite capable of doing that herself," Bishop said, holding his razor sharp weapon.

"Zun Haal Viik, " I shouted making them both drop their weapons. "Bishop is right, Casavir, I am quite capable of taking care of myself. It's no concern of yours who I kiss, until you want to step up, and if you're going to fight, use your fists. No killing each other!" I said, storming off to find a stream to wash the dragon blood from my armor.

It had been two weeks since we set out on the journey to collect Bishop's wolf. It had been amusing to listen to these two banter. Bishop had been right; Casavir was about to break. I pondered whether it was a mercy to let him for once be truthful to himself or if it was cruel teasing him. It's not as if Casavir wasn't attractive. I had wondered what his lips would taste like, what raw passion would come through like the river breaking the dam. But there was something about Bishop that I was drawn to, something in me wanted to help him, help him more than retrieving his wolf. He needed saving. His sharp tongue and wit hid something that was broken within him. I froze all of a sudden as we traveled across the land, "My Lady, are you well?" Casavir asked for he was always attentive with me. I fell to my knees, nauseous with the sudden chanting in my head, there was a word of power near. I took a deep breath as I was hauled to my feet, shocked to find myself in Bishop's strong arms. My lungs tightened and my heart jumped to my throat. I looked up into his golden eyes and swallowed. Concern mixed with regret painted on his face for a moment before returning to his unreadable features.

"Do you need help with a rock in your boot again?" He asked tenderly, bringing on the memory of how he caressed my skin even though it felt like he was going to rip my leg out of its socket when he pulled my boot off.

"-N... No, Bishop, a word of power is near, in that direction." As I pointed to the base of a mountain in the distance you could see a ruined temple, and surprise crossed his face.

"Word of power?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's a Dragonborn thing," I said, turning and heading to the ruin.

"Last warning, Bishop. Keep your hands off of her," I heard Casavir snap at Bishop.

"It must be hard for you to walk around with your cock all hard under your plate armor," Bishop goaded him. I shook my head, BOYS!

The ruins were scattered with cultists. I stealthily took them out with each arrow. Bishop even got a few. Bishop seemed to be getting even more agitated as we moved deeper into the ruins. The narrow passageways opened up to a large room with six cultist and their leader. They were easily picked off but I could have swore I heard one yell, "she's here." The room led down a corridor and there was another path Bishop had volunteered to scout, going the other way. As he stopped for a moment, the look he gave me scared me, like he was saying goodbye. The corridor was a path that lead above an open room and was caged with bars, possibly to prevent falling. This did not feel right, something was wrong. I took a few steps and noticed some more acolytes at the end of the hall; this was a trap.

"Breanna, My Lady," Casavir spoke to halt me. "There is something amiss," he urged again for me to stop. I had to continue, several things were happening at once.

"Cas, please wait here," I told him. He nodded as he saw my eyes change from their sparkling green to the glowing red of the werewolf. I held the change to utilize the senses as a wolf, but not fully turn. I had to do this alone. When I reached the middle, my vision blurred and a voice louder than the chanting took over.

"Well done, Ranger you brought me the red haired beauty I spoke of, you may have your wolf back. You have both served me well," the voice said. A Daedric Prince, I should have known, but which one was I dealing with? I didn't blame Bishop for what he did; we were, after all, getting his wolf back, however under false pretences. It's not like you have any choice but to go along with the Daedric anyways. But it would be a cold day in Oblivion if these Princes would get the better of me.