Chapter Two

A few days passed since Bishop got his wolf back, by leading me into a trap. Casavir was livid when he found out what Bishop had done. However I didn't blame him, I know how the Daedric Princes bend mortals to their will. Bishop seemed remorseful and in turn joined us, made some comment about watching my backside. Casavir didn't like it one bit but he did vow to stay by my side for as long as I needed him. Boethiah quested me to retrieve their champion's ebony mail, she was no longer pleases with her current champion and wanted me to claim the title for myself. Both Bishop and Casavir argued so much they neglected to pay attention to what was going on and at some point I had fallen and was gravely injured, what did they expect me to do eat fourteen cheese wheels? When I awoke I had some nice new armor with powerful enchantments and more squabbling.

"By the Gods, if I am not dead, kill me now so I don't have to listen to your bickering any longer!" I pleaded putting a hand to my head trying to sit up. Both of them came to fuss over me. The top of my armor had been removed, I wonder how that happened. There was a bandage wrapped around my chest and over my right shoulder and it hurt to move, laugh, and breath.

"Don't move, it took a lot of magic to get you this far in the healing process, here take this." Casavir said, handing me a healing potion. I choked it down, it was extremely potent, stronger than what I was used to.

"How long was I out for? And which one of you helped me out of my armor?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "It was me, My Lady, you have been unconscious for two days. Please take it easy," he said helping me sit up. Bishop had a strange look in his eyes and seemed out of place, not really knowing what to do. The pain was beginning to subside, it would take weeks, no months before I would be able to pull the string back on my bow.

"I am in need of some food and a bath," I said. That got Bishops attention and he ran over to the fire and collected a baked potato, grilled leeks, and some venison. He hands me the plate, it smelled divine, I devoured the meal. I caught a small smile on his lips, probably because I had an appetite. Casavir had helped himself to some food as well and when Bishop came back to take my plate, I grabbed his forearm with my uninjured arm and looked him in the eyes. My eyes pleaded to him, he understood that I didn't want to be set on the shelf like a broken toy. He hauled me to my feet, I took a breath in, the jarring motion caused some pain.

Bishop didn't carry me like Casavir would have, he let me walk on my own, I felt my muscles flex, testing my limits. It was late afternoon as he led me to a nearby hot spring, I could smell the sulfur in the air. "Would you like me to help you bathe, Princess?" He asked as I walked past him, I heard him make a low growling sound. "What is the matter?" I ask plainly. I hear the faintest movement and he's standing just behind me, brushes my red curls away from my right shoulder. His calloused thumb gently caresses a tender raw spot on the back of my shoulder, I realize it's the spot where the blade exited my body.

"Why don't you wait nearby in case I need any assistance," I suggested over my shoulder. Bishop sunk into the shadows of the trees, I knew he was nearby. I could still feel his golden eyes burn into my flesh as I peeled the rest of my armor off and removed the bandages. I examined the mark, yep that was going to leave a scar. Oh well, one more to add to the collection I thought sinking down into the hot springs. The heat from the water instantly soothed my sore muscles, I made a small sigh. I truly needed to relax, I reached down between my thighs and found the round nub between my folds. I remembered that Bishop was nearby, I wonder; would this get him all hot and bothered? I continue rubbing it around, I leaned my head back and let a moan escape my lips. I heard a rustle near some trees.

"For a ranger you sure are noisy," I said with a smile. "And what are you doing, trying to attract wild animals? He accused as he revealed himself, and from the bulge in his pants he seemed pretty put out. "Well I did attract you," I said as I continued stroking myself, meeting his gaze. "Do you need help relieving some tension, sweetness?" He inquired, offering to help me. "No, but you're welcome to watch," I said with playfulness in my eyes and voice. "Mmm feeling naughty are we? If I'm watching, so are you, princess." He said playfully as he took off his leather chest armor exposing his very muscular chest. I watch him, gaze intense, as I slip one of my fingers inside making a low throaty moan. He began to slowly unlace his leather pants, I bit my lower lip in anticipation. We were both mesmerized by our sensual play, I gazed down over his well shaped chest and abs, noting a few scars here and there. The trail of auburn hair from his navel continued down between the flaps of his pants he just unlaced. Not yet revealing himself, he pulled off his boots then turned around exposing his back to my hungry eyes. His broad muscled shoulders flexed, my fingers still continued to send waves of pleasure through me as the tension inside me was tightening. Bishop slid down his pants displaying a nicely toned ass, his skin was a natural tawny color all over.

I let out another moan as I reach up with my other hand and start to play with my erect nipple. "Enjoying yourself, princess?" he asked over his shoulder. "I would be but you're holding out on the best part," I said in shallow breaths slipping two finger inside in rapid succession. He finally turned around to display his erect member, and full sacks, he reached down to cup and hold himself. His tip peaked out from the folds of his skin, and it glistened from his moisture. I was tempted to take his thick long cock in my mouth so I could taste his seed. But such pleasures would have been too soon in the sensual dance we were moving to.

Bishop climbed into the water across from me and began to stroke himself, the skin of his shaft flowed over his hardness. He let out a moan of his own and I matched my strokes to his. I was breathless, and we were entranced as we held each other's gaze. His eyes glowed a deep honey color, his breath quickened along with the pace of his stroking. He made a deep growling moan that threw me over the edge. We both cried out in pleasure at the same time, his was a growl and mine was more of a scream when I climaxed. Bishop could no longer stand to be so far from me anymore and he had me in his arms in seconds, his body pressed up against mine, his still hard cock between my thighs but not entering me. He had my arms gripped and my still hard nipples pressed against his chest. I looked up at him, my green eyes glowed with ecstasy as I was still in the throes of my orgasm. He was about to kiss me when what sounded like a swamp boar charging through the forest began to draw closer to the clearing, we both turned to see it but it turned out to be just Casavir.

Casavir turned the brightest shade of red I had ever seen, not only did he turn red but he saw red too. Casavir started to cast one of his smiting spells on Bishop, "Stand aside My Lady while I smite this rapist," Casavir said. "I don't rape women," Bishop growled, I could hear the anger in his voice. I moved in front of Bishop. "Bishop wasn't doing anything that I didn't enjoy," I said as I began to counter with a warding spell. "Only scum would take advantage of an injured woman," Casavir continued. He was so angry that he lost his grip on his magic and released its full force on me. I put up my ward as quickly as I could, Bishop's hands were at my waist to support me from being pushed back. The blast was strong, I only hope that I had enough magic to hold the ward long enough to outlast it. I felt my skin begin to prickle and change, it darkened to an ashen blue grey as my Dragonskin took over absorbing the lashing of the rest of the smiting spell. Lightning wasn't the smartest choice standing in water but I struck back with just enough force to knock him off his feet. Bishop was out and dressed from the waist down and had his knife pulled out quickly, I was able to procure his shirt that fit me like a small dress.

I stood above him, smoke rose up from his armor, my skin began to change back to its creamy milk color, Bishop's shirt clinging to my wet body I sat atop Casavir chest plate pinning him to the ground. He grunted under my weight. "This is what happens when you're not truthful with yourself, you lose control," I said, placing my fingers on his neck to check his pulse. Casavir reached up snatching my hand with his un-gauntlet hand so I was able to feel his flesh with my hand in his, I met his gaze, his silvery blue eyes held such pain. As he sat up and my slight frame slid from his chest to his lap. Casavir reached up and ran his fingers through my hair and pulled me to him one hand behind my neck the other on the small of my back and he kissed me. His lips devoured mine, I felt like I was drowning in a sea of passion and I had been abandoned. His tongue explored my mouth deepening the kiss, he tasted of spices, spices I had never tasted before. I found it strange being kissed so feverishly by Casavir who wanted me with every fiber that he denied its very existence for so long. When not even ten minutes ago I was in the throes of passion with Bishop who also wanted me but was not afraid of or denying it. Instinctively I found my arms around him kissing him back, but what did this mean? That's when we both heard Bishop laugh. I pull away and begin to make my escape when Casavir reaches up to stop me, "behave yourself," I said looking back with a small smile. As I walk past Bishop I tell him the same thing. He smiles at me, his canines showing, "when might I expect my shirt back?" He asks, turning to face me. I remove it as I continue walking and toss it over my shoulder at him giving them both a nice view of my backside as I slip into the forest stark naked.


Bishop lifted the shirt to his face so he could smell her scent that lingered on it, with the shirt still up to his face he looked up to find the most beautiful white wolf he had ever seen, with very familiar green eyes. He got down low and turned to his side to invite the wolf into his space, it trotted right over and sniffed him breathing in deep to catch his scent. He reached out and ran his fingers through the wolf's soft pelt then it bolted off back to the forest. How very strange he thought.

"You just met My Lady's dire wolf, Ranger tried not attacking her," Casavir said, turning to gather her things then heading back to camp. "Pft, like I would attack that beautiful majestic creature, wolves are kinda my thing Paladin, if you haven't noticed," he said following after him.

When they got back to camp he found Karnwyr gone, the paladin assumed that he and Breanna had gone for a run in the forest. So the princess was a werewolf, Bishop found that rather interesting. He had run into a few over the years and always found he could relate to them but never thought to join their ranks. Too much of the lone wolf, an alpha. The day waned and turned to night then day broke, still no sign of them both. The Paladin was content with staying where he was but Bishop was not, he collected a few things and went tracking. Bishop had recognized Karnwyr's tracks and discovered hers in turn, they were only slightly larger than Karnwyr's. A dire wolf would have been much larger but hers were smaller probably because she was female, another tracker would just think her an alpha not dire. He knew how Karnwyr thought so it was easy to follow their tracks till the river and the tracks ended. He cursed, till he saw a fresh kill across the river. As he got close he realized that a wolf or two could easily take down the deer he found. He found himself smiling, he was really enjoying all the little secrets about Breanna, she was turning out to be quite the woman. He continued following the tracks up the mountain, the higher he got, the colder it got. He wrapped his bear cloak around him as a strong wind blew down the mountain, a storm was blowing in. Bishop didn't like how fast the weather was turning. He found a natural outcropping that was blocking most of the wind, looking like someone had camped there before. He set up a few things before attempting the fire, but it just kept blowing out. He finally just gave up and curled up in the most protective part of the cavern. He tried to sleep through as much of it as he could but it was too cold, he knew if you fell asleep in this you were not waking up. He could hardly see anything in the darkness while the wind howled, blowing the snow around. It would be extremely hard to find Karnwyr and Breanna's tracks after this storm. The sound came from the wind. It was a howl but unlike the one the air made. He heard several growls through the wind. Bishop reached for his knife ready for a fight.

Hardly able to see four wolves entering the out cropping snarling, "let's dance pups, I could use some more fur to keep me warm tonight," Bishop said out loud to himself. Out of the corner of his eyes a white wolf with green eyes charged in with a black one behind it. The white one, Breanna took on the leader, teeth bared snarling while pawing at the ground, back legs ready to spring and attack. Karnwyr in line next to her, they took a few snaps at her but she snapped back pressing forward. A moment of silence passed then the small pack whimpered and ran off, Bishop sighs putting his weapon away both her and Karnwyr turn to him with those wolfish grins.

"I've been looking for you, Princess," he said going back to his corner to curl up and keep warm. She padded up to him and nuzzled into him, she made a small whimpering sound and Karnwyr followed in and nuzzled into his other side. They were sharing their body heat to keep him warm. He looked at her, her wolf had the same swirling green eyes she did. She flopped down close to him, he flipped the extra part of his bear cloak over her and ran his hands through her soft pelt again, feeling its softness, he took a deep breath nuzzling the top of her head, her wolf smelled of fresh snow, as the warmth seeped into him he drifted off to sleep.

Bishop woke to the course tongue licking his face, "Ok, ok, I am up," he said giving in. Breanna sat back on her haunches, her tongue lolled out the side of her mouth in a goofy grin. "Your something else you know that, Shewolf?" He said standing up and stretching, then kneeling down to her. He reached up giving her fur a good rubbing on her neck, "thank you, I might have been a frozen snowman if you hadn't shown up with Karnwyr." He said to her. Collecting his things he pulled out a package and set it in front of her. It was her armor and weapons, she turned and went to the edge of the outcropping. Guess she doesn't want to be human for a while.

"Princess," he called to her and she turned to him. "How about we go hunting?" Bishop asked with a smile. She barked at him and sauntered out a bit further into the fresh snow sniffing the air.