Chapter Three


It had been days since Breanna left and Bishop followed after her. Had he found her? Perhaps staying in one place was the wrong decision. That is what he had done before so she could find him again. However, she was a wolf. She could easily track him. His mind agonized over what could happen. Her sudden absence worried him... especially after he finally kissed her. That kiss was heaven as he held her in his arms. She had kissed him back. Whatever had been going on before he showed up he had no idea, but he felt horrible about being so outraged that he had let his magic slip.

The sun had set and Casavir had built a fire. Ever since that storm the weather had been colder than usual. He ate a portion of his meager food when his magic sparked to a presence in the shadows. He strained to hear, but nothing stood apart from the sounds of the wilderness all around him. He focused his power to see if he could pinpoint the location. As soon as he turned, realizing it was behind him, a white wolf tackled him to the ground then licked his face.

"My Lady, where have you been?" Casavir asked scruffing the fur at her neck. Breanna barked at him and showing her excitement. She transformed back to her original form, lying atop him naked.

I smiled sweetly at him. "Casavir, we need to speak candidly, we have traveled together for quite some time. You have always acted the blushing boy, however I know there is a man underneath all that armor you wear. That kiss was very wanton. There is something more to you. Paladins are not required to take vows of celibacy, so this vow must be of your own creation. But why? Plus the way you act towards Bishop has me questioning your current choice of fighting Class. Why the vow and what do you have against Bishop?" I asked resting my elbows on his chest, then my chin on my hands.

"Something happened in my past with another woman and ever since then I vowed not to be with another one. As for Bishop he is and always has been trouble. He cares for no one but himself. The kiss was a moment of weakness, though. Of that, you are right, my lady. I hunger for you, like I have never hungered for anything else, ever! I can't lose you to him," he said looking at me, a sadness in his eyes.

"People can change, Casavir," I said.

"He will never change, he will corrupt you, and your light…" Casavir persisted. It was clear he was going into his "Bishop is evil rant" , but I stopped him.

"Will you listen to yourself? You are lost in your own misery. I am not innocent. I am the daughter of a Thirsk Chieftain. I am well versed in many things, one of them being reading. That is how I know a Paladin's true powers come from their pure heart. You must have faith in yourself and in others. Faith that you can make a difference, and have love even for your enemies. That even the most irredeemable people can have a change of heart. You are lost if you cannot find the faith to redeem yourself from the actions of your past. Your "vow" is a bandage on a seeping wound that is slowly killing you. Find your faith, and heal yourself," I said. I then went to get up but he he placed his calloused hand on my bare lower back and brought the other hand back up to my neck and pulled me down for another long, sensual kiss. My red hair fell down around him.


Every word she spoke was the truth. He wanted to hold onto her with everything he had. He wanted, no, hoped that she could help heal himself. How was he ever to see redemption in others if he couldn't bring himself redemption for his past misgivings? It would be hard to control his rage around the ranger where she is concerned. She had not yet decided who to choose. He knew that to win her he would have to have complete control.

His kiss melted me to him. He ever so carefully rolled us over, he loomed atop me. His cold steel cuisses on his thigh was pressing into the hot center between my legs. His hand still cradled my lower back. I felt the tension in his hand itching to move lower to cup my buttocks. His other forearm holding his upper body weight. He broke the kiss that left me short of breath. "My Lady, you are right, perhaps you are more of a paladin then I. My vow of celibacy was a vow of my own and not to the God that I serve. It was to protect - protect myself and others. I am humbled in your presence, and cast aside my vow of celibacy for which I have held for seven years. I make a new vow before you, a vow to fight my demons and heal myself so that I may become worthy, because you My Lady, are worth risking anything and everything for," he said before capturing my lips again. This was a side of Casavir that I never knew. All the things that he said, were true. I felt there truthfulness, plus Paladins don't lie. All of a sudden Casavir tore away from my lips and went stiff.

"Now, who's the rapist?" I hear Bishop hiss, I look down to see Bishops knife poking up under Casavir's cuirass.

"Because, My Lady would be very displeased, with me being injured and bleeding all over her." Casavir said looking down into my eyes that began to glow a red as I brought on the change of my wolf. Placing my clawed werewolf hand on Casavir's armored chest, I used my wolf strength, pushing him up into the air. I followed him up with one paw I push Bishop away and with the other paw, I grabbed hold of Casavir's armor to settle him straight. I stood between them full lycan form. Much like my wolf, I had white pelt and my eyes glowed red with the power of Hircine. I snarled at Bishop slightly showing my displeasure. He lowered his knife.

"Well what do we have here?" he asked. I lean on all fours as the change claims me turning back into myself. I hear both of them take a sharp breath in, thankful for my long hair for once it draped around me.

"ENOUGH! Both of you! You may both try to claim me, if you can. But you will not fight each other over me! As you both can see I am quite capable of defending myself," I said. Walking past Bishop, he grasps one of my loose curls, bringing it up to his nose to smell it.

"I never walk away from a challenge, Princess," he said with a smile.


It had been a long day. The sun was beginning to set. We were nearing Riften. I needed to check in with the guild. "I can escort you through the Rift's Forests; I know a few spots where no one can see us. Just you and me, alone, with no distractions and no clothes," Bishop suggested with a smirk.

"Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you Ranger?" I said with a smile.

"Of course, I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to see your beautiful curves," he said making a swooping motion with his hands, stepping in close to me. I put my hand on his chest and push him away.

"You smell, go take a bath," I said.

"Ah no, I'm pretty sure that's just you princess. Maybe your smell is rubbing off on me," he said.

"Fuck off," I curse in retort.

"Or on. Anytime, anywhere, your Highness," he goades back.

"You wish," I reply.

"Mmmhmm, I do indeed," He answered right back, like he had to have the last word. Hooves pounded behind us and I was instantly scooped up and deposited in someone's lap. It was Casavir's and before I could get my bearings, I heard him whisper in my ear.

"My Lady, I thought you might be in need of some rescuing from some vulgar conversation," he said as his horse trotted along, leaving the ranger behind as if I was a princess carried off by the white knight.

I relaxed in his lap and rested against his chest. He tucked his head down and smelled my hair. "Don't listen to him My Lady you smell divine, I, however, am in much need of a bath and would be honored if you would squire for me like before," he asked settling his arm around me snuggly.

"It would be my pleasure," I said. Reaching up and touching his face, he smiled warmly at me. The one thing I enjoyed about Riften is I could come and go without the guard knowing. My home, Honeyside had an entrance on the outside of the wall along the lake. It wasn't the grandest of places but it served my needs. Bishop parked himself on the porch. The spot suited him. Casavir entered while I waited back. Bishop had his arms folded and was leaning against the rail. I chuckled to myself at the sight. I stood up on my toes and kissed him on the cheek. His brows shoot up and he turns to look at me with a mixture of amusement and disbelief.

"What was that for?" He asked, looking down at me.

"I'm happy you're with me Bishop," I said. Bishop smirked then swiftly pulled me to him. He slowly slid his hand down my back, stopping at my buttocks. He then took my chin between his calloused thumb and index finger and stared directly at me with his piercing honey-tinted eyes.

"This is how I prefer to do it," he said, then kissed my lips, crushing me against him. The only thing between us where our clothes and I found myself for once cursing the armor that I wore. I reached up and found his head and ran my fingers through his auburn hair and held on to him as he deepened the kiss, his tongue explored my mouth coaxing a moan from my throat. I was lost. He was kissing me the way I wanted, no needed to be kissed: fiercely, frantically, desperately, as if my lips was the only thing keeping him alive. I pull away from the kiss and took a step back, giving a mischievous grin while looking up at him.

"You still need a bath, Ranger," I said and pushed him over the rails into the lake below. I heard a splash and then a growl. "Cool off, and don't come in sopping wet," I said with a giggle.

I found Casavir down stairs, bath tub set up as he sat on a stool releasing the buckles on his sabaton to remove his boots. "You are the only one who can almost sneak up on me, My Lady," he said as I started unbuckling the straps of his cuirass.

"You know the reason why?" I ask, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Because you have darkness in you," he replied, placing one of his hands over mine.

"No, Shadows preserve me. I serve the Lady Nocturnal, Casavir. I am a Nightingale, bound for life to serve the night mistress," I replied, removing his chest piece and setting it aside. He had removed the padded tunic exposing his glorious chest muscles. As he gazed at me, he captured my neck with one hand and my lower back with the other as I turned around.

"My Lady, how could you serve the darkness with such light and goodness?" He asked, searching my eyes for a logical answer. But, there was none. None that he would accept, anyway.

"I don't serve darkness. My Lady Nocturnal is not evil. She is a scolding mother at times, but she would never ask me to do anything immoral. I hid in the shadows. Any door I wish unlocked, I can unlock it, no matter the mastery. Even unlocking Ebonmere, granting mortals entrance to The Evergloam to Nocturnal's plane of Oblivion. I shouldn't even be speaking of this to anyone," I confessed. Breaking eye contact, I heard him sigh.

"That is a lot of power for any one mortal to handle, even the Dragonborn," he said with a chuckle. "But how?" He persisted.

"With this," I said pulling the skeleton key from my pouch. "Your right. Its temptation is powerful. I want to return it but…" I broke off and a shadow crossed my green eyes. "It's mine, I shall keep it," As I spoke the words I did not recognize my own voice.

"My Lady, it's lure and power are beginning to overtake you. You must return the key to its lock, where it belongs," he pleaded, concern in his silvery blue eyes. I could only nod my head in agreement. I slipped the key back into my pouch, then he pulled me into his arms.

I let him hold me, like we held each other many times before. It was no different now that he cast aside his vow. It was so tender, my cheek rested on his bare chest, my fingers reached up and caressed the etched lines of his pecs and abs. I felt them tense under my touch. I stepped away slightly so that I could finish the buckles on his Cuisse. Once removed, he moved so swiftly, capturing me in his embrace once again. I was lost, I was unsure who I wanted more: Casavir, the polite Knight, or Bishop, the wild Ranger. He spun me around to face away from him, swiping my hair to one side of my head. He then pressed his lips ever so closely to my ear and whispered into it. His voice and breath made a wave a pleasure travel down my spine. "Join me, My Lady," he said, one hand on my hip the other traveling up my back to the laces of my armor.

I wasn't sure I was ready, but I couldn't help get lost in his lips and caresses. I nodded my head in agreement. "Yes," I whisper. Upon hearing me, his agile fingers began to unlace the top of my armor, exposing my neck. His lips traveled down, his fingers continuing to untangle the laces exposing my shoulder. His lips stopped at the scar that almost claimed my life and ever so gently he kissed it, then his tongue snaked out to caress it. A bolt of excitement rushed through me and I put my hands up on the wall to steady myself.

"Do you trust me, Breanna?" He asked against my skin, sending more waves of pleasure down into bottom of my belly.

"I trust you with my life," I said closing my eyes.

"I only want to please you, will you do as I command?" he asked with deep sensuality in his voice. As he undid the last of the ties letting the armor fall from me exposing my breast, I gasp as the air touches my skin. His hand reached around and caressed the abs on my torso while the other hand worked on the lacing of my pants. My breath quickened; I felt I couldn't breath. His hands felt like heaven, his seven years of abstinence became quickly nonexistent.

He was a well apt lover, I smiled, by the Gods! Whatever made this man stop pleasuring women should be denied entry to Sovngarde. He turned me around and captured my lips with his, a hand at the back of my neck, his fingers curled up into my hair. His other hand slid down into my pants cupping my backside he let out a moan. I respond with a moan of my own as his lips trail down. His hand followed to cup my breast. My breast were not large but they weren't small either. They fit his hand just right. I gasped as he took one of my nipples into his hot mouth and began to flick it with his tongue. He continued down tasting my skin with his lips and tongue. He stopped at my abdomen and curled his fingers around the top of my pants to pull them down my legs as he watched intently, exposing the red curls that adorned the opening of my sex.

He swiftly picked me up. The rest of my clothing fell from my body and placed me in the tub of water on his lap. His strong legs under mine, I gasped as his hard cock slipped between my folds, the tip poking through my legs. I reached down to caress it but he stopped me.

"No touching," he commanded playfully as he moved my hands to the tub edge. He bathed both of us. It was a slow sensual torture. My breath came in quick gaps. That's when he finally lifted us from the tub and laid me on the soft cot nearby drying my skin. Every touch, however light, was electric, the power pooled in my womb. I need release, he pulled me to the edge and spread my knees apart.

"I will not enter you tonight, My Lady, but I will give you release," he said in a low husky voice that was ever so sexy. He kneeled between my legs and his wet tongue found my hot center. I bucked my hips and cried out. He ever so slowly flicked around each fold till finding the round nub at the top that he took in his mouth and began to suckle. As I arched my back, his hands slid up to rest at my hips to keep me from moving. I dug my fingers into the furs as his tongue flicked down to the entry. With quick, repetitive motion, he thrust his tongue in as far he could manage. The tension he built in me exploded as my muscles contracted on his tongue. He gripped my hips.

My legs quivered as he moved them up to rest on the cot. I reach for him. "Let me pleasure you," I asked, wanting to return the favor.

"My Lady, it has been quite sometime since I partook in these activities, and you see, your pleasure gave me pleasure. I have already spent myself," he said with a blush. I blushed in return and smiled, while biting my lower lip. I pretended not to look but when he got up, although I could tell he was still hard even after he spent himself. He settled in next to me, naked under the furs, and fell into a restless sleep in his arms.