Chapter Four

I awoke before anyone. I donned my armor and crept out, sneaking past the ranger who was passed out on the bed upstairs, Karnwyr barely stirred. The air was crisp with the morning chill as I walked the silent streets. A few guards patrolled as I slipped past the wall to the Temple of Mara. Slipping past the side gate, stopping just on the other side of the wall, I squeeze into the corner and wrap the shadows around me hiding me from sight. I was being followed. Whoever they were, they were apt in moving without sound. Another assassin, perhaps? I slipped my dagger from its sheath, its weight was balanced perfectly. I went in to backstab them but froze when the wind blew his musk male scent over me.

Bishop! He froze as well. I tried to quell my heart that hammered in my chest. It was so loud I thought that he could hear it. He looked over his shoulder and looked directly into my eyes. I gasped. Could he see me? He then turned and looked around. I exhaled. He cursed and sped up back to the thoroughfare. I smiled, he had the excellent aptitude for becoming a thief.

I slipped into the crypt and pressed the secret button that was a shadow mark a diamond with a circle in the middle. The shadow code for Guild. It ground open allowing me entrance into the Cistern. Instantly, I was greeted by those who knew me. We had a few new recruits. That was nice. The Ragged Flagon was bustling now more than ever. More and more merchants set up shop, which meant more gold coming in.

"Why can't you settle down and run the Flagon with me?" Vekel asked her.

"I don't want to settle. I like things the way they are." Tonilia replied, taking a drink from her mug.

"Come on, Ton. Marry me. Let me take care of you." He asked, placing a hand on hers at the bar.

"I can take care of myself," she said getting up and storming off to her usual place on the docks. Poor Vekel, poor Tonilia, I hope they work through their issues. I snuck up on Delvin, but just as I reached him, he looked over his shoulder.

"I may be old, my dear, but I am not that old," he said with a chuckle, scooting out his chair.

"One of these days, I will surprise you!" I said, reaching for the chair next to him but he swiftly captured me and set me on his lap.

"So, what do you think, my dear? Could a beautiful woman like you ever see yourself with an old codger like me?" he asked, gripping my hips in a grinding motion.

"Absolutely," I said with a chuckle bringing my hands up to his shoulders.

"Oh, really? Well then… How can I make that happen?" he asked, squeezing me closer to him.

"When you're in your grave and I'm standing over it." I said, pressing the concealed dagger up to his neck. His hands released me. "Delvin, I'm here for a job, not your cock, you dirty old man," I continued, getting up. Vex roared with laughter. "Pathetic," she said and went back over to her seat.

"Ok, alright. I got your point loud and clear, can't blame a bloke for trying though, dear," he said with a little chuckle, hands in the air in surrender. I sheth my dagger.

"Now, what's the best job you got?" I asked with a smirk.


I slowly exited the crypt through the graveyard back towards The Temple of Mara when a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. He had pressed his rugged face against my ear and whispered.

"I found you, Princess, now I get to claim my prize," Bishop said dragging his hands down to my hips. "I didn't realize I was a prize to be won," I said. He spun me around, lifting me up and pressing me against the wall as he pressed his lips to mine. I melted into him. Wrapping my leg around his waist, I felt a pang of guilt run through me as the image of last night with Casavir flashed in my mind. But I wanted this man before me to kiss my lips.

"Only the best prize. You gave the paladin his prize last night. Now, it's time I collected mine!" He said against my lips, his golden honey eyes staring into mine. My eyes widened in surprise.

"What, you didn't think I knew? Please, Princess, your walls are like parchment. I heard every sweet little sound you made. I know you want me as much as I want you. Time to sample my goods before settling on which one of us can truly satisfy you, the woman you are. Breanna Flamekeeper, Nightingale, Archmage, Companion, Werewolf, Dragonborn?" He persisted, gripping my hips and rubbing them on the bulge in his pants with every word. I thought of his nakedness and what awaited me if I gave in.

"You're not jealous?" I asked.

"No," he said plainly.

"Why?" I persisted.

"Because, Ladyship, you will be mine, even if I have to travel to Oblivion and back. Mine and only mine." He said glaring, his eyes claiming me for himself and no other. Any woman would want to be claimed by this man, but would this man allow himself to be claimed by a woman? I decided to inquire. I used each of my heels to push into the back of his knees making him fall on them. I quickly stood. I now had him on his knees in front of me. His hands fell to my ass, his face near my abdomen.

"But Ranger, will you be mine and only mine?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Looking down at him, his honey eyes darkened, then looked away.

"I'm my own man, Princess," he said. I knew he wasn't ready to submit. Something held him back. I was not going to be a conquest. If I chose Casavir, I would be his and he would be mine. There would be no question of loyalty from him. But Bishop, I just didn't know.

"If you think that for one second that I will submit to you, without any sort of notion that you would be mine as well, you're dead wrong, Ranger. Dead wrong," I said then walked away, leaving him on his knees.


He couldn't believe that wench pushed him into the lake! She was right though. He did need to bathe. But he wasn't going to admit that. He hung his things near the fire to dry when he began to hear her muffled cries of pleasure. Well, well, well. Looks like the Paladin got to her before he did. He fleetingly thought to intrude but then decided against it. He would wait, bide his time. The paladin couldn't possibly tame the flaming passion that is the Dragonborn. She has the soul of a dragon, the only thing that could possibly compete with that was another wild soul. He was that, a wild soul. More animal than man at times, it's what he had to do to survive. His time would come.


I prefer to stay off the road. I liked to travel the most direct path. Unfortunately, we ran into all sorts of beasts. There were a few bears and even a sabercat. However, wolves avoided us. Bishop enjoyed the journey but he was quiet - too quiet. I had entrusted the skeleton key to Casavir for safekeeping and to resist the urges it gave me. We traveled our way through the mountain pass on our way to Helgen, hoping to catch sight of the dragon that devastated the town. Bishop knew his way around the forest which put me at ease. He must seriously be thinking of what we had discussed earlier. As we neared Helgen, it was getting dark, so we decided to stop and make camp and look into the runes tomorrow when there was more light.

Casavir went about building camp. There were a few loose logs nearby but we would need more. Bishop was a little ways off crouched down. I went over and kicked his boot with mine.

"Come one, Ranger let's go see what we can find." I could tell he was itching to scout ahead. We walked along the path, Bishop taking the lead. "So you want to tell me why you have been so quiet?" I asked, kicking some rocks as we walked.

"No," he replied curtly.

"All right," I said, feeling a bit annoyed that he wouldn't answer me. "Can I ask you something then?"

"Sure. What's on your mind?" he replied, slowing his pace to match my stride.

"How did you become a ranger?" I asked.

"It was necessary to learn how to survive in this damned world. Either survive or die. It's life, sweetness, and I had to learn the hard way," he answered, plainly and without reservation.

"Did you lose your family?" I inquired wanting to know more about him as I watched the side of his face.

"Not exactly. I was born to a family of hunters. I was often taken out for practice. The Reach taught me to always check my footing twice, and the cold northern regions hardened me enough to withstand the bitterness of the wind. I was hunting giants from the age of ten - you know, for sport. I had fun with my bow. We traveled a lot too, from place to place. We were pretty nomadic. I watched and learned. One night, I just decided to take everything I had, which wasn't much, and struck out on my own." he said. As he told his story his voice softened a little at the memory.

"Do you wanna maybe share about your life story since you were curious enough to ask about mine?" he asked, glancing at me.

"Where to begin?" I asked myself rhetorically. " I was born to a Chieftain of Thirsk, on the island of Solstheim. I grew up at Thirsk Hall. Not a place for most children, but my Pa, Hjarknir Green-Hand, would not have anyone else raise me, 'specially after my Ma died. I am what you call a half-breed. My father was a Nord and my mother a Breton. I resemble my mother and have some of her magical traits but I got my strength and my lycanthropy from my father," I replied beginning my tale.

"But your last name is Flamekeeper?" He asked.

"Yes. I don't know much about my mother. She passed when I was young. Flamekeeper was my mother's name and my father wished to keep it alive. My father is a great warrior. He ruled over Thirsk for twenty-seven years," I continued. Bishop began to chuckle.

"What?" I asked.

"I guess the fact that I call you Princess is indeed true," he said, continuing to chuckle. I punch him playfully in the arm.

"I suppose you're right. All the men there did treat me as such, but I could hold my own. My father was the one who taught me how to shoot a bow. He wanted to teach me something useful, something he thought women excelled at better than men," I said with a smile.

"I noticed you have an excellent form that only comes from hard training. Your father was a good teacher. I might even like to meet him someday," he complimented me.

"I'm not sure that would be a good idea. Besides, I haven't the foggiest of clues of where he might be," I responded, looking down. He stopped me and tilted my head up with the crook of his finger so that he could look into my green eyes.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Being a young female, I explored my sexuality and took a lover. It just happened to be my father's best friend, who was very skilled in bed. I believe he worshiped Dibella. Needless to say, my father was not happy. A duel ensued and my father killed him. After that, I left - not of a broken heart, mind you. I just couldn't be contained and I needed freedom. Shortly after that, Bujold became the new Chieftain by slaying the great beast of Ilfark." I said.

"What? Can anyone become the Chieftain of Thirsk? Seems pretty easy," he inquired.

"Well, truth be told, yes. Any warrior, regardless of race or sex, could claim leadership of the mead hall by displaying the most impressive battle trophy on the great hall's pedestal. So long as the spirit of Hrothmund the Red consented, that warrior would be named chieftain. Hrothmund was the first leader of the hall," I explained.

"So how did the whole Dragonborn thing come about?" He asked.

"I took a ship to Windhelm and traveled down to Whiterun when I heard of a Dragon attack. Well, any true Solstheim Nord wouldn't pass up the chance to fight one. Who would have thought that after killing it, its soul would tear me asunder. I thus began my quest to learn of my destiny fighting dragons with the power of the voice - a Thu'um. Thus is the story of the mighty Dragonborn known as Breanna Flamkeeper." I said a bit mockingly, with a bow.

"So, when will you allow me to be your lover?" He asked with a smirk, showing the tips of his canines. But, there was a softness in his eyes. Perhaps telling him my story opened him up to me.

"My lover? Are you serious? Because this would not be a one-time thing, you know?" I asked, wanting to hear the answer I longed for.

"I am a hell of a lot serious! I want you, and Oblivion be damned, I don't think I could get enough of you. Come here before I lose it!" He confessed, exhaling slowly, a sigh of warm breath as if he'd been holding it back. Then, I felt his leash break. There was no other way to describe it. Whatever had been holding him back was now broken and lying on the ground five miles behind him. He pulled me closer, my chest pressing into his own so hard, I could feel his heart race. Claiming my lips for his own - hard and fierce - his body pressed against the entire length of mine. His eyes opened, staring straight into mine. They were hungry before, now there was a raging frenzy. He captured my lower lip in his teeth, his eyes narrowed with satisfaction as I gasped.

"Mmm you sexy woman," he growled.

"Sweet Shadows, you're an amazing kisser," I confessed against his lips. One of my hands had reached up into his copper hair and the other wrapped around his back. He lifted me up effortlessly and pinned me against a tree.

"Am I stirring something inside of you, Princess? Desire? Passion? I would gladly stir it some more till you give in, till you are utterly and hopelessly mine," he said low and seductive in my ear. His breath tickled the fine hairs on my skin.

"You make it hard to resist you, Ranger," I confessed, completely and utterly honest. I had wanted to taste this man's hot skin ever since the hot springs.

"You will be mine tonight, Princess," he vowed, an excited shiver ran through my body. I tried to speak but I couldn't find my voice or the words. My tongue flopped around in my mouth but nothing came.

"Your voice trembles and your eyes wander. You lie so badly it's a joke, you could be more convincing than that! I want you now." He saw right through me. My eyes half-closed, drunk on the pleasure he gave my senses. I had wrapped my legs around his waist. I wanted and needed to be taken senselessly, my body ravaged slowly till my energy released. Then do it all over again, and again, and again. Bishop pushed my cowl back exposing my red hair. It glowed in the moonlight. He ran his fingers through it, stopping at the back of my neck to kiss me. Thrusting his soft tongue into my mouth while gripping my hip with his other hand, I moan into his mouth as I cling to him. He breaks away to tear at my armor. I go stiff under Bishop and he freezes as well, realizing something is wrong.

"We are being watched," I whisper in his ear. "They don't realize I can see them in the dark or smell them with my sensitive nose," I continued, scrunching my nose from the smell.

"Ah, Ladyship is that why you wanted me to bathe? Did I irritate your sensitive nose?" he asked, reaching for his knife. My eyes glowed red with the coming of the change.

"You smell divine right now; excitement, danger, arousal," I said, lapping my tongue out and tracing it along his neck up the scruffy, unshaven cheek to his scar that doned his left eyebrow. "What do you say?" I asked.

"I'd like to give them a show, but I will settle for hunting, she-wolf," he said with a smile.