Chapter Five

We quickly discovered that the ruins of Helgen were overrun with bandits. The three that decided to peep on us were just scouts; scouts that would be noticed missing. We had no other choice to continue. I cast a temporary spell of sight on Bishop so he would be able to see me when I am cast in Shadows. I pulled out my duel daggers, and he used his bow. I took out the ones on the ground while he snagged the ones up on the walls. We were eventually noticed and the alarm sounded. Bishop wound up being a sitting duck out in the open, they swarmed him. He switched to his knife. He was well mastered at but it would not be enough on the numbers that continued to grow.

I brought the change on, my lycan form took over. I howled at the moon. The bandits froze, enough time to let Bishop kill two more. I rushed out of the shadows swiping with my claws. Adrenalin rushing in my veins, I pounced a burly bandit with a nasty hammer to the ground behind Bishop. He nodded his thanks for watching his back and I turned and buried my muzzle into the bandit's chest and ate his heart. Bishop was in a heated battle with the last bandit.

With my night vision I could see an archer on the wall that was missed. I would not be able to get to him before he fired his arrow that was aiming at Bishop. As much as I wanted to let Bishop have his kill it would have to wait. I rushed so fast Bishop almost took a swipe at me. I shredded the man's exposed belly with one swipe and his guts fell out as he fell to the ground. I yelped as the arrow sliced through my torso. Bishop grabbed his bow and step to the side, and shot his arrow right through the bandit's head, killing him instantly. I howled as my body burst into flames from the inside out I sank to my haunches in my lycan form. I blinked, and in shifting mist transformed back to my naked human form. I looked down at the arrow, then up into Bishop's honey colored eyes as my vision blurred, I fell into his arms.

"Why?" he whispered. I was unsure if he was angry or sad. He knew I had purposely stood between him and that arrow.

"Because,"I said, placing my hand on his cheek and smiling weakly. "You're worth saving." Then my hand fell, my eyes closed, and I fell into darkness.


"Breanna! Stay with me! Wake up!" He said. Her eyes fluttered, but did not open. She was losing too much blood. He had to get her to Casavir. He picked her up and began to carry her back all the while making a special whistle so that Karnwyr would hopefully be able to here.


He had the fire nice and warm and a pot on cooking some food. Karnwyr who had curled up close by all of a sudden made a whining noise and his ears perked up. Casavir watched the wolf. Karnwyr got up and moved in the direction that Bishop and Breanna had gone. Something must be wrong, he thought and followed after the wolf. A little ways in the distance he saw a shape in the moonlight it was carrying something... no, someone! By the gods he was going to kill that man, if it was the last thing he did. He ran to them as Bishop ran to him.

"Help her!" Bishop shouted in a panic as he collapsing in front of Casavir. Blood was everywhere, she was naked. His rage boiled within him. Casavir broke the end of the arrow and pushed it through the rest of the way, bringing the tip of the arrow up to his nose. The bitter scent of poison greeted his nostrils.

"This arrow was meant for you," Casavir realized, giving it to Bishop and pulling Breanna into his arms. Her wound began to bleed more profusely now that Casavir removed the arrow. At least he had some sense to leave the arrow in so she didn't bleed out on the way to him. His hands glowed as he began to use his healing hands on her. The blood stopped and the wound closed, but she didn't wake. Casavir lifted her in his arms and carried her back to camp.

"Why isn't she waking up?" Bishop demanded.

"Because you idiot! She still has the poison in her body," Casavir said, covering her nakedness and laying her atop a bedroll. Casavir went over to Breanna's pack and rummaged through it till he found a small glass vial filled with a blackish red liquid. He dropped a small amount on her lips seeing if he could get a reaction. There was none. She was pale and still as death, her skin cool but her heart still beat.

"Force her to drink it," Bishop said impatiently, annoyance clear in his voice.

"It's our only vial, it cant be wasted on forcing her to drink it," Casavir retorted, matching him in annoyance. "We wouldn't have had to use it if you'd kept her safe. I guess I can't even trust you to do that, Ranger," he taunted.

"Give it here," Bishop snapped, snatching it from Casavir. He knelt down and pulled Breanna limp form into his arms. In one swift motion, and before Casavir could stop him, Bishop downed the potion then kiss Breanna, forcing her to drink the liquid from his lips. A small amount trickles down her chin. He saw the muscles in her neck work as she swallowed.

Casavir stood there, shocked at how tenderly Bishop handled Breanna, how he slowly let the potion into her so that her body accepted it. Only someone who truly cared for her would treat them as such. He was at a loss for words. Had Breanna truly got this selfish man to care for her? Now his heart ached. He was beginning to see the world the way she saw it. How he should be seeing it.


My body was on fire. The only relief to the pain was whatever sweet liquid I was swallowing. I couldn't move as much as I tried. It was dark, and I struggled inside myself my body a prisoner of my mind. As I got more of the liquid into my body I was able to move, when I realized strong lips were feeding me the precious liquid. My arms ached but I was finally able to reach up to place my hand on his face. Refusing to let him pull away, whatever this man was giving me it was healing the fire in my body. The liquid gone he still continued to kiss me, I suppose to make sure I claimed all of the liquid. He eventually pulled away, I gasped finally able to move a bit more but not fully.

"I'll gladly help you drink potions like this again, Princess" he said, in a low seductive voice. I knew that voice. I opened my eyes to Bishop's honey golden ones. I felt the heat rise in my face; I was blushing. It's been a long time since a man had made me blush.

"Now that you're safe, I'll go get your things. Rest," Bishop commanded settling me down then getting up and whistling to Karnwyr. Casavir was by my side as soon as he left.

"Casavir… There is something wrong, I'm not fully healed. I can't move my legs." I confessed to him. His eyes widened he reached down to the cover.

"My I, my lady?" he asked, always the gentleman. I nodded my head 'yes'. He moved the fur aside and laid hands on my legs. The touch of his hands on my calfs brought back the memory of that sensual night we shared. A shiver ran through me.

"Can you feel my hands on you?" he asked, beginning to rub my skin.

"I can feel that but I can't move them," I explained, my brow furrowed in concern.

"I will need to examine you further, may I? He persisted. I nodded my head.

"Of course," I responded. He removed the fur and began to use his magic examining me. His palms caressed my skin and it tingled. I had to hold in a gasp as a ripple of pleasure washed over me. Casavir used a water skin to soak a cloth to wash the blood from my skin so that he could get a better look. I was able to move my arms and upper body, but not my legs. His hands continued to roam my bare skin, and the magic in his hands was pure bliss. I could hold the sound in anymore. I bit my lip as the moan escaped them, and Casavir blushed.

"My Lady, I apologize the healing has a tantalizing effect, please try and endure it a bit longer," he said as he gently rolled me to expose my backside. I rested my face on my folded arms. Casavir continued his healing hands that continued to build an aching fire in my core. His hands reached the spot the arrow penetrated my body, I cried out in orgasm as Bishop re-entered the campsite, carrying my gear. He drops it and rushes over.

"What do you think you're doing?" he growled and punched Casavir. Casavir was able to block a bit of the blow, protecting his face, and they square off and began to fight. I was still panting in the afterglow of my orgasm, trying to catch my breath.

"STOP!" I try to yell, my voice still ragged. I push myself around to a sitting position and pull the fur up, finally able to take a deep breath.

"Kaan Drem Ov!" I shouted. This was serious and I needed them to focus and not fight. Bishop calmed and focused on me and realized I was still sitting.

"If you would kindly get your head out of your ass long enough to realize there is more going on here," I said, with a note of sarcasm.

"Well, what the hell is going on then?" he asked as he began to pace.

"My Lady is having a side effect to the poison. It might still be in her system" Casavir said, returning to my side to finish his examination. I hold Bishop's gaze and gasp as Casavir's spell tantalizes my skin once again. Bishop's jaw flexed, and he growled slightly then turns to gather my discarded armor.

When Casavir finished the spell, I was helpless and vulnerable; needing help doing the simplest things. Dressing, even relieving myself. It was pathetic. They both helped, but I hated even needing them to help me do these things.

"Come on Princess," Bishop encouraged as he lifted me up into his arms then shifting me slightly as he carried me over and hands me to Casavir, already mounted on his horse. I couldn't ride mine without the use of my legs, so Bishop road my horse Gypsy and I road with Casavir on his. We bypassed Helgen and headed North to Whiterun to the Temple of Kynareth in hopes to find a cure.

We couldn't travel as fast as we wanted. We had to make frequent stops. I could still feel my legs but couldn't move them, so the paresthesia came often and we had to stop to stimulate them. It was late, so we camped next to the river. We would make it to Riverwood tomorrow, to see if anyone knew anything there about my condition. I had hardly eaten, I just wanted to sleep. I had rolled over and put my back to the fire. I was just starting to drift off when the tingling needles came. I woke and bit my lip to keep from making a sound as tears began to fall from my eyes. I never expected to become a cripple.

"Princess?" Bishop said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I made a sobbing noise as I inhaled. He immediately scooped me up which made me cry out in more pain. He carried me over to the water and walked in till we were both submerged.

"Everything's wet now," I said with a pout. My legs instantly felt better and he released them and they floated down. I held on to his shoulders and he held on to my waist. I would not be able to swim without the use of my legs.

"Your beautiful legs needed the relief" he said. There was something in his golden eyes, something I couldn't quite recognize.

"My legs are far from beautiful right now," I grumbled, looking way. He pulled us out of the river and began stripping us of our wet clothes. It was a hot night, but I shivered as my wet skin was exposed to the air.

"Regardless of your condition, you are still beautiful," he persisted, picking me up, my cool skin touching his hot tawny skin. We sank back into the river as he held me tight against him. He made no advanced at me despite being very much aroused. He washed my skin and hair then laid me on a soft cloth on the bank and lounged next to me on his back, his hands behind his head. After the air had dried us, he dressed both of us then sat behind me wrapping his legs on either side of me. He had pulled out my hairbrush and began to slowly ever so gently untangle my red hair. Once untangled, he quietly braided it, tying it off with a strip of leather. Gathering me in his arms, he brought us back over to my bedroll where he laid us down and wrapped his arms and cloak around me. I found myself snuggling into him I scrunched my nose at his scent, as I drifted off I thought that I would never forget his scent.

We only stopped briefly in Riverwood before we would be able to make it to Whiterun by sundown. My body began to burn and ache, the paresthesia only got worse as we continued. It was well after dark when we showed up at the gate of Whiterun. Casavir had carried me to the Temple while Bishop took care of our gear and horse. He sat me down on one of the benches then went to talk with the Acolyte Jenssen he said his name was. Both Jenssen and Danica had never heard of nor seen my condition before. We would have to wait till the morning to speak with Arcadia who ran the Alchemy shop in town. They thought it best I stay at the Temple. I started to panic. I couldn't stay here! Bishop entered and beeline straight for me. I grab ahold of him.

"I can't stay here, it's too open," I told him urgently, trying to quell my panic. My body continued to burn and ached.

"Say no more, Princess" he replied, waving his hand to silence me and picked me up. I had gotten accustomed to being hauled around, but it still felt humiliating being so helpless. He carried me past everyone conversing about me.

"Bishop, where are you going with her?" Casavir protest.

"We are not staying here," he growled over his shoulder at Casavir. "When you find the cure we will be at the Bannered Mare. Until then, find out what you can," he continued. The distance from the Temple to the inn was short but another wave of prickling sensation came back to my legs.

"Barkeep we need two rooms," he requested.

"I only have one available," the bartender replied. A blonde beauty in the corner piped up.

"I think I can help you, big man. My name is Neeshka. Do you think I'm pretty?" She asked strolling over to us. If I wasn't so ill, I'd tell her to back off.

"I think you're a pest. Go away, flea. Barkeep, is there nothing else?" he retorted stepping away from her and turning to speak with the innkeeper.

"Well, I do have a small cot next to the bathing area. It would be a bit cramped with all the produce I have stacked in there," the innkeeper replied.

"I'll take it, with a reduced price for the inconvenience, and the single room. Can the single room be well secured?" Bishop asked.

"Why yes, I had some trouble a while back and had some nice sturdy locks place on the door recently," he responded to Bishops question about security. I clung to Bishop tighter as the pain in my legs intensified.

"Do you have a bath?" Bishop inquired.

"We sure do. Water's still warm, too, only been used twice" he replied.

"I'll wash your back for you, big man. You don't need her," Neeshka said with a pout.

"I already told you to get lost, flea" Bishop growled. The innkeeper showed us the room then the bath.

"No one's getting in here, not without making a lot of racket and waking everyone up," he said, inspecting the security. Bishop carried me behind the panel and helped me remove my leggings before setting me in the bath slowly. As the water touched my legs it soothed the pain away.

"You sit her for a bit while I put our things in the room" he said as he gathered our packs and headed out but he was stopped at the door by that woman.

"Get out flea!" Bishop barked at her.

"Will you stop calling me flea? I'm a thief, not a flea," she cooed. What a horrible thief as well, I might have to look into her membership with the guild.

"Because you're a parasite, attaching yourself to a body to make use of it for food, protection or whatever. Until you move on to another body. Or are caught and get pinched to death!" He said, I could hear the irritation in his voice.

"Okay, I get it. But you are what I desire in a man and I would be a fool if I didn't give it every effort," she continued in her sweet voice.

"Consider it given. Now, get lost." Bishop said, the irritation still building in his voice.

"I make a good belly warmer, you know!" She quipped.

"Not interested," he growled between his teeth reaching his limits.

"What makes her so special?" She asked. I froze, was he turning her down because of me? A small smile spread on my lips as I strained to hear his answer.

"She just is. Now get lost," he said with a sigh.

"I'm better for you then her!" Neeshka shrieked at him.

"Get out of here now, or die, your choice" he snarled, finally broken of his resolve to keep it civil.

"I just want to be with you," she said with a pout.

"That's impossible, now, get out" he said.

"I could be good for you," she persisted.

"You come into this room again, I will slit your throat!" Bishop threatened.

"Fine! I'll just go then!" Neeshka huffed, as I heard her boots stomp away. Seriously that girl had to be the worst thief ever. A moment later, Bishop returned.

"How are your legs?" He asked, the harshness of his tone earlier gone as he began to massage my legs.

"That girl Neeshka seemed quite taken with you," I said casually, looking at him examining his expression.

"Must be my animal magnetism" he replied, his tone cool.

"I've noticed," I said, with a raised eyebrow.

"Is that right?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow of his own, the corner of his mouth turned up slightly. Sensing that I wasn't going to get any more information out of him, I stay quiet about it.

"My legs are better, but the feeling of fire in my body is getting stronger. It feels like the poison is still in my system," I confess. Bishop lifts me out of the tub and covers me with a cloth, carrying me to the room. He carefully placed me on the bed he makes sure the door was locked.

"Do you want to tell me what you meant at the Temple, and not wanting to stay there?" He asked as he removed his armor.

"It's too open, I'm being targeted by the Dark Brotherhood. I have already killed two of there would be assassins," I admitted.

"Hells, woman!" he cursed. The muscle in his jaw flexed and his hands tightened into a fist. "You should get some sleep," he continued.

"Bishop, will you stay with me?" I asked, my voice shaking with emotion as it bubbled up to the surface.

"I'm not going anywhere, Princess" he promised, coming over and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Will you be with me tonight?" I persisted. If I was dying, I wanted to be with this man before I was unable to.

"My Lady," he whispered the muscle in his jaw flexed again. He seemed reserved, like he was holding back. An internal struggle to control his animal urges with something more human, more gentle. "I would have loved for you to ask that of me days ago, but under the current situation, your health comes first. When you're up walking around, you better be coming my way to wrap your beautiful legs around me. But till then let's hold off on that." He said pulling me into his arms and tucking me under a fur.