Chapter Six


Acolyte Jenssen and Danica had some theories but he would still have to wait till he could talk to the Alchemist. It was late when he got to the Bannered Mare the barkeep told him that Bishop had procured a small room for him. It smelled of carrots.

"The man who paid for the room is upstairs with the lady," the barkeep informed him. Casavir's fist clenched but his anger dissipated just as quickly as the rage had appeared. Bishop would care for her, even in her weakened state he wouldn't force himself on her. Casavir had to have faith that Bishop could change, just like he was.

A roar came from the sky as a dragon landed in front of me. Let's do this, I thought reaching for my bow, but it was not on my back. I moved to grab my double daggers on my hips but they were gone as well. Think! How did I cast that spell again? It moved closer as I backed away. I couldn't remember a single spell, not a one. That is when I realized I was naked. The Dragon reared up and sprayed me with his fire breath. I was burning. It was so hot, the smell of my burning flesh and singed hair filled my nostrils. I couldn't breath. I coughed and choked and as I closed my eyes in surrender, my eyes snapped open. It was only a dream, I thought, gasping for breath. My body ached so much, it took an incredible amount of effort to move. I finally was able to pull the furs off of me and started tearing at my clothes when Bishop woke with a startle, pulling his knife out.

"Princess?" he whispered, realizing that it was just me.

"I'm burning up, Bishop. It's so hot I cant breath," I rasped, desperately trying to remove everything that touched my skin. He reached up with his knife and cut the tunic I wore. It fell off me, exposing my skin. It was little escape from the constant burning. He pulled me into his arms and carried me downstairs where the tub had been emptied. He sat me in it. The cool stone was wonderfully refreshing. Slowly, he began to fetch cool water to fill the tub for me to lounge in. The noise had woken Casavir and he swiftly joined in on filling the tub with the cool water. Casavir had cover the tub with a cloth and spoke with the innkeeper about the situation and compensated them for the inconvenience. Morning came and the inn began to come alive.

"My Lady, how are you fairing?" Casavir asked. His eyes held sadness as he reached down to caress my cheek. With his touch came his healing magic and I closed my eyes. "Your skin is cold but your insides are on fire. I will find you a cure, if it's the last thing I do. Bishop will stand guard. Rest and save your strength," he said, then kissed my forehead and left.

Casavir managed to buy the whole stock of cure poison at Arcadia's Cauldron. They would slow the poison eating away my insides but for the poison that ailed me, she need rare ingredients to mix the potion. Thankfully, she knew of a general location of where the herbs would be found. Since Casavir knew more about healing, he chose to go while Bishop would be tasked to look after me. I watched as they exchanged words at the door.

"You look after My Lady," Casavir said, grasping Bishop's forearm.

"You find those flowers," Bishop said grasping back. They both held each other's gaze testing each other's measure. Their grips tightened in a silent threat to one another. Each knew that they had to rely on the other to insure my survival. They were actually getting along. Why did I have to be dying for them to get along? Well at least Casavir was beginning to see that Bishop wasn't 'evil'.

I didn't have to lounge around in a tub all the time due to the cure poison potions that held the poison in my body at bay. Arcadia would stop by and check in on me to make sure the potion's were keeping the fire in my body under control. I even had a surprise visit from the twins.

"Breanna, we came as soon as we heard," Farkas said, kneeling down next to the bed grasping my head on either side and giving me a deep kiss. It was a pleasant greeting that brought back several pleasurable night that I shared with the brothers. They were 'very' good at sharing. Farkas moved aside and let his brother Vilkas, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, greet me with the same deep kiss. Bishop grumbled from the corner.

"It's true. We came right over. Please rest well so we can spar again, and maybe this time I will beat you." Vilkas said with a chuckle. The brooding in the corner continued all through the visit with the twins.

"Who is the brooder?" Vilkas asked, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder.

"You should let us care for you," Farkas cut in.

"Boys! Please, that is Bishop. He's protective and he's doing a fine job of caring for me. Thank you for coming to check on me, but I am fine. There's no need to worry," I comforted them. They each gave me another kiss and took their leave. Bishop slammed the door behind them and locked it.

"Are you angry?" I ask as he began to pace the room.

"No!" He replied curtly.

"What do you think of the Companions?" I ask.

"Does being a Companion make you proud of yourself, Ladyship?" Bishop inquired with animosity.

"Of course I am, being apart of the Companions is an honor. I'm not just a Companion. I am also the new Harbinger," I said defensively.

"Just look at the way those two brothers look at you. They're nothing but two hungry dogs looking to make a meal out of you," he growled.

"Oh, you mean like you?" I ask folding my arms across my chest.

"Now now, Ladyship, don't tease me with your words or I just might have to take a bite," he said, stalking close to hover over me. "If those two fools think they can snatch you from under my nose, they'll have my dagger between their ribs," he continued, snatching my chin with his thumb and index finger.

"Bishop, is that possessiveness I hear?" I purred looking up into his golden honey eyes.

"With all due respect, ladyship, you're mine...Unless you would rather run off with one of those... mutts!" He continued, the growl in his tone reverberating und each word.

"Vilkas and Farkas were my lovers. They are a part of my pack, but they are not the Alpha. I need an Alpha to tame me. Are you that Alpha?" I ask, searching his eyes for an answer.

"I am," he declared moving the last couple of inches to claim my lips with his. I reached up and tangled my hands into his hair holding him to me. Like he was air and I need breath to live. I felt his raw wild passion lick at my skin as his hands roamed down to pull me tight against his chest. He broke away from my mouth and trailed his lips down the front of my throat. I felt his lips close around one of my scar along my collar bone. He kissed away their ugliness. His lips parted in tingling butterfly kisses that drained the strength from my knees.

I realized he was mouthing words against my skin.

Not words. Just one word.



Bishop had declared his possessiveness of Breanna. If he considered himself a predator, a wolf, an alpha. Well, damn, wolves mate for life, but was he ready for that? The sweet sounds she made and the the way her hands tugged at his hair made him want to bury himself deep within her, claiming her, marking her as his. Removing any memory of the Paladin, the wolf brothers, or anyone else she might have shared a bed with. Her breath grew shallow as she clung to him. He needed to stop now or he would not be able to control himself much longer. He had told her she had to wait till she was cured and had use of her legs again.

"Sweetness?" Bishop groaned, pulling away slightly. "I want you with everything that I am, but I won't take you while you are sick. I want you well so I can take advantage of all of you. Have another potion and get some sleep," he said, handing her one of the potions from the nightstand. She blushed. Gods, she was sexy when he got her to blush. It was hard to do since she was so open about her sexuality, but when he got her to blush, the fire went straight to his groin- not that the fire wasn't already there. It had been for quite some time now. He went around the corner to sit in one of the vacant chairs to drown his arousal in mead.

The fire Bishop had started simmered into an ache. I knew he was right, however, and was able to fall into a deep slumber. I awoke back in Jorrvaskr, not a stitch of cloth on me but I was warmed by two very strong male bodies. The musk male scent was intoxicating. I moved my hips slightly to stretch when the one behind me grab my hip with his big, strong hand and small claws dug in. A rumbling growl vibrated my back and his big cock pressed into my backside.

I was shocked and excited at the same time. I had never thought to make love while in the half change. The scent of my arousal woke the male in front of me. I looked up into Farkas's eyes showing him the glow in my own of the half change as my nails grew and my teeth sharpened. He smiled down at me, a hunger in his eyes as he brought on his half change. He stuck his already hard cock at the valley between my legs. I moaned and behind me, Vilkas began to kiss my neck and, every so often nip at me with his sharpened canines. Farkas began to lap at my breasts and nipples with his tongue; it was rough like a wolf's.

The fire in my loins was growing and I would soon want more. I lifted my leg and draped it over Farkas's hip. With my leg up, Vilkas slipped his hard cock between my cheeks and began to rub the tip of his member into my folds. This gave Farkas the room he needed to slip inside of me, my claws dug into his chest as he buried his hard cock deep inside of me. Vilkas reached up and turned my chin to face him and his lips crashed into mine and caught my lower lip with his sharpened teeth.

"Mmm. That feel good, Shield Mistress?" Farkas groaned as he began to move inside of me and I moaned into Vilkas mouth as Farkas nuzzled into my neck taking in my scent. Vilkas slipped inside of me alongside his brother with a growl, needing to bury himself inside of me as well. I gave a pleasurable whimper as they both slammed into my hot center in unison as they stretched me. Farkas more gentle and tender as his hands and mouth explored my skin, sending bolts of excitement through my body.

"I can smell your heart beating, wildly like a caged wolf," Vilkas growled, wild excitement in his voice as his claws dug into my back. The wolf in him was beginning to take over in him as he thrusted his growing cock deeper than his brother into me. Vilkas was reaching his limit; if he didn't have release soon, he would be full werewolf and I was worried that my half change wouldn't be able to handle that size while his brother was still inside of me.

Farkas kissed me deeply and reach down between us to rub the sensitive nub at the top of my folds. He play with it relentlessly. Everything in me began to crumple. I screamed as Vilkas gave his last thrust and sank his teeth down into my shoulder. The bite was deep and the copper scent of my blood fill the room. Both boys spilled their seed in me as my muscles contracted around the twins and our bodies shuddered in exhausted. Vilkas made a surprised noise behind me as he came back to his senses, no longer in his half change.

"Breanna, I have injured you," Vilkas fretted.

"We both injured her," Farkas declared, licking at the bite mark on my breast. It sent another wave of pleasure through my body as my muscle clenched around them once again. They both moaned in unison. I used my magic to heal the bite but I refused to heal the claw marks on my back and the bite mark on my breast. I wanted them as a reminder- a piece of them I would always have with me.


By the Nine! She was sexy when she slept. That's when he realized she was having a pleasurable dream. Understandable since he did leave her wanton before she fell asleep. The waves of exhaustion finally took its toll on him. He put Karnwyr on guard and laid his head on the bed next to Breanna and fell into a slumber listening to her soft moans of pleasure. A smile spread across his lips as he lay there, hoping he was the one causing them in her dream.

I woke from my dream to having an orgasm in the waking world. I gasped as the spasms shook my body when I heard Bishop's voice. He whispered my name. I turned to look at him but his eyes were closed and his breathing was steady and even. He was fast asleep. I silently listen to the mumbling accept the only words I was able to understand where, "can't understand" and "need you more than I want you."

A small smile spread across my lips and I reached out and ran my fingers through his thick auburn hair. As they slid deep into the strands, he made a deep, pleasurable sound. The next day, Bishop left for most of it and only returned in the evening and by then he wasn't talking, only drinking. He was hardly was able to help me relieve myself, for all the Daedra in Oblivion, he wouldn't tell me why. I had enough listening to him grumble so I just turned over and went to sleep.

Breanna my child, you must wake. Your life is in danger! I heard the sweet motherly voice drifted to my ears. Danger? My eyes bolted open to find another Dark Brotherhood assassin posed over me ready to strike.


A sweet whispering voice had woken Bishop from his sleep. 'Ranger, my child Breanna is in danger'. Danger! Bishop's eyes bolted opened from a dead drunken sleep and his finely tuned ears heard the faintest of clicks as the mechanisms in the lock popped open. The door made no sound as it opened. He pulled out his dagger at the slight creaking of weight being added to the bed she slept in. He moved with silent grace - something he had taught himself while hunting for game. An assassin posed over Breanna's sleeping body. Breanna's green eyes snapped open catching the assassin off guard and Bishop charged.

In one swift motion, Bishop had charged the assassin and pinned them to the wall with his dagger. In a last ditch attempt, the assassin sunk there dagger into the top of Bishop's shoulder. He made no sound as the dagger tore into his flesh. I cried out at the sight then he twisted his blade in retribution. He let the body fall to the floor and wiped his dagger of blood on the dead assassin's clothes. He reached to pull the dagger. In his anger charged adrenaline, he didn't feel the pain of it.

"Bishop stop," I pleaded. As he came closer to me, blood spilled from the wound. I reached for the dagger and laid my hands on him with my own healing hands spell. It was rusty and I was nowhere as good with healing magic as Casavir, but I managed to repair the wound as I slowly removed the dagger from his flesh.

"The Gods watch over you Princess," he observed, placing his dagger back at his hip, then checking around the room for anyone else.

"Not Gods, one God, a Goddess. My lady Nocturnal. She came to me in my sleep," I clarified, watching him move about the small room. He paused for a moment, then left for the innkeep to informed them of the situation and paid for more inconvenience to them.


The Goddess had visited him too but there was no way he would admit that. He didn't trust in any Skyrim God. He believed that they did not protect you from anything, but here he was being watched over indirectly by one. It shook his whole foundation. Quickly returning, he began to pack their things.

"Is there some place else we can go?" he asked, placing the cure poison potions in there pack.

"We would be welcome at Jorrvaskr, plus there would be extra fighters on hand…" Breanna began before Bishop cut her off. He stalked over to her and grasped her shoulders, making her look up to him in surprise.

"I'd go to Oblivion before bringing you into Jorrvaskr, asking those wolf brothers for help protecting you. You're mine Breanna and I dont need anyones help protecting what's mine!" he exclaimed, capturing my lips with his like he was marking me as his. So, shortly after, they went to Breezehome and was greeted by her housecarl. Bishop grumbled about wasting the coin on the room at the Bannered Mare if she had owned holding in Whiterun. Breanna pointed out that she didn't have a bath and he quieted down. Lydia went to cook a meal for them when Bishop came to her side.

"How come that woman sits in your bedroom of all places?" He inquired.

"Lydia is my housecarl, she's sworn to protect me and my dwelling," Breanna replied.

"From your bedroom, huh? Are you sure she's not trying to protect some other stuff of yours?" He asked sarcastically.

"And if she was trying to protect me from the ravishing of a wolf?" She ask with a raised eyebrow.

"She'd have a hard time because her mistress would be enjoying the ravishing. Besides, you're no longer safe in Whiterun and I have plans to sneak you out," Bishop continued.

Bishop had informed Lydia the location he would be, knowing that she would die rather than reveal their location, and only to reveal it to Casavir so that he could get the cure to them. With the cover of darkness Breanna wrapped the shadows around them and they were able to sneak out undetected.

With my arms hooked around his neck and his arms hooked around my legs, I traveled on his back. I was able to nuzzle into him and smell his scent. Karnwyr at his side, we followed the river. After a while we stopped and Bishop made camp. As soon as the small tent was pitched, he placed me in it, away from prying eyes. Days passed the potion's where running out. I had taken the last one the night before and Bishop refused to leave me on my own to retrieve some more. Casavir would come. He would not fail me. The fire was edging back into my body, this time with a fever. The aches in my limbs returned and I pulled at my clothes. Bishop helped me removed them and would lay wet cloths from the river over me. In my fevered haze, I heard the steady rhythm of hooves and the distinctive voice of Casavir as they both pushed themselves into the small tent. Casavir pulled the bottle from his pouch and handed it to me and sat me up.

"Do you need help drinking this one, Princess?" Bishop asked with a smirk. Casavir's cool armor felt devine against my scorching hot skin. The potion was so refreshing, I drank every drop. As I brought the empty bottle down, my eyes closed.

"Thank you," I whispered and fell into the darkness of sleep.


"I would do anything for you, Breanna," he confessed to her sleeping form. Placing her back down on the bedroll, he caressed her face before abruptly leaving. Bishop had told him about the assassin.

"What took you so long?" Bishop accused.

"I got held up! Trust me. I came as fast as I was able," Casavir snapped. Then they fell into silence.