Chapter Eight

Bishop and Casavir

Two weeks had gone by and the time for patients was over. Bishop paced back and forth in front of the entrance while Karnwyr watched. Casavir also worried for her but he had the patients of a saint. The paladin had told Bishop that he would be leaving Breanna in his care and to protect her.

"What is taking her so long?" Bishop questioned, as a million thoughts broke through his head of what could have befallen her in the temple. He had tried so many things to keep his mind off of her absence. Bishop went over to the stone blocking the path in and beat his fist on it till he yelled with rage. All it did was give him a bloody fist that he had to go down to the river to plunge in the running water to numb the pain and stem the flow of blood. Despite fighting it, the ranger listed to the side before keeling over and passing out on the banks.

"Mortal," a voice laughed. "You cannot gain entry into my domain unless you are one of mine. I know of whom you seek, she will be returned to you soon. Time passes differently in my domain. Watch over her Ranger or your luck will run out," the voice threatened. Bishop awoke with a start, stars twinkling overhead. Getting up, he walked back to camp and settled down for the rest of the night.

"You seem to have changed your tune, I thought for certain you would try and run into the stone blocking the path. But here you sit as calm as ever." Casavir noted when the ranger appeared by the fire.

"I've had a revelation" Bishop confessed, finding his bedroll and finally getting much needed rest. The next day Casavir broke up their camp, taking down the tents and packing the rest of the gear. It was around noon when the stone door moved open to reveal Breanna. Bishop was right there waiting for her.


Bishop fixed me with his piercing honey golden eyes as soon as I enter his field of vision. He closes his eyes for a moment to catch his breath; he inhaled deeply and exhaled in relief. He opened his eyes and walks towards me with purpose. As he reaches me he suddenly picked me up and twirled me around like I weigh nothing. Feeling helpless, I closed my eyes and trusted the excited ranger's arrogant aerial gesture. When I felt my feet touch the ground once more I looked up at him as his hands slid to my back. Drawing me firmly against him, he nuzzled his nose into my hair and inhaled my scent. I rested my head on his chest feeling the beating of his heart against my ear, it's sound relaxed me and a sigh escapes my lips. He lifted my chin and pressed a passionate, provocative kiss to my lips. My will was weak, and I was at the mercy of his blissful touch. I peered over his shoulder to see Casavir in the tree line. He gave me a small smile and bowed slightly then lead his horse deeper into the forest.

"Where to now Princess?" he asked.

"Guess I should head back to Riften to let the Guild know that I replaced the key. We can stop off in Falkreath on the way." I replied.

"Wrong answer sweetness," he teased his hand moved down to my ass and cupped my cheeks lifting me up. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his hips as his lips press into mine and the stubble on his chin scratched at my cheek.

He landed atop me on a layed out bedroll that hadn't been packed away with the rest of camp.. I had to persuade Bishop not to use his knife on my armor while removing it from me. He managed to just barely pull my leggings down and open his pants just enough that his hard member springfree before burying deep within me. The passion play between us started weeks ago. We were well past being worked up.

He thrust into me and I closed my eyes from the sudden invasion of my womb. The sensation made me feel drunk with pleasure. I tore at his chest armor until it came loose enough for me to be able to remove it. I slid my hands over his tawny skin and trailed my fingers down into his pants to his perfectly shaped butt and squeezed as he pushed into me once more. Bishop's breath grew heavy and and a growl vibrated through his chest. He finally managed to pull my chest armor off exposing my round breast and perfectly pink nipples. He capture one of my nipples in his mouth and grazed it lightly with his teeth causing me to cry out at the feel of his teeth on my skin and his nails dragging over my thighs.

He pressed into me again, deeper than before; his pelvis grinding into mine as he dug his nails into my hips. I slide my hands up his back and dug my nails into his shoulders as he trailed his mouth up my neck, tasting the skin he found there as though it was a perfectly prepared dish. I pulled Bishop closer to me, needing to feel his hard muscled chest against my breast, to have my nipples, hard from being teased by his mouth rub against his smooth skin. Each controlled thrust brought me closer to losing myself. I reached up and grabbed a fist full of his hair moving his head so he would look at me. His honey golden eyes glowed with a primal lust that darkened with excitement when he saw the same hunger in my eyes.

"Don't stop, don't ever stop!" I panted, between each thrust. My legs quivered with anticipation, as the tension in my abdomen grew like a storm charged with lightning. He pulled away slightly letting the cool air caress our hot skin to move his hands up, he curled one around my shoulder settling at the base of my neck supporting his weight on it. He reached up with his other one and caressed my cheek with his palm and ran his fingers into my hair.

"I wouldn't stop, sweetness even if a dragon swooped out the sky, even if it's flames licked over our skin. There is no place else I would rather be than right here inside you" he rasped, holding his hardness inside of me. I released his hair and he captured my lips possessively as our tongues explored each other's mouth, his movements inside grew more fervent. I broke from the kiss panting and threw my head back but my orgasm robbed me of sound. All I could do was gasp for air. Digging my nails into his shoulders, the junction between my thighs was as wet as a flowing river and he kept plunging into again and again. My sex tightened around him responding to fire he had built inside of me as waves of pleasure flowed through me. He growled a moan and pressed himself deep within me releasing his seed, his body quaked atop me.

My body was alive and and fluid as Bishop rolled over, reversing our positions. I finished removing whatever scraps of armor we had missed in our haste. My red hair flowed around me as I moved climb off of him when he grabbed me by my hips.

"Where do you think you're going Princess?" he questioned. A moment's hesitation wrapped itself around me and I opened my mouth to say something, perhaps just a bit embarrassed about being seated astride him, but then closed it.

"We are far from being done" he said pulling me down the length of him till he was completely inside of me again. True to his words, we weren't done for a good long while. It took several, pleasurable times more until he finally tucked me under the fus and engulfed me in his strong arms. Once there, it didn't take long before we both fell fast asleep.

A day later I ached in places I didn't think I had. My Ranger was giving me quite the workout. We were out hunting and I was waiting behind a rock for some deer that were close enough for me to smell them. Bishop was a little ways off, studying our pray from a different angel. I notched an arrow to my bow and drew the string taut. My muscles quivered a bit but I pushed past it, I needed to practice more. I heard movement behind me to my left, I turned and aimed my bow in the direction the noise came from to find a Dark Brotherhood assassin. Surprise shot through me but before I could loosen the arrow, the person was struck by an arrow from a different direction. I released mine just for good measure and they fell down dead. I quickly notch another arrow and turn to find a young buck and release my arrow killing it instantly.

"Nice shot Princess. I'm glad I saved your life so you could kill us dinner" he boasted moving in close to me.

"You're not half bad for a ranger" I goade.

"Pft. You're not half bad for a wench," he retorted pulling me closer to him. His lips brushing mine.

"Then take me like a wench, little ranger," I murmur against his lips.

"Bah, little?! Just wait, you minx!" He exclaimed with a cocky and confident smile. He pulled me into a tight embrace. My heartbeat quickened at the feel of his muscled chest. His lips touch mine. Far from innocent, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. I didn't want to pull away, I wanted to lose myself in the moment. My senses seduced I no longer had a complete thought.

"Breanna" he whispered slowly, prolonging each letter to savor them. I smile, my heart fluttered at his voice as I clasp my hands on either side of his face. Never before has my name ever sounded so beautifully exotic the way he pronounced the letters in that rugged voice of his. It was enough to make me moan.

"We should probably go collect that deer before the wolves get to it," he said against the side of my cheek. I sigh then pull away.

"Go, I want to see if there's anything valuable is on this assassin." I said heading towards the dead body. I heard him turn and set off down the hill after my kill. While grabbing anything of value, I found a small note about wanting me dead. It was signed by Astrid. Who is this Astrid and why do they want me dead? At least I have someone to watch my back, even if it was a bit lower and and only when I'm walking in front of him.

We spent the rest of the day cooking and drying the meat so that it would last. We were about finished, making a meal of the last of the venison, when I found Bishop's golden eyes watching me. It felt like his penetrating gaze burned directly into my soul, undressing me with every passing second. Unable to take his fiery stare any longer, I reluctantly look away. It didn't take long before he approached me though. His eyes still burning like molten gold, his husk male scent invading my senses. I wore a simple tunic, leather pants and boots while he only wore leather pants and his boots. It left his muscular chest exposed to my examining eye. He stopped short of touching me, so I touched him instead. I placed my hands on his hard pecs dragging my fingers down his abs I lean forward and taste his tawny skin.

"No touching," I commanded with a smile. Curling my fingers into the top of his leather pants and tracing the edge of them till they reached the lacings in front. I trailed my mouth down, sliding my tongue out and caressing it along his body, following the line of hair from his navel to the thatch of tight curls just before his hardness. He watched me with heated passion as I unlaced his trousers further, allowing his hard cock free. I circled my fingers around the base and looked into his eyes as I slid him into my wet, open mouth. I kept my eyes locked on his as I moved him in and out of my mouth. I reached up with my free hand to fondle his sack. He finally rolled his head back and gave a deep moan. I moaned onto his cock, which made him harden even more in excitement. I reached around and pulled at his trousers down further so that I could cup his sexy ass and pull him to me, pushing his cock in deeper into my mouth.

Unable to stand the "no touching" rule any longer, he ran his fingers into my hair, gently pushing me further onto him. I opened my mouth to him as he slides in deeper and deeper with each thrust. I dug my nails into his back side as he released his seed in my mouth and I felt its sweet, and salty liquid slide down my throat. Bishop hauled me to my feet and kissed me before slowly removed my clothes till I was naked before him and laid me down on a bedroll. He ran his calloused fingers over my skin then he leaned over tasting my skin the way I had tasted his. He trailed down the length of my body. By the time he reached the junction between my thighs, I was already slick with desire. He leaned down and tasted the sweetness between my legs as I moaned and withered under him. When he flick his tongue at my folds and my sensitive clit, my back arched in response to the pleasure his actions invoked in me. A tightness grew in my belly and my legs quivered with need. He suddenly turned me over on my stomach, drawing me to my knees and pushed his hardness deep within me. I cried out in surprise as the sudden thrusts that was far deeper than usual in this position. He pulled me back further, seating me atop his lap, as he wrapped his arms around my middle while kissing and nipping at my back. I reached down between my legs to caress his sack he gave a deep moan and we both climaxed together. We collapsed onto the bedroll and slept.


Bishop had woken in the early morning. Slipping on his pants and boots he went for a quick jaunt with Karnwyr, making his way down to a small stream where he washed himself. He thought back to camp where his red haired temptress slept. Yes, his. Were we ever strangers? I'm not sure we were. The day that I first saw her there was something even then, though I didn't know what. In her embrace the world stopped still, it ceased to move. There is no time, no wind, no rain. His mind was at peace. How could it be that this woman, out of all the rest, gotten under his skin? Her love was Pure. Unselfish. Undemanding. Free. He had felt her body pressed into his. This was the one he had waited for, and if he believed in a god maybe he would even pray for. Something like this was to be held onto and cherished for all his life. But how would he ever even begin to tell her.

On his way back the sky darkened, there was a storm blowing in. When he reached camp Breanna had it packed up already.

"We best be heading for some cover. We can head South to take out a bandit camp or North to some ruins?" she asked examining her map. Bishop strolled up to her and pulled her in for a deep sensual kiss.

"I'm following you on this journey remember? If I took the lead I'd lose my perfectly good view of your lovely hips" he mused, caressing his hands down her sides then resting them at her hips. She smiled up at him.

"And what if I wanted to enjoy the nice view of your broad shoulders and perfectly shaped butt?" she inquired reaching her hand around to squeeze his ass. He smiled down at her with his wolfish grin.

"Guess you will have to admire it when I scout ahead, make sure you don't set off any Nordic traps," he jested.

"Let's head a bit North to the runes," she decided gathering her pack and shouldering it.

"As my lady commands" Bishop responded, quickly putting on his armor and grabbing his pack and bow. He did indeed follow her and he did enjoy his view knowing full well he would be enjoying those hips of hers later again. She was like a fine Skyrim cheese, firm and flavorful, and if he put just the right amount of pressure she would crumble in his hands. It began to rain, really come down in buckets. Thunder crashed above them and then lightning hit a nearby tree.

"Bishop," Breanna yelled over the noise of the storm and pointed. In the distance he could see the old ruin, overgrown by the forest. He nodded and, reached for her hand, they began to run for cover, Karnwyr on their heels. They reached the old ruins out of breath and soaking wet.

Bishop dropped his gear in a dry corner and stalked to Breanna pulling her back out into the rain, where he kissed her and the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below her ear, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled. She ran her fingers down his spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them and she could feel the beating of his heart against her chest.

"We should get back to the cover and dry our gear before we catch a cold," she concluded huskily before dragging him out of the storm to the cover of the ruins. From the looks of it someone had previously camped here. There was an old camp fire and a stack of dry logs around the corner. Bishop got to making a fire. Once a roaring blaze, he moved to help Breanna out of her armor before letting her return the favor. Fastening a rope across the chamber of the runes to hang their wet garments to dry then they found themselves sharing a bedroll and body heat. The storm last two days. It was a grave loss though. They enjoyed the time spent with one another, exploring each other's body and having small, cheeky conversations.


We teased each other as we neared the gate to Falkreath, a burly looking man and a group of people stepped out in front of us.

"Well, well. Look who decided to show his face, boys! It seems you come bearing a gift…" The tall, blonde man stated. "A peace offering perhaps? Mmm… She is quite the sight. I can't wait to tear those clothes off her tempting body," he continued. I looked around and three more men join us from behind, cutting off any obvious escape routes. I did not like these prospects. As I settled a hand on my weapon, Bishop did the same.

"A friend of yours Bishop?" I questioned. Obviously they weren't really good friends if Bishop had his hand on his weapon and everyone else had theirs drawn.

"A friend! Oh no, my little mouse. Far from it, in fact," the brawny man answered for Bishop.

"You've got it all wrong Thorn. She's not a mouse, I'd say she's much more than that," Bishop interjected while drawing his weapon.

"Isn't she? She is a woman, Bishop. Women are soft and delicate - that's the purpose they serve. This little mouse here will serve hers. On my furs, tonight. Whether she likes it or not," he boasted.

"I see your powers of observation haven't changed, Thorn. Still can't see past your own image, can you?" Bishop countered.

"Well it was my own image that defeated you was it not? You claim to be the best out there, but truth is, you're a pathetic, scared little rodent; not unlike your company, here. Anyone can see that." Thorn proclaimed.

"Anyone as vain as you." Bishop mocked.

"That, from the man that cares for no one but himself. Very well, let's take a closer look at our little mouse here." Thorn said stepping closer to me, I wanted to step back but there were men at my back with weapons extended. Thorn grasped a lock of my red hair and brought it up to his nose and smelled deeply of my scent. My eyes widened and was aware of the presence of his wolf.

"Oh, ho ho, what have we here? The almighty Dragonborn. Now this, this is certainly a peace offering, Bishop. The stories of how I conquered the Dragonborn will be told for ages to come. And then, once I am finally done with her, I will bring her in and claim the price on her head - the gold will have me, us, set for life." Thorn divulged stroking his chin in thought.

"Is that so?" Bishop pondered. I paused, WHAT! After everything we have been through, after how tender and passionate he's been with me? Is he actually considering selling me out.

"It is. I should thank you for presenting her to me." Thorn acknowledged.

"And what do I get for this?" Bishop questioned sneaking a peek at me from the corner of his eye as he brushed at my mind. I slammed up a mental barrier refusing him entry, my heart tightened in my chest and the air was hard to breath.

"Oh… Perhaps I will let you have some fun with her as well. After me and my boys are done, of course." Thorn bargained with a smug smirk on his face at my utter disbelief of the situation. The dragon in me roared with rage, as well as the wolf.

"Tiid Klo Ul" I shouted, my Thu'um stopping time. I turned and slid each of my daggers across the throats of the two bandits behind me and pushed past them and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. As time resumed I heard a battle break out behind me along with some shouting. The pain in my chest wouldn't subside.