Chapter Nine


Bishop heard her use her Thu'um and then, like a ghost, she was gone, with two of the bandits fell choking on their own blood. Karnwyr went after another one, which left one and Thorn to deal with.

"Kill Bishop while I chase after her!" Thorn commanded and took off after Breanna.

Talos Ballocks! He shouldn't have followed along with Thorn's conversation. Six to two wasn't very good odds and he was just trying to keep him talking. He felt her pain when he tried to tell her through their connection and how she shut him out. She probably thinks he betrayed her… again.

Karnwyr dispatched his bandit while Bishop quickly gutted his when the guards showed up. He was stuck explaining that they were bandits trying to rob him and how he needed to rush after his companion because she was in danger.


I ran as fast as my feet and whirlwind sprint would take me. I made my way to Riften; it took me the rest of the day and half the night. As I crossed the silent market to the graveyard and slipped into the crypt I pressed the release button, exposing the stairs that lead to the cistern. The one constant thing in my life was Brynjolf. He had been there for me before anyone- I tried to pick his pocket when I landed back in Windhelm. He caught me but instead of calling the authorities he recruited me. Once I made it down the ladder I was stopped, Etienne Rarnis blocked my path.

"Oh… It's you. Haven't you caused enough trouble?" He sneered. I wasn't in the mood for his wagging tongue so I swung my fist back and punched him in his not so pretty Breton face.

"I caused so much trouble when I helped you escape from that Thalmor prison didn't I?" I barked at him standing over him fist clenched glaring at him. Brynjolf came over and waved Etienne off and lifted my face to look at him.

"Aye lass, is everything alright?" Brynjolf asked. I pushed down my emotions as I embracing him. His embrace was comforting as any past lover would be. It was strange, being here in his arms again after so long. Despite how long I'd been away, I still remembered everything about him; the cheeky charletine that he was, the loyal thieves guild leader, and his scent a changeling like me could never forget the smell of someone. His green eyes seemed to soften since I had last seen him.

"It is now" I cried, clinging to him. I took a deep breath, breathing him in, my emotions draining me of my strength. He wrapped his arms around me holding me against his chest.

"You're not trying to pick my pocket again, are you lass?" Brynjolf jested, I smiled and gave a small laugh.

"No, but I might try and steal a kiss," I admitted, tilting my head back to look up at him, his green eyes smiled down at me.

"I am in need of testing my skills, there a particular lock I want to pick, you think you could help me out with that lass?" he asked, his lips curled up in a small smile.

"Is it a lock you have to feel around for?" I mused, gripping his shirt and pulling him down to my lips. His goatee was soft against my face, his lips hungry and his hands they wandered.

"Aye, lass, a lock with very sensitive spots. You have to have the right finesse, with just the right amount of pressure," he murmured into my ear.

"Sometimes hitting the right spot isn't enough, sometimes it's how you get to the right spots that count." I provoked slipping my hands under his armor. Brynjolf lifted me up and carried me to the treasure room, the only room in the Cistern that had a door. It slammed behind us; it was still pretty much empty after Mercer Frey. Brynjolf pushed one of the empty chest off the table and laid me down on it. His fingers ever so skilled, removing every piece of armor I wore. I needed this, I convinced myself, this tenderness after everything that had happened. I need to remove the memory of Bishop's touch from my skin. Passion's fire brings me to the present like nothing else. In those perfect moments I can forget the past, cease to analyze the future. I won't worry about who I am, who I will become, who I might never be. In his embrace there is only the present, nothing more. Brynjolf had removed his clothes just as quickly as he did mine.

He put his knee up on the table to reach my lips then slowly trailing his mouth down my neck. He wrapped one arm around me, holding me against his mouth while his other grasped my wrist and held it above my head. I threw my head back and moaned while running my fingers through his red locks. My legs spread I wrapped them around his hips, the tip of his member teasing my hot center.

"Let's see what treasures are locked in here" he mumbled against my breast, capturing one of my nipples in his mouth, the tip of his cock pressed into my wetness. I let out another pleasurable moan and tugged on his hair, breaking him from the teasing of my breast. He released my wrist and gripped both of my hips, thrusting himself into me. I held on to his shoulders and dug my nails in as I kissed him deeply, my tongue exploring his mouth; I could taste the Blackbriar mead he must have been drinking earlier.

The edge of the table bit into my back side with each thrust, but I didn't care as his hard length sent wave after wave of pleasure into my core till my legs trembled and I cried out in orgasm, my muscles spasming around him. I felt him shudder and his seed spilled into me. Both breathless, he slowly pulled away and turned around to catch his breath, exposing his strong back to me. I sat up and traced his tattoo on his shoulder with my finger. It was a diamond encompassed by a circle-the thief shadow mark for Guild. He shivered under my fingers and I licked the nail marks I gave him.

"When are you going to take me to get mine?" I asked, whispering in his ear. He turned back around placing a hand on my cheek.

"I'll take you now, lass. But it should be a different shadow mark, and it should go right here…" He admitted trailing his fingers down my side just under my arm on my ribs next to my breast he traced the symbol of 'protected' a diamond with two circles on either side of the diamond.

"Protected?" I questioned.

"Aye lass, you're protected. Anyone messes with you they will have the Guild to deal with." He pledged, leaning down to kiss me. His lips and body made love to me again before we dressed, and he took me to the man who lays ink in the skin. He had never tattooed a woman before and due to the location tried to get lewd with me, but Brynjolf was there to explain the symbols and what it meant. The inker didn't look up at me again.

A day had passed since reaching Riften. I had a nagging feeling of being followed. As if any day Bishop would show his face and I didn't want to see him. But I had heard a rumor about the orphanage in town, so I snuck in to see what was going on and found the headmistress locking the children up and beating them. I quickly dispatched of her and returned to the Ragged Flagon and sat listening to the dripping of the water drowning my thoughts deep in mead when a pair of strong arms wrapped around me from behind.

"How about we do job together, lass?" Brynjolf asked sitting down behind me on the dock his legs on either side of mine letting me lean into him.

"What's the mark?" I inquired, turning slightly to look up at him.

"A rich house in Windhelm, ripe for the picking." he replied, smiling down at me. I reach up and put my palm on his cheek and he leans down to kiss me.

"Perhaps, then you can tell me what's troubling you, lass" he said, standing and pulling me up to my feet.

We left right away; I was still trying to gain my strength back from being sick so we walked. I had traveled this path once before with Brynjolf. We enjoyed each other's company as we traveled, and at night when we camped we share a bedroll. I finally got around to telling him about Bishop and his betrayal. Brynjolf stopped me just as we reached Windhelm gates after I had finished telling him.

"I'll never betray you lass, you're my family" he promised, as his hand slid down and covered the spot where my tattoo was placed.I felt a flutter in my chest. Did Brynjolf have feelings for me? With his other hand he pulled me in for a kiss; it was deep and full of emotion and he broke the kiss with a sigh. We entered the city just before dusk; the Clan Shatter-Shield's were out for the evening attending some ball in honor of their daughter that recently passed. Brynjolf waited at the gate and I walked passed him to the door.

"Eyes open and walk with the shadows, lass" he whispered. We shared smiles as I nearly disappeared hiding in the shadows and started at the lock. It was a master lock and was having trouble listening to the tumblers.

"Having trouble getting it open lass?" he badgered from the gate.

"I don't have trouble getting anything opened" I disagreed with him, I smiled and almost had it open when he snuck up behind me and ran his hand on the inside of my thigh, making me jump with excitement and the lockpick snap. He chuckled and then I glared at him.

"Do you want to work or play?" I asked, slipping out another pick this time; finally hearing the click of the lock opening and we quickly slip inside. He wraps his arm around me and presses me against the wall.

"I want to do both" he replied, with a smirk drinking in my lips. I pushed him away.

"Let's get this over with so we can play" I lectured, moving to an open chest so I could rummage through it. Brynjolf came up behind me grabbing my hips and pulling them against his hardness.

"What exactly did we come here for?" I asked, closing the lid and turning around in his arms. "Cause this place doesn't look 'ripe for the picking'." I continued with sarcasm. He laughed, it was a pleasant sound and it filled the room, I couldn't help but smile at its sound.

"Come lass, the treasures are up stairs," he explained, pulling me by the hand and lead me upstairs. We collect all the treasure we could find and were just about to leave when we heard the lock at the door. Brynjolf pulled me into the side room then pressed me against the wall and covered my lips with his to silence me.

The Shatter-Shields entered and headed passed us to the common room. The side room was dark and we walked with the shadows of Nocturnal so they couldn't see us. Brynjolf turned me around and his very skilled fingers unlaced and removed my chest armor. Silently sliding it down trailing his mouth down my back running his calloused fingers over my ribs and gently laying kisses over my fresh tattoo. I gasped and then bit my lip to prevent a moan. My hips pressed against him in excitement. He reached his hands around and cupped both my breast as I leaned against the wall praying that my knees wouldn't give out.

"Don't make a sound lass," he whispered in my ear and began to pinch at my erect nipples. I inhaled sharply as he moved his hands down scraping me lightly with his nails to my leather pants which he slipped down. Then he leaned me over the back of an adjacent chair exposing me to the cool night air. I was already wet with need as he buried his face into my wetness from behind. I gripped the chair and squirmed under the pressure; his tongue twirling around my sensitive clit. He gripped my thighs as he buried his tongue deep into me. The lady of the house began to make a sobbing sound and went up stairs and the man grumbled and continued to mull about the common room.

I was given a short reprieve when he moved away only to hear the sounds of his belt being undone and his hard cock thrusted into me. I stifled the moan that almost escaped my lips and I could feel Brynjolf smile; he knew it was becoming difficult for me to not cry out in pleasure. I dug my nails into the wood as he slowly pulled out only to slowly push himself back in again. His pace quickened and we both began to breathe heavy as the ache between my thighs tightened. I was vaguely aware of the copper taste of blood in my mouth from biting my lip.

Brynjolf had lifted the back of the chair and used it to rock me on his hardness making sure not to let it touch the floor to make a sound. He set it down with a surprising gentleness despite the frenzy that we were in. He pulled me back as he sat down in another chair and pulled me down on him hard. I lost myself and moaned as quietly as I could, the waves of my orgasm hitting me as he groaned and spent himself at the same time. Wrapping his arms around me he laid soft kisses across the back of my shoulders and up my neck.

"I think I already found my treasure" he whispered, against my ear. His breath caused another wave of pleasure bolt through me. I twist my body slightly so that I could capture his lips he reaches up and cups my breast again and I moan into his mouth. I reluctantly pulled away and clothed myself before he could start another fire in me.

I was beginning to find a happiness after Bishop's second betrayal. If I didn't have this whole dragon thing to worry about I could very well see me settling down with my fellow Nightingale charlatan, Brynjolf was always such a charmer. The journey there was just as fun on the way back. It was night time when we returned to Riften and I was getting this really terrible feeling I couldn't quite place. We reached the Cistern and was about to head to the Ragged Flagon for a victory drink when Rune stopped us.

"There's a rugged looking ranger at the Flagon says he wants to join our rag tag crew and wants to speak with our guildmaster," Rune informed us.

"Did he have a wolf with him?" I asked.

"Aye, that he did. Big black thing." He answered, Brynjolf waved him off and turned to me.

"What would you like to do lass?" He asked me. I could feel him searching for me in my mind. I slammed the mental door refusing him entry.

"I..I.." I stammered. Brynjolf embraced me and tilted my head up to look in his green eyes. They held a hint of sadness but mostly understanding.

"Whatever you decide to do lass, the guild is behind you. I am behind you, I'm where ever you need me to be" Brynjolf confessed, he could tell I felt trapped. He knew I hated that feeling. Brynjolf actually knew more about me than anyone. If Bishop showed up here looking for me, he must have followed. Ugh how stupid- of course this is the first place he would think to look for me!

"I don't want to see him, I need to get away from here" I said, beginning to pull away when Brynjolf held me tight.

"I won't let him scare you off when you have finally returned to me… to the guild," he stammered holding me firmly to him. His action and tone betraying his thoughts.

A shadow of fear crossed my eyes. Was I fated to have men fall for me? Why me? Is it because of the Dragon soul? It certainly has an insatiable appetite for pleasure. I had no idea he felt that way for me and the fact that I was just now beginning to see it was proof of just how good a snake oil merchant he really was. Never betraying his emotions, keeping them under a tight lid. But every man has his breaking point, was this his?

"You don't understand Brynjolf. He and I are linked, even now I feel him searching for me, knocking at the door to my mind" I confessed moving to pack my things in a chest dressing in a simple tunic, pants and cloak.

"I'm sorry," I apologized turning back to him looking into his eyes. "I have to put distance between him and me. Please keep these safe, and try and keep him here as long as you can to give me as much as a head start as you can." I continued.

"Breanna, lass" Brynjolf said grasping my face and kissed me deeply. Tears slipped out from under my lashes. He reluctantly pulled away and wiped the tears with his thumbs.

"Know that I am always here for you, always" he promised. I finally knew his true feelings and he knew that. He knew that I cared for him deeply, but that I had feelings for Bishop and that Bishop had hurt me.

"You will always be a part of me, I just need time to myself" I explained, placing my hand on his cheek. He nodded his head and taking my hand he kissed the back of it.

"Best be off with you then, lass." Brynjolf urged and then I was gone.

Outside of Riften I let the change take me and I began my journey as a wolf; it would be easier to hide my movement. People recognize a red haired woman but make no recognition of a wolf, even a white one. My thoughts continued to haunt me even in my wolf form. I connected to a part of Bishop that others never see or feel. I saw a part of his soul he never wanted to let anyone see. I touched him and saw his reaction, beautiful and raw. For those few moments he was more real than the blood in my own veins, and I felt him like the beating of my own heart. The bond we forged was still molten when he broke it, too nascent to resist his urge to hide once more. I opened myself to him, let him into the deepest part of my soul; but still he betrayed me. And so my world has become blacker than it ever was before, darker in his absence, loneliness crippling my every thought. My lungs struggled for breath against ribs of stone and my feet have lost their wanderlust. Before I met him my heart was soft, with his, it became strong and vibrant, now it is simply broken. As I traveled across skyrim I collected lone wolves and gathered a pack. We slept, traveled, and hunted together. They were my solace, my company, my family.


Bishop grew impatient with these thieves, he knew she was here. Kanrwyr could smell her and he could feel her nearby. He was unable to know her location because she was shutting him out, but he could feel she was close. As the hours turned into days and days turn into a week, he knew he had been duped by her second in command Brynjolf and her trail had gone cold. He wouldn't be able to get any information out of the guild so he went back to his roots. Listening to rumors at each of the taverns as he drowned himself in mead. He needed to find her, to make her listen. He had known that to love deeply meant to risk great pain, which was why he had always pursued superficial relationships and one night stands until he met her. And then he was lost. He couldn't look at another or want another. The intensity of the heartache he felt proved just how far he had fallen for her. The only problem now was finding her and actually telling her.