Chapter Eleven


"Time to wake, brother" Dandii urged as he woke to the sound of his tent flap opening and Dandii entering.

"I can explain…" he awoke startled, pulling the firs up over Breanna.

"Explain what? You snuggling your wolf?" She giggled. "Come on now, breakfast is ready." she continued and swatted playfully at him. Cael looked over to find Breanna in her wolf form. She sat looking at him then licked his face, and in response he closed his eyes and reached out through their connection. She gave him a beautiful smile and laughed. Her laughter was melodious and echoed in his mind and he soon found he was laughing along with her.

"I thought you were done being a wolf?" he coaxed, running his fingers through the fur of her pelt and pressing his head to hers. She inhaled his scent and rubbed against him like a wolf would greet another wolf.

"I thought your family would think it strange that your wolf suddenly turned into a woman; a naked woman at that" she replied. It dawned on him that he would need to gather things for her human form. He stood and stretched, the sun outlining his muscles his body still naked, and Breanna watched the fine blond hairs glowed in the sunlight. He could tell she was admiring him; he smiled and groaned.

"I already long to caress your skin and kiss your lips" he admitted with a sigh of frustration, then turning to dress for the day.


No one had heard a thing about the Dragonborn or a red-haired woman with green eyes. She was gorgeous, anyone with eyes would recognize her. Bishop lurked in the corner of Moorside Inn, nursing his mug of ale listening to the gossip.

"Did you hear? Lami was rescued a few weeks back from bandits; except it was no hero. Some white alpha wolf and it's pack attacked the bandits and left her and her things. Strange thing…." a nearby nord said.

"This white wolf- did it have green eyes!?" Bishop questioned, hollering across the inn since the only other person in the room was the barkeep and the worst bard he ever heard.

"I'm not sure, stranger. You could ask Lami yourself. She's probably in her shop Thaumaturgist's Hut…"Before the nord could finish Bishop was out the door with Karnwyr right on his heels.

That clever minx... using her wolf to disguise her movements. The hunt continues- it's just the prey we are changing. Bishop entered the small shop and looked around.

"What ails you traveler?" an elderly woman asked.

"I heard you were rescued by a white wolf and I was wondering if you could give me some details?" Bishop inquired.

"I suppose," she said, eyeing him up noticing his bow and Karnwyr at his heels. "You a hunter?" she asked.

"In a sense, but don't you worry; I'm not looking to make a kill out of that white wolf you came across. Did she have green eyes?" He asked for reassurance.

"It was dark, dead of night and a storm was blowin something fierce but I will never forget the look the alpha gave me. It did have really sad green eyes before it turned and bounded away with its pack. But I could have been seeing things. I was scared witless, I was being robbed."

"Where did this happen? How long ago was it? And in which direction did it travel in?" Bishop asked quickly, needing the answers; this was the first if any information that he had since Riften.

"Settle down there laddy. Let's see... I was on the bridge near Robber's Gorge when the bandits from there attacked me- I can mark it on yar map for ya. After the pack killed all the bandits I thought for sure I was a goner but they turned and left. Headed Southwest maybe towards the Pale."she recounted the events of that memorable day.

"Thank you," Bishop said, and handed her a few septums for her trouble. He left the shop and turned his mental compass Southwest.


I bounded around Cael playfully; we were going hunting today. My pack was going to come along as well. I went to our den to collect them, and I greeted them in the way of the wolf. They were excited to hunt, and as we neared the village I reached out to Cael's mind- he was asking Dandii about some clothes for a woman. I giggled as she harassed him.

"My pack is ready for a hunt, Forsworn," I announced, then watched as he entered my field of vision with a handful of his warriors. He spoke to them; warning them of the wolves that would join them today. I stepped out of the brush with my pack behind me.

"Will we be able to bond with them?" one of the warriors asked. I explained to Cael that my pack wasn't against it, but it would have to be mutual and not magical. He translated the information and my pack started to mingle with Cael's warriors. I went to his side and sat next to him. A group of village children passed the wolves and warriors, as soon as they saw Cael they rushed him despite my large wolf shape.

"Cael can we pet your pretty wolf?" A little girl asks.

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind, her name is Sparrow," Cael responded kneeling down to them. She was so cute she couldn't have been more than two summers old, with beautiful curly blonde hair and blue eyes like Cael's. She patted my head gently, so I licked her face and she giggled. The other four children began to pet me as well. He began to teach the children about wolves and animals for some time till the woman who minded them hurried them along.

"You will make a great father, Cael," I commented, rubbing up against his leg and looking at his smile. We headed south through the underbrush; some of my pack had already taken a liking to the hunters and traveled with the warrior they chose to bond with. The wind had shifted and there was a bear nearby- we weren't far from the village when we heard screams.

"Cael! The village" I yelped, turning on my heels and using the speed of my wolf to run back. The ground shook and a roar came from the sky. A dragon was attacking the village, it swooped down blowing it's icy breath then landed in the middle snapping at Cael's family. Everything was happening so fast, my attention was drawn to that little girl as she tripped trying to escape too close to the dragon. I shifted mid-run, snatching a long sword from a warrior's hip who was too stunned to attack. I made it just in time, blocking the dragon's gaze from the child.


Cael was not as swift as Breanna and he couldn't keep up with her. When he finally caught up his heart fell into his stomach with dread as she stood in her nakedness ready to fight a dragon. She had rushed in to save the little girl.


I quickly used some of my mana to cast ebonyflesh, then used the rest of it to conjure a flame atronach to combat the frost dragon.

"YOL TOOR SHUL" I shouted, and fire shot forth from my mouth. I had distracted the dragon long enough for someone to rescue the child and I did a roll dodge to avoid being snapped at as my atronach attacked. I usually like to use skill, then spells but I had to work with what I had. With my mana replenished I cast a flame cloak and charged in, noticing that Cael's village was beginning to shoot arrows at it. I ducked under its wing and took a slice at its legs trying to cut through its tough hide.

"Piraak hi Dovahzul? Ruth Strun Bah Dovahkiin!" It spoke with the Thu'um. I ignored his attempt at conversation and danced around his feet, my red hair swirling around me as the dragon's blood danced in the air with each slash I made. I jumped back; moving away, not wanting to be crushed by the dying dragon. It's last attempt to snap at me failed and I brought my sword down on its head; slashing at it several times before its the whole body fell limp. I panted from the exertion of the fight. Cael's village stood in awe, then they all began to gasp in wonder. I fell to my knees in the dirt covered in the dragon's blood, slowly turning tacky against my skin. The dragon began to burn and turn to a pile of bones as the wind blew the ash around, the glow of its soul rushed around and crashed into my body. I inhaled sharply as the visions and knowledge burned it's way into my soul.

As the soul finished melding itself to me, my limp body was in Cael's arms. I saw the fear in his eyes as well as felt it in his mind, I was covered in blood. He rushed me to the river so that he could locate the wound. I could barely keep my eyes open.

"Cael the blood is not mine, it's the dragons. Do not fear, I just need to rest." I explained before the darkness took me.



It was like finding a needle in a haystack. He began to ask anyone he saw if they had seen a white wolf. But she was smart, staying off roads and away from people. He was beginning to get frustrated and desperate. Perhaps a stone bed would help, he thought as he entered Markarth. It was the lowest and powerless he has ever felt. A part of him longed to return to the man that he was the one that enjoyed the company of different women. He never thought that he would ever feel this way about any woman and yet here he was. It tore his heart out daily that she was out there somewhere without him.

He stumbled into his room at the Silver-Blood Inn sometime in the dead of night, bleary eyed and drunker than a stumbling giant. Karnwyr looked up and made a whimpering noise of annoyance. Drunk again, he seemed to say as he watched his master pause in the middle of the room as if to gauge the distance to the bed. Bishop didn't even make it that far, he just fell down and passed out.

"Ruth Strun Bah, Ranger! Wake up!" Breanna had cursed at him in her dragon tongue. Bishop woke to her shaking him. His eyes slowly opened, his vision blurry only able to see her red hair and pale skin. He reached out to her, grasping her by her arms and pressing her to his chest, reaching behind her head pulling her to his lips. He needed her, all of her. He quickly removed their clothes. She sat on his lap while he was on his knees, wrapping her legs around his hips, she slid his hardness into her. Being joined with her again after so long made him almost lose himself right there.

His smoldering golden gaze roamed over her flesh, tasting it as he thrust into her. She ran her fingers through his hair and tilted her head back as he wrapped his arms around her, caressing her shoulders and teasing her breast with his mouth. Each thrust more fervent than the last, needing to fill her with him. He somehow let her become his everything, but he didn't care. She was all he would ever need; he got lost in her. The sound of her breathing and cries of pleasure as he filled her empty space. He was close to completion when suddenly Breanna's head had turned into her white wolf and she was licking his face.

Bishop woke to Karnwyr licking his face and his cock hard as the stone floor he passed out on. FUCK! It was just a dream! He shoo'ed Karnwyr off and removed his pants down just enough to expose himself. His member stood at attention; his tip peered out from the folds of his flesh. He needed a release, he thought, reaching down to stroke himself with one hand, gliding the skin over his hardness. His mind wandered back to the last time he had himself inside of Breanna... he began to stroke himself faster. It didn't take long before he rolled to the side and spilled his seed on the floor. Bishop groaned, rolled over the other way and passed out again.


With her body cleansed of the blood, he was able to tell that she was correct: she had no wounds. She did, however, have a strange symbol on her skin that would not rub off. Dandii had teased him as she brought clothes for Breanna to wear. His clan was shocked to find out that his wolf had been the Dragonborn all along, but thankful that she was here because there were no casualties.


I woke with a gasp and bolted upright. Cael, at my bedside, jumped too, the book forgotten in his hand falling to the floor with a thud.

"Sparrow you're awake. How are you feeling?" he asked, reaching out and caressing my cheek, then kissing my lips over zealously before I could even answer. I kissed him back, smiling as the blanket fell away, revealing my nakedness.

"It's been a long time since I claimed a dragon soul. How long was I out for?" I asked, pulling away, framing his face with my hands. He smiled and kissed me again.

"All day. Must be the middle of the night. I am just glad you well, my Sparrow. I was so frightened when I saw you stand against a dragon with nothing to protect your beautiful skin. All to save my clan, my family, that child. I am humbled that you would choose to protect us forsworn." He lamented, looking away.

"Cael, I am the Dragonborn. It is what I must do. I have the fierce soul of a dragon. If you wish to be with me you must come to terms with me battling dragons. I will soon have to face the great dragon Alduin, the world eater. I saved your clan because they are your family and you are my family." I explained, drawing his attention back to me.

"Thank you, I will always object to you putting yourself in danger, but as a warrior, I will respect that you have the strength to defeat your enemies." he confessed, drawing me into his arms and in his lap. Kissing me deeply, his hands trailed down my spine. His calloused fingers made me shiver with pleasure. I slid my hands over his bare shoulders and down his back.

Our lips were still tasting each other as he slid me back to the bed and easily undid his kilt, hovering above me. Breaking from our kiss, breathlessly, he trailed his lips down my sensitive neck and moved his hands to cup at my breast. I moaned against his cheek and tangled my fingers in his hair.

"Beautiful Sparrow, will you be this forsworn's mate? I will walk your path with you, no matter what it is. Wide, narrow, winding, rocky, graveled, sandy, crisscrossed with tree roots, winding, twisting, stepping stones, puddles, flagstone, bordered with flowers, or the bones of our enemies. Because you are the sky and the clouds; you are the gentle river and the birds that sing. I feel you in the air, longing for your touch, recalling you in a way that sends a magical spark to my mind, body, and soul. You are medicine; you are light; you are laughter and hope," he whispered seductively against my skin.

I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. It was the promise of something I don't think I could ever have. He was full of understanding, passion, and love. Cael made me feel like a woman, not the Dragonborn, a thane, a hero. Just a woman. I wanted for this moment and any more moments I had, letting me hope and dream that I could throw away my titles and just be his woman. I should have known better but I was swept away in the moment and I agreed. Cael was young, and despite everything, he was patient and willing to give me everything when he had nothing but himself to give. I searched his face for his beautiful crystal blue eyes; they were so pure but hardly innocent with the way he started a fire in me that consumed us both.

Before I knew it he had moved down my body; his lips leaving a trail of hot kisses down my torso' stopping at the small bump where he planted more kisses until I giggled. He moved between my legs, tasting me and dragging his fingers down my inner thighs. My body's on fire... he's an angel- my angel- with fingertips of flame. He makes love to me with his eyes as much as his body, his soul mingling with mine in the quiet moments between action and stillness. The cool night already feels warm. It's hard to hold back, to make the moment last. Isn't it always that way, so caught between the intoxication of the climax and extending the moments we never want to end.

I moaned in frustrating need, his sensual play was no longer enough, I needed him to fill me. I coaxed him to lay beside me, then I climbed atop him. His hardness slipped between my wet folds as I grinded against him. My hands explored his hard chest, and he groaned as his hands went to my hips. I leaned down and kissed him, my red hair spilling around us as I situated his tip to my entrance. His tongue thrust into my mouth as I slid him into my wetness. His tip hits me deep at my core and I moan into his mouth at the sensation. I pulled back to move above him as my movement got quicker, feeling him dig his fingers into my hips to pull me to him. His eyes watch me, making me flush with excitement my core tightens around him. I sat down hard on him, pushing him deep into me, my orgasm intense as I felt him spill his seed and both our bodies shook with pleasure in unison. I inhaled the scent of him and the smell of sex as I collapsed on his chest, sighing. He pulled the furs up over us and we slept.