Chapter Twelve

Time seemed to pass differently when I was with Cael; I was happy. Cael's village accepted me wholeheartedly just like Cael. His village was different from other forsworn. His clan did not have a hagraven matriarch like most forsworn did. He respected them and their power but cast aside sacrificing. It was very forward thinking and his clan prospered from it. I sat with Dandii cooling my feet in the river, we had just finished bathing together and we lounged on the shore scantily clad from the heat. Cael went to meet with the other chieftains. I had asked if he wanted my presence but he said it was not necessary.

He didn't like me changing while I was with child, I told him there was nothing to fear. He had inquired about my parentage and I told him about my father who was bloodborn those who are born a werewolf, and my mother who was moonborn who my father had turned. I was a bloodborn of a moonborn. Some werewolves traced their lineages for breeding purposes. He had given me a deep sensual kiss before he had gone the women of the village had small smiles and the men elbowed and teased. They were all overjoyed for us, Dandii was like a sister I never had.

"Your hair is beautiful Breanna, but does it not get in the way when you fight?" She inquired sitting behind me brushing it.

"Thank you, I get it from my mother who was a Breton, my father said I look just like her. Sometimes it is in my way, but I cannot bring myself to cut it," I admit.

"Then I shall braid it for you in the fashion of our people," Dandii said and began to braid several tiny braids on each side of my head then a large braid on top bring them all together at the back of my head letting the rest of my hair fall down my back. When she was done I looked at my reflection in the water.

"Thank you, sister it's beautiful!" I smiled at her, and she beamed one back at me. Each of my pack members greeted me as I walked through the village. They had mixed with the warriors of Cael's clan and taken bonds with them. Cael made his clan stand out by creating a banner of colors, much like the different shield types of each of the holdings in Skyrim. Some of the other clans have started to follow suit. I wore his sash color and his people called me his Wolf Queen. I retired to our tent growing weary and laid down on the furs to rest. I had lived peacefully here as my baby grew inside of my belly. Five more months, that is not so long to wait. I placed my hand on my growing belly.

"Will you be a boy or a girl?" I asked, staring up at the canopy. The women of the village would speak to me of women secrets. Secrets of making love, being with child, giving birth, and the trials when the baby was born. I smiled, I was in good hands here.

I woke much later to Cael bring me a plate of food. He had an arm full of books in his other hand. He set the tray down on the small table and started a fire in the small brazen.

"Dandii told me to bring you this large tray of food, and I am to let you eat everything up since you're eating for two now," he said with a playful smile. I stretched and he came near placing the books by the bed. I grabbed a hold of him and pulled him down to meet my lips. The fevered need slipped away to a soft and slow kiss; he tasted like summer, Juniper Berries, and honey on a cool summer night. Our lips lingered on one another savoring the taste.

"With a greeting like that from my Wolf Queen, how can I refuse your advances?" Cael whispered against my lips. "Is it wise to continue in your condition, though?" he asked. I laughed.

"Cael I'm pregnant not sickly," I smiled sitting up as he sat down next to me and cupped my cheek.

"Sometimes my heart beats shallow, sometimes it beats so strong I think my chest will burst, but always it beats for you, my love. What else is a heart for? For without love, why would it need to beat? Your heart beats for me too, beats for the child inside of you, as does my own. I wish mine to beat as long as yours does, my love, no more, no less. To me, that makes perfect sense. For me, it is you that makes my world warm. No matter the weather outside, you are my warmth." Cael confessed his eyes tense with seriousness.

"You are ever so clever, my Wolf of the Reach" I admitted and kissed his hand. He looked down at me.

"What are you wearing?" he asked with a small chuckle.

"Your sash color, do you like it? Your sister gifted it to me." I said with a smile.

"You're wearing it wrong," he said and he adjusted it to be drawn over my right shoulder and secured it with my wolf head pin.

"The wife of a Clan Chief wears there's draped over their right shoulder to display their status, that we are the leaders of our people" he explained.

"So I am your wife then? Even if I carry another man's child?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"You are my mate, there is no other for me; so you are in a sense, my wife. This child is yours, and any child of yours will be welcome in my family, my clan, my home. The man who seeded this child has no claim if he betrayed the mother..." he vowed while continuing to gaze at me with his blue eyes so full of giving truth. I smile and began to cry.

"My sweet Sparrow why do you cry?" Cael asked brushing the tears from my cheek.

"I cry tears of joy, Cael" I sobbed. He kissed each of my cheeks where the tears stained them.

"Come now let's get some food in you," Cael said moving the tray closer to me. I ate my fill then curled up next to Cael while he settled down to read one of his new books, he began reading to me to lulling me to sleep.


Over the next week, we had several clan leaders join us. In a few days time, we would have a meeting of the clan leaders, where Cael would plead his very forward thinking case to them in how they could go about reclaiming the land of their Mothers and fathers. I tried to stay out of sight and covered my hair. I was returning from a stroll away from the village; Cael had two of his best warriors always following me for protection. I told him that I was the Dragonborn, I could protect myself but he wouldn't hear any of it. I agreed and the warriors were very respectful of their distance.

I was stopped by a small procession of what seemed to be another clan leader. The warriors behind me rushed ahead and stood to protect me. The warriors Cael had chosen were taller than me and as such I could hardly see over their shoulders.

"Ah, So this is Cael's hidden gem" the man who was obviously the leader spoke. "Stand aside warriors so that I may properly greet your clan leaders mate," he growled annoyed. I had avoided most clan leaders till now, I suppose it was inevitable that I become the mysterious topic of gossip amongst the forsworn.

"I do apologize, good clan leader but they won't even listen to my commands. My protection comes above all else," I speak over the shoulders, from behind the two warriors.

"The trust of our clan is not so easily given, chieftain. You must show us you are again worthy of the privilege to be in the presence of our families," my guard Holkic insisted, both he and Prestod refused to stand aside.

"Well, then I hope to catch a glimpse of you when we feast tonight," the chieftain encouraged. Then turned and continued up the pass to the village. Politics, how I despised it. Cael was beyond brave to try and tackle the squabbling of the clans to unite them in a common goal. I had returned to the tent, Cael sat shirtless hunched over the table he fashioned as a desk. His brow creased with worry as he examined a map and referenced some letters.

I dipped my fingers into his paint and fashioned the dark brown almost black woad across my eyes like I wore a mask. I watched him as he worked, and could easily see he needed a break. In fact, he didn't even acknowledge me when I entered. I know just what he needs; a distraction. Dipping my fingers again I pulled the small table away and sat astride him on his chair, commanding his attention. I placed my fingers on his left chest and drew an infinity symbol. He watched me carefully with his blue eyes, his hands gripping naturally at my hips. I smiled at him as he trailed his hand up and cupped my cheek, bringing me to his lips to kiss me. Slowly, inexorably, he pressed his lips to mine. It's soft and gentle and chaste, no fire or spark, but it was much better than that - it was a wave of warmth that fills me up, spilling out from his heart and he pours it into my lips. It reached every corner of my body: the sensitive area between the toes, the erotic sensual spot at the crook of my elbow, to the tips of my ears. Every inch of my body was alive and responded to him.

I dragged my fingers through the back of his hair, our kiss deepened and with the intertwining of our tongues came the hardened excitement press against me. I broke from the kiss to give him room to remove his kilt. He turned me away from him and ran his fingers up my legs lifting my skirt exposing my backside to him. He guided me onto him as I held onto his knees and moved along his length. Cael let out a moan as I began to vigorously move him inside of me. He reached up and tangled his fingers in my hair at the back of my head. Slowing my pace to that of a snail. I felt him harden even more under the slow torturous pace he demanded. I moved against him, taking him into my core, stirring me deep inside. We both moaned on impacting our breath heavy with our lovemaking.

I needed more, Cael instantly felt my need without having to inquire. I leaned my upper body on the desk and he entered me swiftly and fell into an electric pace that sent waves of pleasure through my body. I gripped the edges of the table and bit my lower lip as I tightened along the length of him signaling my climax. He continued on, pushing past the waves of pleasure that lapped at us. My legs trembled and his hands wandered up to unlace the back of my dress exposing my back to his fingers and lips. He tasted my shoulder as he thrust into me. My head falls back to feel his cheek against mine as he brings his lips to my ear.

"I love the way you sound when I fill you..." Cael whispered, his breath heavy and hot against my ear that made me lose myself again. With my second orgasm, he pressed himself deep into me and spilled his seed. Without a word he pulled me against him and wrapped his arms around me, pressing my back to his chest. I felt each breath he took and the rhythmic thumping of his heart in his chest.

"Thank you," he breathed against the side of my head and kissed the side of my brow. I twisted to look up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"For what?" I asked.

"Your distraction… It worked. I love your woad the one you have fashioned for yourself as well as the one you have given me. Your compliments you. Now tell me what has my Sparrow been up to?" he asked, kissing me on my nose and I laughed.

"Holkic and Prestod refused to stand aside for me to greet one of the clan leaders that arrived today. They said something about gaining your trust again?" I asked.

"Clan leader Droch Velano. He will be the hardest leader to turn to our side. We are at odds after the fallout, he was to bring his warriors in on an assault to reclaim our land. In the heat of battle, he chooses not to show. His warriors would have made the difference, but we wound up losing that day and lost a lot of friends and family. Holkic and Prestod recall such events and were right in protecting you from the political scheming he is capable of. That is why he will be the most formidable for today..." Cael admitted kissing my shoulder as he laced my dress. It was a simple dress with long sleeves and an empire waist. My hair in the braids that Dandii had done for me, I wrapped Cael's sash around my waist and then over my shoulder. It did little to disguise the small child growing in my belly.

"Political scheming is not my forte but it seems I am being drawn in as much as I try to stay away from it. He called me your gem and made it clear that my presence is required at the feast tonight." I said gathering his kilt and began to dress him. He placed his hands on mine and stopped my actions.

"If you wish to stay out of the affairs of the forsworn I do not blame you, some of these clan leaders are dangerous and I would be lying if I did not worry for your safety." Cael confessed, bringing my hand to his lips, looking into my eyes. I reach up and cup his cheek.

"I am a part of you, and what you are, I am too. I am clever than most, I am sure I could help you. But with my reveal know that He looks for me, and rumors spread from one mouth to another. He will surface." I cautioned, knowing that I spoke of the child's father. Cael nodded and I finished dressing him, draping his sash over his shoulder letting him pull me into a tight embrace.

I joined the feast at Cael's side, with him introducing me as his mate and nothing more. My other titles were mine to divulge if I needed. Clan leader Droch finally made his way to us, well rather me. He was very curious of me I could tell, no questions about our relationship, but he still inquired of other things earnestly. Cael wanted to step in front of me but to do so would humiliate Chief Droch.

"We finally get to see your beautiful mate, Cael. What shall we call her? Certainly not Wolf Queen?" Droch asked, taking my hand and placing his lips on my knuckles. I wrinkled my nose in my mind at his stench, the wolf in me cringed. Somethingl was off about this man and my wolf knew it. Cael looked to me, our eyes meeting, and he knew what I thought through our connection.

"Her name is Sparrow," Cael finally said, acknowledging Droch. I moved to pull my hand away but he holds on.

"Ah beautiful Sparrow, certainly not a forsworn. She must be of mixed parentage?" he inquired continuing to examine me. I felt ill the way he spoke the name Cael had given me.

"My parentage is none of your concern," I barked pulling my arm away as my temper flared.

"Fire in her eyes as well as the color of her hair, I see why you are so determined to unite us and regain the titles to your lands now since your harvest has been so rich." he mocked with a smile referring to my fertile state.

"My mate is full of many talents, you would be wise to watch your tongue" Cael threatened, tired of the game he was playing.

"Perhaps I might have a dance?" he requested. I cringed on the inside, I did not want to be any closer to this man, least of all in his arms.

"Unfortunately, all my dances belong to my mate Chief Droch, if he is inclined to share…" I concluded looking to Cael, knowing what his answer would be.

"I am not," Cael said flatly, draping his arm around my waist and pulling me to his body in a very possessive manner. "Speaking of which, may I have this dance, my Sparrow?" He asked, gesturing his hand out to the dancers. I take his hand and he leads me over to the other dancers and spun me around. One hand at the small of my back the other gripping my hand as I placed my other hand on this shoulder. I look up at him with relief and he began to lead me around to the sound of the music.

We moved like water transformed by music, flowing in graceful arcs, limbs in constant motion, painting a picture sound alone can never achieve. We brought a wordless interpretation of the beats, of the soft strings, in a way the onlookers could understand. It was the most honest form of communication we knew. Everything else melted away and we danced to the music in our own private world. The affection we had for each other as clear as the sky on a bright cloudless day.

I smiled as he stepped to spin me, but in the emotion I felt a strange fluttering sensation in my womb. I freeze and place my hand over it to feel the strong kicks of a small baby. In my wonderment I look up to see Cael's worried expression, and I smile at him pleasantly and place his hand where mine was so he could feel the struggle of the child growing within me. We stood in the middle of the dancing as people twirled around us smiling at each other, my hand over the top of his, laughing as we rejoiced in our happiness.