Chapter Thirteen


Word that The Wolf of the Reach had taken a beautiful red haired mate was the talk amongst the clans. Cael had to head off again to another clan meeting and left Holkic and Prestod to guard me. Cael drew me into his arms and gave me a deep kiss.

"I haven't even left, and yet I already miss you. I wish I didn't have to attend these meetings" Cael said, pressing his hips against me. I respond with a giggle.

"The sooner you're off, the faster you can return," I said kissing him again before his council interrupted us. He rushed back in and held me close one last time.

"I love you" Cael whispered in my ear before rushing off. I didn't even have time to respond. I wanted to tell him that 'I loved him too', but before I could ponder too much on it Dandii came busting in to take me to the river with the rest of the women. She was even able to get Holkic and Prestod to abandon me to the capable hands of the warrior women of the clan. The part of the river Dandii took me too far out than we usually go.

It had been unusually hot so the ladies were cooling in the steam, most where nude others in undergarments. Despite being four months pregnant I was unashamed of my nakedness and disrobed completely. We joked and laughed, and spoke of more secret things. I had redressed and lounged against a rock, I was a bit farther than the rest of the women. I had the sudden need, an instinct to gather closer to the group. I saw the look in Dandii's eyes as something, no, someone came up behind me. Before I could turn to look I was knocked unconscious.


Dandii pulled out her double daggers and charged the large hairy nord, he was in the middle of a shift. Part werewolf figures only beast could get this close without being detected even by Sparrow. He batted me aside as several other men showed up, we were able kill one before the rest disabled us and were taken prisoner.

"Load the woman into the cart we will fetch a good price for forsworn whores." The large Nord that had attacked Cael's mate said. Dandii had to stay close to Sparrow, Cael would never forgive her. She needed to protect her and her unborn child. That child was the future clan leader. Dandii watched as he put some liquid into her mouth.

"Keep your hands off of her," Dandii yelled at him.

"I have been hunting for this little mouse for quite some time. Looks like Bishop planted his seed deep enough for it to grow" He scoffed, picking up her limp form and tossing her in the back of the cart. The rest of the women were bound and gagged and huddled into the cart as well. Several of the men sat with them and fondled the goods.



Cael had returned late in the afternoon, his eyes scanned the village for her flaming hair he loved to see blowing in the wind. When he didn't see her as he strolled through the village he found his feet lead him in the direction of their tent. She was absent from it's small space, it only seemed large when she was here with him. He sighed then smiled, he knew that he fell in love with her the moment he reached to tame the wild wolf. Even when she lunged at him to tear his throat out he could not lift his blade to harm her.

He pushed the flap of the tent aside and stepped out in the sun, he was anxious to be with her again. As he looked around the village he spotted Holkic and frowned as he made his way towards him.

"Holkic where is my mate?" Cael asked.

"Dandii and a few of the other women went up stream of the river, they were doing women things today. We left her in the care of your sister and the rest of the warrior women. Our women are not so helpless Cael and neither is your mate, she is a fearless warrior." Holkic explained and complemented. But Cael had a gnawing feeling inside his gut that slowly ate away at his resolve.

"How long ago?" Cael questioned further.

"Right after you left to visit the other village," Holkic answered. Cael's frown grew and he turned and headed in the direction Holkic had described. He knew the place well and it was popular due to the gentle waterfall that was there. Holkic sensing something was wrong motioned for the other nearby warrior to follow. When they reached the small clearing there were no women. Cael's heart fell into his stomach, everyone stood and watched their chief. He closed his eyes briefly taking a deep breath. He needed to think with a clear head, not one filled with emotion and panic.

He scanned the ground, a few articles of clothing, lots of footprints and one of the bandits left behind, they must have taken the women. Near the corpse Cael found Dandii daggers, at least she was with his sparrow. Cael ordered for his warriors and called for the wolves asking them to follow the scent of the dead bandit. A few feet away they found a foot trail with wagon tracks. He whistled for Yakul and was off, Cael's warriors followed him in silence, they could feel the tension in the air.



I was in and out of consciousness for several days. I felt drugged and had a nauseous feeling that I had traveled a great distance. The last thing I remembered was hitting my head as I slowly tried to open my eyes. I was so tired and I was in so much pain. I tried to move when I realized I was suspended in the air, my arms hung from chains that extended from a ceiling and they aching from the suspension. My feet chained slightly apart and a leather gag across my face.

"Ah little mouse, you're awake." Thorn says piercing me with his eyes. I pulled at the shackles willing the change of my wolf to take me but it wouldn't come.

"You could try to bring your wolf out to play but you would not be able to free yourself little mouse. These iron shackles can hold a wolf," he instructed moving closer to me. I moved away as much as I was able.

"The drug I have given you is having a side effect on your child and it looks like you are losing it." he gloated, my eyes grew wide at the realization that most of the pain I was in was down in my lower abdomen and a sticky wetness was between my legs that dripped down which could only be blood. Thorn grabbed a fist full of my hair and brought his lips to my ear.

"Tell me Mouse, who's was it? Bishop's? Or that Forsworn? Maybe it must have been Bishop's, the time is about right four or five months? I'm going to enjoy doing this." he whispered in my ear, then took a step back and punched me in my abdomen on one side then the other. I screamed through the gag and tears fell from my eyes. My body responded and began to bleed more profusely. NO! No no. I thought.

"You understand, I need to speed this process up a bit so that you can carry my seed, little Mouse" he confessed then left the room leaving me broken and bleeding.

Bishop and Cael

Bishop had noticed a large band of Forsworn headed his direction. What was a clan of Forsworn doing this far out of the reach? The leader scouted ahead on what appeared to be a elk? Bishop pulled out his bow and notched an arrow in it he exposed himself to the Forsworn, bow drawn taught Karnwyr at his heels ready to strike.

"What is a clan of Forsworn doing this far out of the reach?" He inquired, the day was waning and night was upon them. This was her favorite time of day Bishop thought. Everything reminded him of her, he had to find her. Make her understand that he would never betray her. He loved her.

"We follow a trail of bandits who have captured our family members as slaves, we mean you no harm Dark One" Cael announced from atop his mount Yakul as he looked down at Karnwyr he began to use his magic on him. Karnwyr shook his head and sneezed as the magic took hold.

"What do you search for with your pack brother?" Cael asked Karnwyr through their new bond. It was much easier to create a bond with this wolf which Cael found interesting.

"We seek my pack brothers mate. She is a beautiful white wolf with green eyes, she is both wolf and human. As a human she has hair the color of fire." Karnwyr explained. Cael showed no signs of surprise. This must be the one she was hiding from, the great tracker. Bishop let his arrow fly but changed the target to just graze Cael's cheek.

"I know enough to know that you are speaking with my wolf through a bond, what did he tell you?" Bishop asked, notching another arrow in his bow.

"He tells me you search for a red-haired woman, one who also shifts form into a white wolf with green eyes," Cael confessed their conversation to Bishop.

"Talos Bollocks! Karnwyr" Bishop growled. Karnwyr whimpered at his master's scolding.

"Do not blame him, Dark One, it is the call of my magic it compels him to be my ally. In fact, we are more allies than we thought," Cael began.

"Explain," Bishop demanded, lowering his bow slightly.

"It was very easy to gain a connection to your wolf which is quite strange usually it takes longer than just a few moments. But it seems your Karnwyr has shared a connection with her...With Breanna a connection I share with her. You see Dark One we track the same woman. She was taken along with several women from my clan and we track them. The abductors headed south east," Cael explained, dismounting from Yakul and standing before him. Bishop's arms fell to his sides and then he placed his bow back on his back. The rest of Cael's clan slowly joined him.

"You must be the father," Cael stated. Bishop looked up at Cael, his eyes narrowed.

"What did you just say?" Bishop hissed.

"You must be the father to the baby she carries in her womb," Cael repeated. Bishop's eyes burned with rage. How could she? By the Nine I have to save her!

"Show me the last tracks you found," Bishop requested. No emotion in his voice, he pushed it down deep inside him so he could keep a clear head.


I had passed out for the pain when I finally woke my face stiff from the tears that stained my cheeks. I had lost feeling to my arms and the pain in my abdomen had subsided. I opened my eyes and instantly wished I was dead or dreaming something other than living in this moment. So much blood and the small bump that adorned my belly is now gone. I inhaled sharply and made a small sob.

"Ah my little Mouse has awoken," Thorn said, drawing my attention to him as he had collected the small unborn child in his bloody hands.

"I can smell him in this child. Bishop really did make his mark on you. You know little Mouse in the wilds wolves eat their dead young" Thorn threatened, licking his fingers. My eyes widened and he laughed as he left the room leaving it in front of me on the table and I cried.

I was awoken to the sound of the door scraping open. If my body wasn't in so much pain I would have jolted away. An older lady entered and the door was closed and locked behind her. She carried buckets of water and a mop with rags. She threw the buckets of water on me, one after another washing me of the blood. I felt empty and numb. All I could do was stare at the bloody mass that was my child on the table, my tears all gone for I had no more to shed. The old lady followed my gaze, as I started shivering she stripped me of the tattered bloody clothing.

"I'll make sure it finds a nice final resting place out back" she commented as she wrapped the small remains in some cloth and left. "Burn it" I choked out. "Burn it and save it's ashes for me.." I asked weakly, the old woman nodded and left. She returned to feed me and I was roughly moved to another room and tied to a bed where I passed out from exhaustion.

I woke to the crushing weight of another on top of me. It was dark but my nose still worked, I could smell him. Thorn's hot skin burned as his grubby hands fondled me roughly.

"Finally I have you all to myself. I can't wait to fuck you," he marveled in the circumstance. The gag was returned to my mouth so I couldn't speak. All I could do was think. Pain will only strengthen my will. You can break my body, but you can't break my mind. Torture is the policy of tyrants. Resistance is my only weapon. It was useless to struggle, I refused to make a sound as he gripped my hips and pushed his hardness inside of me. I screamed on the inside of my mind. My body began to bleed once more as a wound reopened. Pain washed over me with each thrust he pushed deep and deeper.

He laid his hands around my neck and squeezed he began to choke me. I was surprised, my eyes grew round and my lips parted under the gag. I struggled in a panic, but he was in a different place as he pushed into me faster. Praying he was almost finished, the more his pleasure increased so did his grip. My eyes closed and my struggling ceased as he ejaculated and I passed out from lack of air.

Days passed, how many I was unaware. He would come for me hours days at a time. I was weak and drained, unable to fight his advances anymore I turned inside myself to protect my mind from going mad. In the distance she only heard yelling and fighting in her weary half awake state drugged.


"Your wolf says this is the place," Cale nodded to the house in the woods.

"That fucking bastard…" Bishop growled.

"What now?" Cale asked.

"Breanna's Falkreth hold is just on the other side of the road; he must have been watching the place…" Bishop said and Karnwyr growled.

"You mean your friend…" Cale said with distan.

"He's a dead man now…" Bishop growled as he gripped his knife and walked out of the clearing towards the house. Cale followed after his battle axe ready. Bishop kicks open the door to find the place empty. Karnywr sniffs around then digs at a rug. Cael pulls the rug away and reveals a trap door, Karnywer bolts down and Bishop follows and Cael right after.

They searched every room and dispatched each bandit they found. Karnywr rushed past several bandits barked at a closed door. Carl moving ahead took them down easily. His chest ached, if him and his men had only been home when they would easily defend them from this horror. He kicked the door open that the wolf was digging at and gasped at the sight.

Breanna was chained to a bed spread eagle, bruises adorned her naked body loosely covered with a thin sheet and a strange contraption was strapped to her head to prevent her from speaking. Cael found the key and quickly unlocked the shackles. He heard Bishop cures behind him.

"I'm gonna find that Bastard and I'm going to kill him…" Bishop growled and stocked off deeper into the den to search for Thorn.

Cael watched Breanna frown through her bruised face as he removed the strange contraption.

"Breanna.." Cael whisperers, and reaches for her through the connection they shared when she was a wolf. I lived but the seal locked my mind against anyone. I wanted to sink into the dark shadows where I hid deep in my mind and live there to protect myself. He draped me in his cloak and easily lifted me into his arms. I was thin and the small bump in my abdomen that he fawned over was missing. He held me gently against his chest and carried me out of the darkness but I knew that I would still be haunted by that room.

I heard Cael's soft voice. I was hallucinating again even hearing Bishop's.

"You've done enough Dark One! The man who did this is still out there! Hunt him!" Cael said, laying her down in the soft grass.

"Oh, trust me I plan to make his death a very painful one…" Bishop growled. Cael shuffled next to her.

Breanna frowned as her eyes fluttered open, her vision blurry at the light of the sun as she blinked bolting up her weak body she looked around quickly bringing her hands up to her face she felt the contraption that blocked her voice removed. Cael put his hand on her shoulder. "You're safe, rest." He said in his calm voice. She flinched at his touch and a pang of hurt shot through Cael like an arrow. She began to rock herself and refused to make eye contact.