Chapter Sixteen


Fuck. What was I thinking! He cursed himself staring at Cael then his gaze looked past him to Breanna and his heart nearly broke. That was fear in her eyes, he never saw that in her eyes before so he wasn't sure. He was so full of rage, anger, and more than anything grief. He picks up his bow and shirt. "I'm going hunting…" Bishop announced and whistled for Karnwyr who bound after him.


"Don't fight with him." She said softly. Cael turned to her and opened his arms. She placed her hand in his open one and waited for her to move closer.

"It will not be I who fights with the Dark One, Sparrow. He has his own demons to fight. He needs to come to terms, that you are not his to possess alone." Cael said, holding her loosely. He was constant, patient, and out of the whole time she'd known him, he had always had the same even tone to his voice. She had never seen him angry.

Breanna sighed breathing in Cael's scent and closed her eyes. She was spinning, spinning out of control. Thorn had almost shattered her into a million different pieces, but she was tethered to quite a few very strong men who pulled her out of the darkness, she laughed to herself. Darkness is where she told herself she preferred to be, no, not darkness, shadows. Shadows is where she hid, maybe it was time to step into the light.

Cael reaches down and lifts Breanna's chin up gently to look into her eyes. "This is not something that breaks you, you are the blood and the soul of a Dragon Breanna Flamekeeper. You belong to no one but yourself and we are only here to lift you up so that you may take flight. You are destined for a great many things only you can do, and if that means I have to share your love with others then I will do so gladly. It is an honor to be your companion and one of your champions." He said earnestly. Breanna pressed her face into his furs hugging him.

"You are extraordinary," Breanna said. "There are a great many names that women are called for having more than one lover."

"Women are just as capable as men, and as my father would say, more than capable." He said with a chuckle. "Harem's are common in many cultures."

"Yes, but a woman having one?" Breanna said doubtful.

"Sparrow, you already do." He said gently rubbing her back that he suddenly felt stiffen.

"Gods, your right!" Breanna exclaimed thinking of each of the men she had been with. Any one of them would do anything she asked of them, fight at her side or warm her bed if she so wished it. The twins, Brynjolf, Casivir, Cael, even Bishop.

"You have but to ask and anyone of us would do anything you wished," Cael said caressing her cheek with his knuckles.

"Yeah, but that's crazy," Breanna exclaimed.

"What's so crazy about it? I knew from the moment I met you that I would have to share you, I knew that you wouldn't totally be mine. That's unrealistic. You are the Dragonborn who's to say you can't have a champion of men at your command." Cael said rationally.

"Yeah, a line of champions, but a male harem?" She scoffed and pulled away slightly.

"Some of us do have duties to attend to so it's not like we would always be around.." Cael said.

"I guess so." Breanna shrugged. "Guess I'd have to ask them."

"Well everyone is here waiting to see you," Cael said.

"WHAT?! Everyone?" Breanna asked, raising her voice before it cracked.

"Yes, after we dealt with Thorn everyone has been waiting around for you," Cael said and Breanna covered her face. Lakeview was small; it's not like she walked around her property to run into them. She stayed in her room or the deck and she did try to avoid anyone that was around. She didn't want them to see her like she was, she didn't want to see the guilt in their eyes. Like she already saw in Cael and Bishop's.

"They would not think you any less beautiful than the first time that they met you," Cael said reading her thoughts. She reached in her mind and found that she had subconsciously already let him in.

"Stop reading my mind." Breanna accused pushing him away slightly playful.

"As long as you allow me to be there I will fill you with love and what do you call it, my gentleness." He said with a wide smile and Breanna blushed under her bruises.

"I'm going to see the other." She announced turning and heading into the manor.


It had been many months of slow healing, Breanna sat in a wingback chair at the fire the door to the parlor was at her back. She was finally ready to face her male companions. Brynjolf entered and closed the door behind him quietly, his footsteps made no sound on the floorboards.

"Shadows preserve us, still as quiet as ever," Breanna said looking over her shoulder.

"Aye lass," he said, moving to the other chair across from her. The light of the fire shadowed the rest of the room but he was able to see the marks the Thorn had branded on her skin and he clenched his fist.

"It is done, Brynjolf, it's in the past and although it has happened I won't let it define me. In the storm of pain that I have suffered I found myself I learned to cling to that self, I learned to fight every moment, to remember and I'd rather remember a hundred different memories with you than a moment with him. I won't let him haunt me anymore, so don't let it haunt you as well." Breanna said, covering his fist with her hand. With her touch he nodded. "I know you wish you should have done more, but you couldn't. You could only do exactly what you did, and that was enough and more." She said, bringing his hand up to her lips.

He tried to speak but she placed her fingers over his lips. "Nothing you say could make me love you any less" She said and he took her fingers and kissed them. He was filled with guilt, guilt of what he did not do, what he could have done. "I'll not have you as one of my Champions if you regret anything," Breanna said, smoothing away the single tear that fell from his eye.

Brynjolf nodded. "Seems you are in need of more vigilant Champions than I thought." He said placing his hand on the side of her ribs over her tattoo, the one that he had gotten for her.

"So, you'll stay?" Breanna asked.

"Of course Lass for now at least, I do have a guild to run since our guild leader has other things to do." He said with one of his brilliant smiles.

"You know I left that in your very capable strong hands, and coin flows better now that we have the Night Mistress blessing again," Breanna said with a smirk. "It's because I trust you, you know that."

"Aye I know Lass. And I trust you" He said with a smile.

"You're alright with sharing me then?" Breanna asked, arching her brow.

"Of course I am. I've always known you're your own Lass and I can't keep you like a shiny relic in a vault. Although I wouldn't mind putting you up for my display once in a while." Brynjolf said with a smirk.

"Walk in the shadows, Brynjolf," Breanna said with a smile and kissed his cheek.

"You as well, dear Bree" Brynjolf whispered, when a quick knock sounded on the door and it was swiftly opened. Brynjolf's hand went to the dagger in his boot.

"Brynjolf if it was an enemy they wouldn't have knocked," Breanna said with a bit of a laugh. Casivir was a bit surprised to see her with the thief but he knew they had relations. Personal relations from before when they had always traveled Skyrim she always found her way back to the Rift. She found intimacy with him, an intimacy that he couldn't give her.

Brynjolf slipped the knife back in and patted Breanna's knee gently. "I'll attend to some Guild matters but I'll return." He said then leaned in to kiss her cheek but Breanna cupped his face and kissed him gently. Casivir looked away, he was still coming to terms with his emotions evolving Breanna. He didn't see her as the golden light that he thought that she was in the beginning. He should have known better by looking at himself. No one is wholly good or evil; they were shades of each; some definitely had more good or more evil but one couldn't be strictly one or the other. Brynjolf enjoyed Breanna's kiss slowly before standing and patted the Paladin on the shoulder and left the room.

Breanna offered the other chair to Casivir. "Casivir," Breanna sighed. "I'm sorry." They both said in unison.

"What are you sorry for?" Casivir asked, falling to his knee next to her chair.

"For turning you away," Breanna said looking at him.

"No, M'lady, it was I who turned you away. I let go when I should have held on. You've helped me grow into a better man, a wiser one. I was foolish to think that I would ever move on without you." Casivir started to explain.

"I let you turn away, I was the foolish one to think that this was a competition that there had to be a one, a winner or a loser. And you are neither. You are and always will be in my heart." Breanna said, taking his hands into her lap. "You were the first constant thing in my life since I set foot in Skyrim when I got off the boat in Solitude."

Casivir reached up to caress Breanna's cheek. The bruises had faded since he saw her last and her beauty was shining back through, like a diamond being polished to perfection. She placed her hand over his on her cheek.

"Stay," she said looking into his blue eyes. Eyes that were so full of pain and regret, things that at one time she wished she could remove but now she was aware that it was a part of who he was. He wore his heart on his sleeve which was ironic cause he usually always wears his armor, but not today.

"Are you asking or commanding, M'lady?" He asked, lowering his hand and head, breaking the eye contact.

"I'm asking, but I'm sure you're well aware that you won't be my only champion." She said, wondering if he could be flexible enough to serve her this way. She knew his bloody past, his dark secret that kept her at arms length for so long. Did he grow enough to accept being a part of her circle of champions?

"I am aware I wouldn't be the only one. I've never been the only one, and even then I knew I couldn't give you all that you needed. Now it's clear you need more than I could give and that's fine. I'm used to you seeking the strength of others that I wasn't willing to give yet. And frankly I'm not sure you're very keen on my style, even now so after everything." Casivir said slowly looking up and his hair fell forward over his brow.

"Cas, I admit I am quite domineering in that department but I'm not adverse to you taking charge and changing my role." She said with a small smile brushing his hair away. "I am happy to have you however you want to give yourself."

"Really." He asked hopefully.

"Of course but you'll have to reign in that temper of yours. I see you even when you don't think I do." Breanna replied and he gave a sheepish look.

"I will do my best, M'lady" Casivir said with a smile. It was a great smile, she had never seen him smile so genuinely before. Breanna wraps her arms around Casivir's neck and embraces him. He returns her embrace and his healing light enveloped them. It was warm and wrapped around her. It was different from before and a pleasant moan escaped her lips as she closed her eyes and pressed closer to Casivir.

Breanna stepped back from Casivir and she looked up at him when she heard the sound of his breath hitch. "What is it?" She asked.

"My lady, I believe you've allowed me to heal you," Casivir said, cupping her cheek.

"I believe you did the healing," Breanna said with a small chuckle. Casivir leaned down and kissed her deeply, his hands moving down to her hips. He was gentle and demanding, she put her arms around him and clung to his strong back. They didn't even hear the door scrape open against the floorboards.

Bishop stood in the doorway, a look of shock evident on his face if the pair wasn't so busy kissing. His jaw flexed and he cleared his throat, twice.

"Bishop!" Breanna said, pulling away from Casivir blushing.

"Breanna." He said roughly. Breanna averted her gaze, he used her name. He's never used her name before. Casivir took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "I'll leave you," he said with such confidence she was surprised.

The door closed behind Casivir leaving them alone in their silence. The logs popping in the fireplace warm up the small sitting room.

"Do you love him?" He finally asked, breaking the silence.

"Who?" Breanna asked. "Casivir?"

"Or is it the skirt wearing Chieftain?" He scoffed out crossing his arms.

"Dont do this," Breanna said moving closer to him she placed her hand on his crossed arms.

"What am I doing?" Bishop asked. "You're deflecting because you think that I don't care for you anymore." Breanna said, sliding her hands into his but he scoffs and pulls away.

"There is much we need to discuss." She said. "I'm not sure there is?" He said, putting up his barrier.

"Don't be so stubborn, I'm sorry for running off and not allowing you to explain." Breanna started, looking up into his golden eyes. "I shouldn't have believed you would betray me."

"I don't blame you" Bishop sighed annoyed. "But time and distance has changed us." He said frowning.

"Yes, it has, but for better or worse? That has yet to be determined." Breanna said closing the distance between them again.

"Breanna, please." He said, stepping back against the door now. "What are you pleading for? It's not like you, and since when do you call me by my name?" She asked him to examine him.

His nostrils flared taking in her sweet scent, a scent he missed, he couldn't get enough of. He's never loved anyone as fiercely as he did her, besides Karnwyr. He wanted to clear things between them, but something had changed in her and he only blamed himself for what happened to her. He didn't know if he could be near her and not touch her, only to see her coil in what? Fear? Disgust? He looked down at her pale smooth skin, the bruises that were there earlier where healed, her green eyes clear and looking up at him.

"I can't be here, not if your…" He began swallowing hard, a bead of sweat trailing down the side of his face. Breanna gripped his gear and pulled him down slightly.

"Shut up and kiss me." She said, he groaned and slipped his fingers into her red hair and claimed her lips. Fuck! She tasted like a rare exotic fruit that he couldn't get enough of. His mouth consumed hers and he drank from her mouth like he was so very parched. Breanna pushed him harder against the door.

"Princess," he rasped, pulling away from her lips reluctantly to watch her. Her eyes glinted with power and affection. He suddenly realized that there would never be anyone else for him, she was it, was everything. But she wasn't his anymore, he was hers. Her nimble fingers quickly pulled the belt from his leggings and he growled and gritted his teeth as she reached into stroke his harness. He lifted her up and spun her to the wall pressing her against it, lifting her leg at his hips. Suddenly he felt the surge of power that brought on her change and he crashed to the floor her eyes red then returning to her beautiful green she fell on top of him straddling his hips.

"If you want me Bishop, it's my way." She said, pulling at his shirt and he happily abandoned it nodding. Her hands, fingers, and eyes glided over the smooth muscles of his chest stopping at a fresh wound that looked deep she touched gently.

"Thorn?" Breanna asked, pain behind her eyes and her breath shuddered.. Bishop could only nod and then she leaned down and kissed it. His hands moved up her hips and up her back to pull at the laces of her dress. He wanted to see and taste her skin as well. Breanna pulled back and let the top of her dress slip from her shoulders to expose her breast. He inhaled sharply at their round shape, reaching up he cupped them gently grazing his thumb across her pink nipple.

To her surprise she moaned at his gentleness, she wondered if she would have any passion after everything. She remembered all that she went through with him and how gently he was before. She needed that and she thought he would be the last one capable of giving her that.

She pulled up her skirt and slid her folds against his hardness and they moaned together. He shifted his hips up to her needing to bury himself inside of her but she held him down. She shifted to let the tip of him press into her slowly. Her body language telling him she would be the one allowing the intimacy. He held her stare, his hands enjoying the softness of her flesh dragging his rough fingertips over her hips and up her bare back to cup her cheek and pull her gently to him so that he could sample her lips once again. It was a strange euphoric sensation of allowing Breanna to initiate and control the tempo of their passion. It excited him, giving up the control as she rolled her hips thrusting herself down seeding him deep inside her. She arched her back and gasped as her sex tightened around his thickness.

Bishop's teeth grazed down Breanna's neck and she moaned and jerked her hips forward pressing him even deeper. "You've taken all of me," Bishop whispered against her chest.

A tear slipped from her lashes and fear gripped him and his chest tightened. Did he do or say something to push her away again? He sat up and wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer to his chest.

"Bishop," Breanna rasped. "I, I cannot give you the same." She breathed the truth rushing out of her lungs and it burned. He deserved the truth, time had changed her. She would no longer be satisfied with a dream of the past. Breanna knew that Bishop was a very possessive male, he baited Casivir every chance he got to try and win her over. He shivered, reaching up to brush her hair behind her ear and wipe her tears. "Shhh," he shushed his voice deep with emotions as he gently kissed her cheek. "I know, it's alright," he said kissing her. He had known because a certain skirt-wearing chieftain had told him. He had trust issues but after everything that happened how could he not trust them or not trust her judgment.

"She has a deep love for each of us, and she carries a guilt of not giving you the benefit of doubt and trusting you, don't make her choose." Cael had said to him, he had tracked him down in the middle of the forest just to talk with him. She had forgiven him for his first betrayal. What made him think that she would forgive him? for his Even if it was a lie.

"I cannot deny that I am possessive and arrogant, but you are your own person if they can give you something I cannot. Who am I to tell you that you cannot? I only ask that you keep me close." Love me the most, he thought gripping her hips. Breanna shuddered on top of him, her nipples peaked and she tangled her fingers into his. "I've claimed you, Bishop, you are mine. I need you, your strength, your council, and most of all your dry humor." She said her chest tightening along with her sex. The corner of Bishop's lip curled up in a sly smirk and his fingers tightened on hers. Breanna knew what love was, what it was not, and she chartered her course through this messed up world making the best choices she could. She had picked out the strong males to be her entourage, her guard, not that she needed it. She is the Dovah-Kiin and would rise to her own power and forge a path never walked and Gods take him; he would choose to be at her side through it all.

She leaned down to kiss him deeply her hands pressing his against the floorboards as her hips rocked to stroke him with her sex. He followed her lead allowing her to take her pleasure on top of him it was a different experience than that he was used to but it's not like he didn't enjoy himself, in fact, it was intoxicating having her surround him again and it wasn't long till they had spent themselves. Breanna fell forward onto his chest her bare breast pressed against his chest. Her small frame heaved trying to catch her breath.

He had been her first after her capture and it mended a rift, a chasm long and deep between them. It was healed but it left a jagged scar, a reminder, one he will never forget, one he will spend the rest of his days making sure that it never happens again.