
Chapter Seventeen

Breanna met the ground with a hard thump her breath was knocked out of her, sweat trickled down her back and she stumbled to pull her weight up.

"Get up!" Vilkas growled, tossing her short sword on the ground in front of her. Breanna's lungs burned as they filled, it has been almost a year since she held a sword. She grasped the familiar handle and stood. Her hair was braided away from her face in the fashion of the Forsworn, Cael had helped her with it this morning. It was the least he could do after keeping her up half the night, not that she was complaining. He left for the Reach just after breakfast. Breanna didn't want him to track halfway across Skyrim just to be with her at Lakeview, her estate in Falkreath; it was an equal distance between Riftan and the Reach since Brynjolf also traveled the distance when he wasn't busy. "It's not necessary, Yakul can travel the distance." Cael said, reading her mine and capturing her lips for a farewell kiss.

"Maybe we should take a break?" Farkas said, crossing his arms as he smelled her exhaustion. Vilkas looked up at the sky, it had seemed midday and they had been out since breakfast, returning her to her fine battle form.

"I'll go fetch some food," Casivir said, moving from his post against the fence. Breanna wiped her brow and took a stance when the familiar whistle of an arrow flew through the air.

"Tiid Klo Ul" Breanna barked, spinning out of the way and stalked the archer. Bishop had loosed the arrow to test her reflexes. There was a time when she would just smack it out of her way, but she used her voice the same words that she used to escape him. Slowing time actually made her look like she was moving fast, using her momentum she pushed at the ranger with her wolf strength knocking him on his ass.

"You smell," Bishop said with a smirk. "Not half as bad as you," Breanna said, raising her arched brow. After a moment she offered him her hand and he pulled her down playfully on top of him. Breanna breathed in his male scent of the forest; the sweat and dust reminded her of the happy days they had spent together. Breanna leaned down and kissed him deeply despite the twins' close proximity. Vilkas growled and Farkas strategically placed himself between his brother and her.

Vilkas was more wolf than a man sometimes and the need to protect his mate went beyond rational thinking, sometimes it got the best of him. "I think your dog is jealous," Bishop said against her cheek. "I guess I will have to rectify that situation." She said gracefully moving off of him and back into the ring with the twins as Bishop pushed himself up on his elbow to watch her.

Breanna gripped Vilkas armor and her green eyes pierced his. "Do you have something to say to your Luna?" She asked, looking up at him. Vilkas grunted at her and she lifted the corner of her mouth up in a smile. Vilkas lifted her easily and threw her over his shoulder and dumped her into the lake she thrashed about in the cold water before standing with a scowl. Farkas removed his clothes and joined her and helped her remove her wet clothes as Bishop joined them as well.

Breanna lounged on a large flat rock near the lakes edge, her back against Farkas chest and Vilkas held her feet on his lap as he rubbed the tension out of them. Casivir had eventually joined them in the lake as well and then took up his sword stance in the shallows. Ever on guard. Her knight. She looked over at another flat rock a short distance away and her ranger lounged there in all his sun kissed tan skin.

"If I didnt know any better I might think you where all Selkie's." Brynjolf said father up on the shore. Of course the second in command of the thieves guild was light on his feet.

"Brynjolf! Come join us!" Breanna said with a smile. Her males had worked out a turn base schedule. They came and went as business deemed but their main goal was to return her strength and test her. Healing the wounds on her body was one thing but the wounds on her mind and soul, those are quite another. They didn't need her freezing up in fear in the middle of battle. That's how people die.

Brynjolf nodded to everyone in greeting and crossed his arms. "I thought you might like some fun. Being stowed up with these guys must be dull." He said, giving her a mischievous smile that she returned.

Her black nightingale armor was larger in some areas then it used to be. She hadn't built up the required muscle in some areas. Strong arms wrapped around her and Bishop's familiar scent enveloped her. "I'm in good hands..." She said, trying to quell his concerns. They were afraid for her to be back out in the field. "My hands are better," he said low in her ear and her core tightened.

Breanna turned in his embrace and put her arms around his neck. "You have great hands and I especially love them caressing my bare skin," she said with a smirk. "That can be arranged, Princess." He responded with a smirk of his own.

"Well, then it should be my reward when I return." She said her smirk turned into a smile. Gods he loved to see her smile. Bishop reached up and cupped her cheek and kissed her deeply, hungrily. A grunt was heard at the open door and Casivir stood. Breanna pulled away from Bishop slowly, what she wouldn't give to have both of these males in her bed at the same time but she knew they were far from comfortable being in the same room as each other. She sighed and moved agily over to her knight.

"M'lady," Casivir said stiffening. A memory flashed of a night she shared with him in Riftan and she smiled up at him and drew her hand across his jaw and placed her other hand on his chest. Casivir leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers and they closed their eyes for a brief moment.

Breanna had assured each one she would be fine with Brynjolf and they headed North to Winterhold. Brynjolf said he got wind of an untouched abandoned estate there that was sure to have some treasures ripe for the taking. Travel was slow even on horses, she realized that she still wasn't fully herself.

"I'll rent us a room for the night, keep your head down, no one needs to know the Archmage is in town, lass" Brynjolf said helping Breanna off her horse. Breanna was exhausted, the cold made her muscles sore as she hobbled slowly into the inn shaking off the snow from her cloak. Brynjolf took care of the room and horses. He returned carrying a tray of food that he set on the table then moved to help remove my cloak.

Breanna's red hair spilled out over her shoulders then strong armes enveloped her and she leaned against him. "I don't think I can take this job if it's anything like our last one." She said, twisting slightly to look up at him.

"Do'na worry lass, I have five angry men after me if anything happened to you. I don't need that kind of drama in my life." Brynjolf said, giving her a playful smile then leaned down and kissed her deeply. It had been a long time since she had his lips on hers. He was her first lover since she came to Skyrim and she turned around in his arms to meet him passion for passion. Her hands moved up to caress the skin of his back under his shirt and she shivered as his lips moved down to her neck and she sighed.

His teeth grazed her collarbone and her knees gave out, her muscles too strained from riding all day. He easily lifted her, all the men did like she weighed nothing and sat her at the table. "Eat, you'll need your strength." He said sitting next to her and collecting a plate for himself. This was not like Brynjolf, he was fussing over her. She had never seen him fuss over her before. She knew that he cared, maybe even loved her but this was him fussing over her.

"Who are you and what have you done with my Brynjolf?" Breanna asked, picking up a chunk of bread.

"What are you talking about, I'm still the Brynjolf that cajoled you into a job stealing a silver ring," he said, drinking down some ale.

"You never were this domestic…" she said, choosing her words carefully.

"Domestic?" He questioned with a laugh.

"Yeah, you've been very attentive… it's not like you." Breanna said, putting her bread down and picking up the leg of a bird on her plate to dig in. Brynjolf was right. I was starving and I would definitely need my energy for the job ahead of us tomorrow night.

"If I lost ya.." he started. Breanna placed her free hand over his on the table.

"I know you care, Brynjolf. You won't lose me." She said, patting his hand and smiling at him.

"It's not that…" Brynjolf said, rubbing the back of his neck. Breanna studied him.

"You're jealous." She said with realization.

"What? No…" He denied it and she stood from her chair to climb onto his lap.

"Well, we can't have that now can we.." She said putting an arm around his neck to hold herself in place.

"Not at all, Lass, not at all.." He said putting his tankard down and cupping her cheek to kiss her.

Breanna woke up well rested even after their night of passion, rolling over she found the bed empty, pulling the furs over her head she suddenly heard the faint click of the latch on the door and she instinctively reached for her dagger.

"Easy lass, it's just me." Brynjolf said, slipping back into bed with her and pulling her to his chest. The tip of a pointed dagger met his throat and she straddled him, her body bare for him to see.

"Now I have you right where I want you." Breanna smiled and grinded her hips into his pants he slipped on brushed against her bundle of nerves. Brynjolf arched a brow, his hands up in protest of the knife.

"Are you sure it's not the other way around Bree?" he asked, his tone low and husky as his member grew hard under her, she bit her lip and dragged the dagger down his bare chest, he must have gotten up to relieve himself.

"Perhaps we have similar interests…" She said reaching down to grope his member and he shuddered in pleasure. Breanna freed it from the constraints of his leather pants and stroked it with her hands and grinding it against her increasingly wet folds and clit. Brynjolf gently took the dagger away so that he could grip her hips. She pressed the tip to her opening and he stretched her open once more. She moaned as she seated herself all the way down till he was pressed deep inside of her.

"Ride my cock, lass" he said and she did just that, rocking her hips so that his cock moved in and out of her in a steady motion egging her orgasm on, she closed her eyes and her hands roamed over Brynjolf's abs and muscled chest. He sat up wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a deep kiss that she moaned into as she continued to thrust herself down onto his cock each time it hit the spot that sent waves of pleasure through her body.

"Cum for me Bree," he said, kissing down my neck as he palmed my breast then pinched at my aroused nipples. His mouth came down on one then the other caressing her nipples with his tongue she rocked her hips till she came undone. Her sex clenched onto his and she arched her back as her body radiated in pleasure she shuddered feeling his hot seed fill her she collapsed against him with a sigh.

"Well, that was a great wake up call.." Brynjolf teased caressing her skin with his rough fingertips, Breanna laughed snuggling into his warmth.