11 Years later...

Trapped in the world of portal origin, Jonas and his son, Razel, survived eleven years somehow. They journeyed through many dimensions and named them as the realm of the lord which rules there.

Jonas was now 35 and Razel was 16. Razel was 6 feet 4 inch while his father was only 6 feet tall. During his survival journey, Jonas trained Razel the dark arts and as Razel also had demonic energy, he mastered it at the age of 16. Jonas also found many legendary architectures and other scripts. The first script which he found was titled "The Legendary Elemental Gods".

The script roll was very old and it's pages were of yellow color. He slowly opened the roll and started reading it. The written text was,

"There are indefinite elements in this world. Each element is special and unique in it's own way. We cannot say which one is stronger or which one is weaker, but we can tell which one is strongest. The strongest element is *-? . As for the weakest, there is no specific element. The main elements are Earth, *-?, Air, Fire and Water. All the other elements are created by these specific elements, including the human body. The strongest subordinate element is Lightning. It is considered even stronger than the 4 main elements. Each element has a specific God. Each God have a specific weapon which is said to be the master of that element. Gods cannot be killed, but one can defeat them by managing to achieve their weapon. It can only be achieved if the God's Core Alma is slayed. The Core Alma is regarded as the most important part in a God's spiritual body. Only the true godly warrior can become a God slayer. A proper list of subordinate elements is given below."

After reading the script, Jonas marked some subordinate element which can be differed from the main elements. He said to himself,

" Uhh... It was a pity that the strongest element's name is scratched in the script and is not visible. However, I shall conquer the Earth element right now! I will conquer all the elements by slaying the gods and then, I will become the true godly warrior!" He patted his son and said to him,

" However strong I maybe, I am just a human though. I am not immortal. My true goal is to fix this broken world by becoming the true God. Becoming the true God means that I will definitely have to take many lives. I will be walking the path of evil to achieve my true dream! But, it's not possible in my lifespan because there are a lot of gods and I will mostly live another 60 or 70 year at most. If I will not be able to achieve it, then you will become the true God!"

" Yeah, all right father. I will definitely fulfill your dream if you will not be able to achieve it. But before that, I would like to help you to achieve your dream! Do you remeber when we traveled to the planet Earth, we heard an idiom saying 'the more the merrier'. I shall also take lives with you if it can contribute to the upcoming greater cause and achieving your dream." Razel said excitedly.

" Okay son, but listen well before that, if you think that I will ever show you any empathy if you would ever injure yourself or if you will die, just because you are my son then you are completely wrong. I will not show any emotion towards you but remember that your father loves you and will never leave you to die. You are an adult now and also a hybrid, who is the master of dark arts. However you are not as strong as me because you are far too young to compare with me, but the day you will surpass me, that will be the happiest day of my life." Jonas said seriously.

" So that means if I will follow these conditions then you will accept me? Very well then! I will remember you words father! But you shall also remember that the day I surpass you, you will have to acknowledge me." Razel said surprisingly.

The next day the father and son duo prepared themselves to slay the Earth goddess. They opened the script. On the next side of the script, some mantras were written which were able to connect the dimension portal to a specific element God. Jonas put his finger on the mantra and recited it. Then he wiped his finger on a random dimension portal. When he wiped his finger, some sort of special light flashed and the mantra appeared to be on the portal. A huge flash covered their eyes and they were absorbed on the land of the Earth elemental God.

They were in a completely dark and cramped place. They were having difficulty in moving. Suddenly, Razel shouted as if somebody tried to deal him an immense blow.


"Wha- What happened Razel!"

"Please don't turn father!!!"

Jonas thought to himself, *Looks like there is some kind of unknown creature who might attack if I turn back or Razel is trying to hide his injuries! *

"Ra-Razel, can you tell me what's the matter?"

"Ye-Yes father ! I would be pleased if you could move forward because your leg is just a centimeter away from my balls."


Jonas moved forward after crushing Razel's thigh with his foot. When he moved forward Razel followed him. As he reached the top by climbing, he saw a ray of light. He got out and found that he was in a well. His son followed him later. As they both walked forward, they found themselves to be trapped in a temple. The saw many statues of knights holding spears. They were about to reach the end of the temple as they saw a ray of light far away. When they reached the ray of light they found a container in which an old lady was sleeping.

Razel said excitedly,

"Father should I open this container?!"

"You idiot don't touch it-!" Jonas was interrupted.

When Razel touched the container, they heard a huge rumbling noise. Jonas ordered Razel to go check out what was the source of this huge noise.

He walked slowly out of the light filled room into the darkness. He was shocked by the vision that was right in front of him. The knights with spears that looked like statues were actual walking and even tried to attack Razel. He kicked the knight and closed the door. He told his father about them in panic. Jonas asked him,

"Did you count them?"

"Yes! By my dark demonic eye I was able to see them and they were almost 50 in number. Father! Do you know how can we defeat them?"

"Of course I know! They are the golems, creatures which are made from the Earth element. We can only defeat the golems by crushing them with brute force!" Jonas replied.

"Wha- What!!!!" Razel asked surprisingly.