When Jonas and Razel were trapped in the room of the Earth goddess, a huge *BAM!* sound pierced their ears. It was the sound of the golems raging to break the gate which was being defended by Razel. Jonas didn't had a plan ready. All they had were two extra sharp daggers and nothing else. They didn't even had any type of armor to protect them. Suddenly a huge light flashed from the container of the Earth goddess. When the light stopped flashing, Jonas looked the source of the light and he saw a hologram like structure of the Earth goddess. She had brown and long hair and green eyes. Her skin was of green color. She looked very timid. She said,

"I am the projection of the spirit of the great Earth goddess. You can call me Earthesteil the IV. Many demons have been here to conquer me but they didn't even had the ability to defeat my golems. I am the Earth goddess and I hate violence. If you both, who are not even human nor a demon, can defeat my golems, I will give you half of my core willingly. As for the other half, I cannot give you that because it would lead to the destruction of the Earth."

Jonas looked at her intensely as she reverted back in her body.

" Father! Did you found a way?!" Razel asked his father as the gate was about to break.

" I have decided what to do! Now follow my instructions and do what I am doing! Razel stand back! Take out your dagger, hold it in one hand and fill it with demonic qi. Also use the demonic qi for your legs and strengthen them. As you already know, it will also increase your speed. After doing this, clinch your other hand and use the first form of dark arts to flow the dark energy in your hand unequally. When the golems approach, use dark arts to grab them and pierce them with your dagger! If they try to fight back, use your both limbs to kill him!"

After saying this, Jonas got into his fighting position. Razel stepped back and got into the the position his father told him to get into. As they both got ready, the gate was broken. The golems forced their way through the gate and attacked Razel. He grabbed the spear of the first golem with his dark arts and tried to pierce him using his dagger, but the golem used his spear as a shield. Razel used his leg to kick the golem's spear. He broke his spear and forced opened the golem's head.

Meanwhile, many golems were rushing towards Jonas. He used the first and the second form of dark arts together. There were total of 12 forms. The first form focuses on bursting the opponent by making your hands' force increase by more than 30 times. The second force focuses on increasing the speed of the hands. While Razel was able to defeat only a few golems, Jonas killed atleast ten of them.

The Earth goddess was in the container, but she was watching every little details of the battle between the golems and the mysterious creatures who were neither human nor demons through her divine clairvoyance. The goddess thought to herself,

"Looks like I have found the right person!"

The battle continued. They defeated many golems within a short amount of period. Suddenly, a huge rumbling noise was heard by them. Jonas asked,

"Hey Razel! Did you felt it?"

"Yes, father. I felt it. That immense aura, that pressure!"

The golems backed up and the battle stopped for a moment. A huge personality with an immense aura was visible coming in the front. It looked like he was the leader of the golem knights. Along with him, two other golems were standing in front of him that also had an immense aura, but it was a little weaker than the one who commanded them. These three looked like the sergent, deputy general, and general. The biggest difference between them and the regular golem was that these golems were not holding any spear. The number of other weaker golems reduced to significantly and the ones which were left, initiated retreat.

"So you three are our last and main opponents after all! Son! Get ready to break these Motherf***ing statues!" Jonas shouted excitedly.

"Now you are talking my father!"

Jonas knew the 10 forms of dark arts and his son knew 6 forms of dark arts. The last two were not known by anybody in this universe. The third form focused on rapid flow of blood in the body which increased the vitality and efficiency. The fourth form focused on strengthening the leg and the fifth form focused on increasing the speed of the leg. The sixth form allowed the eyes to spot an ant hundreds of metres away.

After the sixth form, the later forms absorbed a lot of dark qi and Jonas was already a little bit low on dark qi as he destroyed most of the statues by using two forms. Whereas, Razel wasn't low on dark qi as him because he was only using the first form. He didn't used the second form because he was also using demonic qi.

The General didn't moved forward on his own. He send the deputy general and sergent to fight with the father and the son. The sergent moved towards Razel, the son and the deputy general moved towards Jonas, the father.

Razel thought that the however strong he maybe, he still a golem. He has to be slow. Without a second thought, Razel activated the second and the third forms continuously and punched the golem with dark arts. At this moment, a sudden tension arose in Razel's head. He started sweating. After firing the punch, the next thing he knew was that the golem suddenly appeared behind him. The golem gave him a chop. As Razel's shoulder was about to burst, he leaped backward. He was bleeding from his shoulder but he didn't felt any pain because of three reasons.

First! He had a muscular body!

Second! He was using the third form of dark arts!

And third! He believed that this is his trial. He has to help his father to become the one true go!

He activated the fourth form and leaped towards the golem. They exchanged blows that were strong enough to kill a regular golem within one strike. Little did the sergent golem knew, Razel's leg was also strengthen atleast 20 times because of the fourth form. He kicked the golem away and while the golem was lying down, he took out his dagger and made the demonic qi to flow in it, and then, he pierced the golem through his head.


The general golem rushed towards Jonas. Jonas didn't cared about anything and suddenly activated the third, fourth and fifth form altogether. While the golem tried to punch Jonas, Jonas rushed forward and tackled him. While the golem was on the floor, Jonas gave him a lot of blows. His hard rock skin started to tear and Jonas' hands started to bleed. His dagger was lost somewhere and he wasn't able to find it. When the golem was losing, he kicked Jonas and Jonas fell back and got off him. When Jonas got off of him and fell on the ground, the golem thought of it as a chance and rushed forward to kill Jonas by crushing him.

"You fell for it, you idddiot!!!" Jonas shouted at the golem and when the golem tried to stop himself after listening his words, Jonas kicked his leg with an ultimate blow and dark qi. The golem's leg shattered into pieces and the golem fell on the ground while Jonas crushed and scattered his head.

The father and son duo took a long breathe and looked at each other then smirked and looked at the General golem.

"Please stop it!"

The father and son heard a lady's voice and turned to look for its source. It was the voice of a girl who was 5 feets 7 inch. She had green hair and green eyes and looked very beautiful. At that time Razel was lovestruck. After roaming dimension for survival and training with his old man, Razel met a girl for the first time.

"Who the hell are you, huh?!" Jonas asked.

The projection of Earthesteil appeared and started talking,

"During these years, I have seen many wars with my divine eyes and decided that I will not let my daughter marry any God of other realm. I would only let her marry somebody from my holy land or somebody who can clear the trial of my golems and obtain my core. I saw that you both are evil, but don't have a bad heart as when I said that if I will give you my full core, then the earth will be destroyed, you both didn't opposed me. As you both have cleared this trial, I, the great Earthesteil the IV, give my daughter to Mr. Razel as his wife. And I also give my half core Alma to his father, Mr. Jonas!"

After she completed her talk, a huge light flashed and entered Jonas' body. Her daughter also heard everything and reached Razel and said,

" Uh, wha-what should I call you ma-maaster?"

" Razel! Only Razel!" After saying this, Razel grabbed her hand and brought her closer to him and kissed her. He remembered his father telling him the technique of how to win the heart of a lady.

She was embarrassed but held his hands and followed the father and son duo on their journey.

Jonas was feared and happy, both at the same time. He was feared of the upcoming challenges and the destiny of his and his son's life and he was happy because he became the Earth Conqueror.