Present day...

On the holy land of Milo Azoloth, Wang Lei and his party met the goddess of the memory, Sylvia-Milo-Azaloth. She asked him and his friends for aid to defend the kingdom of Milo Azoloth from the attack of demons. She also told Wang Lei that he is the one who is destined to save the humanity and the divinity according to the divine prophecy. After telling him the important details, she took him and his friends to the main kingdom.

There was no sun but the world was brighter than Earth, the Home planet of Wang Lei. The ground looked like it was made of gold. In front of the eyes of Lei, there stood a huge castle made of white and shining marble. It made the beautiful scenery look like fiction. Sylvia brought Lei and his friends inside the castle. They walked slowly towards a lone room. In the room an old but strong looking, muscular man, who was atleast 6 feet and 3 inches, stood up when Lei and his party entered. He was 60 years old and had small and white beard and combined moustache.

He said,

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Lei. My name is Milo Azoloth and I am the emperor of this kingdom, as you can see that this kingdom is named after me. I am also the father of Sylvia. I wanted to talk with you and your friends. First of all, in the holy lands, the flow of time is different from your world. According to the divine prophecy, you will lead your team to defeat the demon lords of different worlds, but there are also some important conditions."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Azoloth. I am ready to accept any condition, if accepting them can save the mankind from extinction." Lei said seriously.

"Very well then! The first condition is, you will have to abandon everything you have on Earth. Do you accept it?" Milo said with a smile.

"Wait! Do you mean that I would have to abandon my sister also?" Lei said tensely.

"No, I only said that you would have to abandon everyTHING on Earth. Same goes for everyone from your team. Any person that you want to be with, you can bring her or him here. I can send you all back to Earth only for one time." Milo said calming Lei.

"Then there is no problem!" Lei said happily and thought in his mind, "After all, I became a slayer to earn some money for my sister. If she can come to this luxurious kingdom and live like a princess, then there is no problem at all! I can also save the mankind without loosing anyone!"

"Now, I shall state the second condition. According to the divine prophecy, you can only save the mankind if you marry my daughter, Sylvia-Milo-Azaloth." Milo said.

"No problem at all! Who wouldn't want to marry such a beautiful lady!" Lei said excitedly.

Sylvia looked at him and smiled shyly.

The king gave Lei an Earth dimensional stone, which would send them back to Earth.

"I only have wealth and fame on Earth, I don't even have a family. I wanted to find somebody who would love me, but I was unsuccessful! But now there is no problem. I will be living on this holy land and find true love! I didn't even had any true friends on Earth. But now, I have made such great friends or more like, students! Ha ha ha! I don't need to return to Earth.

"I don't know what should I say. I also don't have any family member except Chen Bao. But I have one last request! I want to bring my fiancee here! Chen Jiang said.

" Fiance?!" Lei said surprisingly.

"Um... I am sorry for not telling you this but I was engaged with Zhao Ling since childhood. I also knew a year ago and then we started dating and we promised to marry each other someday."

"No problem then. I think she will definitely come with you. And as for me, I only have my sister on Earth, so I will bring her here and she would marry some God or immortal on this holy land." Lei said.

"Uh, I am sorry for not telling you about this before but only some special humans can marry Gods or immortals on the holy lands. But since she is your sister, she can marry my only son, Scorch-Milo-Azaloth." Milo said.

"Then there is no problem!" Lei said.

Chen Bao stared at Jin and held his hands.

"I would also stay here... If you will marry me! I will give you true love!" Bao said shyly.

After hearing her, Jin started to cry.

"Wh-wh-wh-why are you crying?!" shouted Bao.

Jin wiped his tears and said,

"Because you are the first person to say that without caring about my wealth since I am living here. I also love you!"

After some time, Lei used the Earth Dimensional stone to create a small portal to the restroom of the SLAYER org. Jiang and Lei entered it. They found themselves in the SLAYER org's restroom. They exited and went their separate directions. Lei went to his home and Jiang went to the reception.

Jiang reached Ling. She got surprised and said,

"Where did you go, Chen Jiang?! I thought that you were closed in the dimension portal since the gate closed."

"I was in the holy lands. Let me explain you."

After a while Ling understood everything and entered the portal through restroom with Jiang.

Meanwhile, Lei went home and explained his sister about everything. She said,

"I have no friends who would treat me equally. The people who call me their friends, mostly bully me or tease me because I am poor. But, I always dreamt of becoming rich and marrying a prince. If that dream would come true when I leave this Earth and start staying in the holy lands, then I have no regrets."

After she said this, Lei took her to the Slayers org and averting everyone's eyes, he travelled to the holy land of Azaloth with her sister through the portal of the restroom.

When they reached the holy land of Azaloth, four weddings were held together the next day. Wang Lei married Sylvia-Milo-Azaloth , Xu Jin married Chen Bao, Chen Jiang married Zhao Ling and Scorch-Milo-Azaloth married Wang Jun.