In the year 2024, the descendents of the warriors who saved the mankind from the evil demon lord Afrozwein, are ready to become a slayer and protect the Earth from evil hellish gods.

Bao Zhao arrived at the Slayer org building which was situated in Seoul. She came running towards Schwartz and Alcesto who were sitting in the waiting room. Alcesto exchanged proper greetings with her while Schwartz just performed a handshake and said,

"You sure took your time coming here. Well, let's not get bothered since your clumsiness is natural. Let's go to register ourselves as proper slayers today."

Zhao first got sad but later she thought that this is his personality and it cannot be changed. However, Alcesto, who is a free spirit, didn't liked Schwartz's attitude and said,

" Hey Schwartz! Why are always so serious?! You should atleast greet Zhao properly!"

Schwartz turned back slowly and said wit a serious expression,

"Okay-Okay. My bad. Sorry for my rude behaviour, Zhao. I am really glad that you are back but for now we should hurry because the appointed time is running out."

Zhao and Alcesto, both were surprised by Schwartz's reaction. Zhao said,

"Well then, let's go!"

Alcesto followed Zhao and Schwartz.

They went in their respective exam rooms for test of magic.

She entered the women examination room and did a complete health check up and the results were positive. Later, she proceeded towards the power check exam.

A lady in a black suit told her, "use her full power against this wall", while pointing on a huge wall which was in front of Zhao's eyes. She also said that ''this wall will act as a power measure, by which we would be able to rank you."

When the lady went into the observation room, Zhao used her full power on to the wall and it measured her fire magic rank.

Zhao was ranked A by the examiner because she wasn't able to control her fire element properly since she achieved it recently.

Alcesto and Schwartz went in their respective power measuring room and after their full health checkup, which was positive, they recieved the same instructions as Zhao by men in black. After the men in black went to the observation room, Alcesto and Schwartz got ready to use their divine abilities. Alcesto and Schwartz used their full power to attack their respective walls but since it was just a power measuring device which had a hologram like feature to make it look like a wall, it didn't destroyed but measured their powers as S ranks. They left their training rooms and registered themselves as official slayers. They even formed a party which was allowed to enter into the dimensions of A rank (low level) hellish gods. When they submitted the final paperwork at the reception, the lady receptionist took the papers and added somebody else's name inside it and kept it inside her desk. She said,

"Now your party is formed. It is able to enter into SS rank dimensions of Hellish gods. I have also added the name of your fourth friend who is sitting there." while pointing her finger towards the waiting room.

After hearing her words, Alcesto, Schwartz and Zhao had a shocked expression on their faces. While Schwartz argued with the receptionist, Alcesto turned around and proceeded towards the person who was sitting in the waiting room.

That person was 6 feet tall and had green hair and green eyes. His body was muscular and buffed. He said,

"Oh mister Alcesto! Nice to meet you!"

Alcesto continued the conversation by replying him.

When Schwartz and Zhao saw Alcesto talking with the person who added hsi name in their party, they reached Alcesto and asked him about that person. Alcesto said,

"He doesn't look like a bad person and he is some big shot. Let's hear with his own mouth what he has to say."

When the stranger started speaking, Schwartz and Zhao had the exact same thought about his voice being sinister.

"My name is VANZEL STEILINZ and I am 24 years old. I am also a slayer like you guys, the only difference is that I am an SS rank slayer, second only to the legendary SSS rank slayers. I don't have an ordinary aura of divine energy, I also have godly energy. When I passed from the final year of my high school, I immediately became a slayer. Since then, I have been searching people with the same godly energy like me and you both are the ones who have it, the godly energy! I want to team up with you guys and slay the hellish gods. As you guys may already know that most of the hellish gods are pacifist, like from the Hindu mythology. The only majorly dangerous hellish gods are 20 in number. Since we have the blood of God, we are the only ones who are suited to slay these violent hellish gods. I have a past with them. My mother was a goddess who married a half demon. She passed away while giving birth to me and my father ventured out somewhere leaving me with my maternal grandmother. My grandma told me one thing that she didn't told my father, she said that my mother was cursed by a hellish God that when she will give birth to a child, she will die of heart attack. I guess that this is our destiny that connected us together. Will you guys help me out?" He said while stretching out his hands forward.

Alcesto discussed the matter with Schwartz and Schwartz said that,

"His story is very similar to ours. It would be very bad for our karma if we refuse such a guy."

After discussing the matters with Schwartz, Alcesto held his hand and said,

"From now on, you are a member of the party of Hellish God slayer, Alcesto!"

Schwartz said,

"When have you ever slayed a hellish God?!"

Zhao said,

"Don't be so serious, he is just joking."

While claiming Schwartz.

Vanzel looked at them and said,

"Looks like... I have friends now."