While Zhao was talking with Vanzel, Schwartz pulled off Alcesto in a corner and asked him,

"Hey, did you checked that 'Vanzel' guy's personality with that ability of yours?"

"Don't get so worked up. I've already checked his the personality of his soul. He is neither bad nor good. But, he has a strong sense of justice."

"What do you mean he is nether bad and nor good?"

"Ugh... I meant that he will never show mercy to his enemies but he will never betray us too."

"Well that's fine, I guess."

While they were finishing their talk, the receptionist made an announcement,

"Mister Alcesto and his part! Please go inside the director's room on her command."

Alcesto said to Schwartz,

"Looks like our party is really respected 'cause of our ranks!"

Vanzel called out Alcesto and Schwartz and said,

"Looks like this call is for us. Let's go!"

As Vanzel was the nearest one to the director's office, he head inside and the others followed him.

In the director's office, a young women was sitting on the director's chair, who just finished reading a very important file related to her work. She had beautiful silver hair and a tiny body of a middle schooler. She was 5.4 feet tall. Her eyes were bright red and her skin looked like a vampire's skin. She apparently had a disease which would turn her skin like that if she ventured in the sun. She looked at Vanzel of Alcesto's party. She stood up and hugged him tightly. After releasing him from her tight hands, she spoked to Vanzel's shocked friends before they were able to utter a single word out of their mouth. She said,

"I am Takahashi Ichika. I may not look like but I am 24 years old and I am also an elite in business management. My mother married a Japanese man but after my father's death we have been living in Seoul. When Vanzel came in Seoul a month ago, he helped me by making me a director at this organization. He may not look like it but he is a very nice and powerful person. The board of Korean Slayer Organization wasn't believing about my degree certificates since I don't belong to a powerful Korean family. I had to earn money for my mother who was suffering with second stage pancreas cancer. I was driven into a corner and I thought about ending my own life by falling from the hospital building. That was when I met Vanzel when he saved me and also drove me out of my despair filled life. The first question I asked him was, "Why is your surname so weird?" and he replied me, "It's because my mother's surname is of a goddess." I was touched by his affection for her mother and since then I want him to marry me but he never takes the lead!"

Alcesto listened to her story very carefully and after thinking for a moment, "His mother's surname is really of a goddess!" he replied,

"Nice to meet you! You may have already heard about me from the information on your website. I'm sorry if Vanzel treats you this way. By the way, is there anything important that you summoned us?"

"Yes. I'm sorry for not telling you all this sooner but, looks like a hellish God is about to appear."

Alcesto and his confused party said in unison,


Ichika sighed and then she said,

"There are only two SS ranked parties in Korea and the second one is fighting with an SS classed demon"(basically, a demon lord like Afrozwein).

"You guys are the only option to slay this hellish God. We have been observing an SS ranked potential dimensional portal and it looks like the portal will be forged in a few minutes. The organization will only be able to hold the hellish god in for half an hour."

Before Alcesto could say anything, Schwartz stepped between their conversation and started speaking,

"We will take the mission gladly but first of all, we need more information about this hellish God."

"All Right, I'll explain it so please listen careful-"

Before Ichika could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Vanzel. He said,

"You should do your paperwork. I will explain them about these hellish gods. I have already read the files of this hellish god which you finished reading earlier."

Ichika said "Okay" and rushed to prepare the paperwork for the emergency quest which was accepted by Alcesto's party. Meanwhile, Vanzel started explaining the details to his friends.

"Hellish gods are on the same level as middle tier demon lords but, they have huge magical power and right now I am talking about middle tier hellish gods. The demon lord which your father fought 24 years ago, as I am told by Zhao, was a middle tier demon lord but since the technology of the slayer system wasn't developed as it is now, that demon lord would have easily destroyed the mankind. Since your father saved the mankind by slaying Afrozwein, his son, who is a high tier hellish God, ordered the middle tier hellish gods to destroy your father's bloodline. The middle ones ordered the low ones but they were already taken care of by the slayer org. Since I am here, the middle tier hellish gods can easily locate us because of my mixture godly and demonic energy. The hellish God which we will be facing now is the God of Undead, DECES TARTARMUS. She can control a large army of undead by her strong magical powers. We have to also be aware of her godly ability, THE BREATH OF DEATH. She can suck the spiritual essence of a living thing if she breath on it. This may be a hellish adventure, are you guys prepared for it?"

Zhao replied with a smile,

"We were always prepared for this moment. We want to fulfill the dream of our fathers. We have to protect the Earth at all costs."

Schwartz answered,

"I am prepared but I have a question. If Afrozwein was a demon lord, them why is his son even stronger than him? How is his son a hellish God?"

Vanzel replied,

"Even I don't know anything about Afrozwein's family."

While they were talking, Alcesto stepped in and started speaking while Schwartz was shouting at Alcesto in the background and Zhao was trying to clam him. Alcesto said,

"I think you should treat Ichika in a more better way. You are a lucky guy that you have a girl loving you."

Vanzel replied,

"Oh please don't say that. I have only one goal in my life, to find my father as soon as possible."

Alcesto smirked and said,

"Then! What will you do after meeting your father?"

Vanzel thought for a while and then he replied,

"We will see it later. For now, let's go!"

As they continued to walk, Vanzel thought to himself,

"I will build up my family, if I would ever meet my father, that is."