The heart which fell on the battle arena started melting as it caught fire from the flames which were burning on the ribs at the border. That heart was huge. It was 3 metres wide and 5 metres tall. After it melted completely, a human-resembling figure appeared in front of Kyung-Mi and Alcesto. The dust which was originated from the fall of that huge heart and the smoke which was originated from the flames on the huge skeleton's ribs created a smokescreen for the figure which was barely visible to Kyung-Mi and Alcesto.

A few seconds later, the smoke started to spread out and the Kyung-Mi and Alcesto prepared themselves for this fight. Now, they were able to see the entity who appeared in such a grotesque way. She was a woman who looked like she was in her mid thirties. She was 5.9 feet tall and she wore a long gown with a furry jacket. Both of them were completely black and gave off a dark vibe. Even though the jacket was furry, by looking at it, Kyung-Mi realized that it was made of the highest quality of Megalithium. She also wore a necklace which was embedded with unknown yet beautiful stones. The locket at her necklace, which was an oval shaped and golden coloured stone, looked like an eye. She had long and black coloured hairs and black coloured eyes. She also wore a crown on her forehead. The crown was of red colour with a lot of emeralds and rubies embedded on it. It was also made of unknown material. The crown was shining brightly as the crimson light gazed upon it.

Suddenly, in a split second, she quickly appeared just in front of Alcesto, as if she had teleported. He did not even saw her moving. He thought to himself,

"S-she's fast!"

Kyung-Mi was also stunned by her speed. She thought to herself,

"She isn't even using her magical strength and she is already this fast!"

Khaos looked at Alcesto and Kyung-Mi as if she was observing them. She was staring at each and every corner of their body. After a while, she stepped a few metres back and said,

"I am the great entity of this dimension, Khaos. I have given birth to legendary gods and goddesses. Even Zeus is so feeble in front of me that he fears to face my children, leave the thought of facing me. And... You both low grade humans are here to challenge me, the great Khaos?!..."

While she was rambling about her greatness, Alcesto smirked and thought to himself,

"Oh... So she is the arrogant type. Huh... Her mouth is still moving. Nor that it matters... I have to find her weakness and destroy her into bits!"

After thinking for a while, Vanzel started speaking.

"Hey gyal! It's just enough with that mumbling of yours! Instead of words, why don't 'cha sho' me your power with some action! Come on!"

When she heard her Alcesto's words, a faraway planet of the Khaos realm, bursted into bits and no one ever got to know about this. It was due to the terrifying power of Khaos. Whenever her angriness reaches the highest level, it automatically gets directed towards an inhabited planet of the Khaos realm.

Suddenly after hearing Alcesto, she stopped talking. She slowly stepped forward towards Alcesto and Kyung-Mi. Her eyeballs rolled under and she looked like as if she had already lost her complete self. While she was coming for Alcesto, he though to himself,

"Great! That's working! 'Provocation!' It's a technique which results in reducing the intelligence of your opponent! All the things which she was bragging 'bout her, seems to be true and she can legitimately boast about it. I wouldn't have stood a chance against her if Kyung-Mi wasn't by mah side. Well, I grasped her personality with her way of talking and behaviour pattern and thought that the best way possible for me to defeat her is by playing dirty. If she just uses her magic on me, she'll be out of this tourney! It'll only be a single blow, I believe that I can block it!"

Alcesto turned his neck and looked into Kyung-Mi's eyes. Later, he tilted his neck and pointed towards Khaos as if he was trying to tell something to Kyung-Mi. She understood his actions and the instructions which were lying in those actions, immediately. She rushed towards Alcesto and stood beside him. Whilst that, she though to herself,

"Alcesto... What is he thinking? He provoked Khaos and is trying to force her to use her magical attack. And... He is planning to block it by forming a Gi barrier with both of our energies combined! Will that really work?!"

As soon as she reached Alcesto, she accumulated her divine Gi in her hands and recited some sort of magical incantation,

"Indra te vaasthet! Chikat zo deridev!

I, Yoon-Kyung-Mi, asketh thy, the heaven's ruler Indra! To lend thou heavenly guard to this one!"

Her body started emitting a beautiful aura of her divine Gi. Soon, that aur turned into two golden dragons which stood in from of Kyung-Mi. In a matter of seconds, those dragons fused together and formed a large golden coloured shield which was emitting a huge godly aura.

Alcesto watched this beautiful scene with his eyes and said,

"... W-Wow"

He was impressed by his teammates. Each and everyone of them had a special trait, however, he thought himself much stronger than them. The reason of his thinking was because he never required to recite any incantation. His Azure Emperor Prowess made sure that he could control his divine Gi just with the help of his thoughts. While others had a single special trait and several other special skills, he only had one trait and one skill, but, it was mastered by him.

He made his Azure Gi flow towards his hands. When his hands started emitting the Azure Gi and shining brightly because of its strength, he exerted his force and created a huge barrier which resembled the sun. Even after creating the barrier, some of his excessive accumulated energy got left in his hands. He transferred that energy into Kyun-Mi's body. He did not needed direct contact with her body, because he was able to manipulate his Gi with his thoughts.

Now, Khaos has almost reached them. She was emitting a deadly aura, which made her neighbouring entities to surrender completely to her just by the pressure originating from her energy. Her fist was surrounded by some kind of dark clouds, which were also surrounded by small flashes of electricity. She raised her hand and aimed her fist towards Alcesto. After confirming her aim, she shot her dark energy at him. That attack of her flew towards Alcesto in the form of a wave. A dark wave which had the ability to torn apart everything it touched. It divided the skies. It only grazed the ground a little bit and that resulted in the splitting of the entire ground. It was a dark purple coloured energy beam with a dark black coloured outline and small thunders surrounding it. In no time, it reached Alcesto.

Without thinking for a second, Alcesto put forward the Azure barrier which he created. Kyung-Mi also put forward her heavenly guard to defend against Khaos's attack. Without anything else done by them, as soon as they connected their two shields, it appeared as if they started absorbing one another. While the beam almost reached them, the two shields amalgamated together and formed an even greater shield. The golden shield's colour changed and it became an Azure shield. In the middle of the shield, some spikes started appearing. Those spikes were golden and they resembled the tip of a dragon's tail.



A huge flash of light temporarily blinded everyone at the arena. And a 'boom' sound pierced everybody's ears. A few seconds later, the that flash of light started disappearing slowly. Now, everything was visible. At one side of the arena, Alcesto and Kyung-Mi, who were huffing in a slow manner because of the exhaustion of their divine Gi. At the other side, stood Khaos. She stood as if she did not felt anything. However, suddenly, her body started getting weaker. As soon as she realized this, she was back as herself and her back and beautiful eyeballs appeared. A message popped in her head,

"Supreme mother Khaos has used her dark magical energy, which will result in the weakness of her body and that will ultimately result in the shorting of her lifespan."

After she heard that message, she thought to herself,

"This Alcesto... He actually fooled me and made me use my precious magic..."

She glared at Alcesto while he was asking Kyung-Mi,

"Are you injured somewhere?"

And she replied,

"No. It's fine."

Khaos was not able to keep on watching Alcesto and Kyung-Mi. She was not able to believe that the two of them survived her dark beam. Her rage growed along with her energy as she thought to herself,

"I don't matter if my lifespan reduces... Alcesto... Kyung-Mi... I am going to kill both of you!"


This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.