Khaos was not able to keep on watching Alcesto and Kyung-Mi. She was not able to believe that the two of them survived her dark beam. Her rage growed along with her energy as she thought to herself,

"I don't matter if my lifespan reduces... Alcesto... Kyung-Mi... I am going to kill both of you!"

Amidst this, suddenly, a menacing laughter of a man was heard by the three of them.

"Hm! Hm! Hm! Hm! Hm!... Guahahahahaha!!"

This made Alcesto and Kyung-Mi feel anxious. Alcesto glared at Khaos and shouted at her.

"Hey! I thought that the rules stated about this battle bein' conducted between the two of us, right?!"

After listening to Alcesto, series of thoughts developed inside Khaos's mind. The first thought which developed in her mind was that,

"How does this low grade human dares to glare and even shout at me?! Who does he take me for?!"

The second thought which struck her mind was that,

"But wait... Now is not the time to be thinking that. No one can enter this battle arena..."

The final thought which generated within her mind was that,

"Whose laugh was that?!"

While she was thinking about the current situation, she was continuously getting disturbed by Alcesto. He was constantly asking about the fourth person on the arena from her. Along with her anger, her dark Gi was also increasing. This time, she had a control on herself because she knew that Alcesto and Kyung-Mi are not an ordinary pair. Even though she wanted to kill Alcesto just at the moment, the first thing which she wanted to do was to figure out about the fourth person lurking around her. Since she was the almighty Khaos, she sensed the Gi of the fourth person by using her chaotic abilities.

She closed her eyes and started tracing for a different type of Gi around the arena. She knew that there are three known and one unknown type of Gi on this land. When she closed her eyes, she activated her internal eye. Everything that she was seeing with her internal eyes was the same thing one can see when one closes their eyes, in other words, complete darkness. However, she was able to see the flow of Gi in one's body. She lowered her head and looked at her hands with her internal eye. She saw the Gi flowing in her hands. Her hands were visible with a shiny dark energy residing inside them and a lightly crimson outline on them. After that she raised her head to find the traces of the fourth person's Gi. The first thing that she saw when she raised her head was the divine Gi outlining and flowing through the bodies of Alcesto and Kyung-Mi. She was able to see the Azure light shining through Alcesto's body. She also saw Kyung-Mi's blue outlined and golden coloured Gi flowing through her body. Tracing for an unrecognisable Gi, she turned her neck in all the directions of the battle arena. Suddenly, at a distance of ten metres behind Alcesto, in the middle of the air, approximately 6 metres or 20 feet upwards of ground, she found an unfamiliar Gi, a strong and unique type of Gi which she had never seen. She already knew about Alcesto's Azure Emperor Prowess as she had info on all the lower and medium level gods. She never felt shocked by seeing Alcesto's distinguished divine Gi. But, this was not the same type of situation when she witnessed Alcesto's Gi.

The type of Gi which she saw was a mixture of different types of undescribable elements. The mixture had formed such a colour which was beautiful and attracting, yet it was ferocious and could generate terror within one's heart. The outline of the Gi consisted of complete darkness and reddish shining sparks. Some parts of the Gi looked brownish and yellowish, while some parts looked whitish and bluish. The moment she saw such a strange type of Gi, she started building seemingly strange thoughts in her mind. She thought,

"Such a great looking mixture of divine elements! This feeling of emptiness... It can only be destroyed if I fight someone as strong as myself! No matter what... I have to fight that person!"

The moment she opened her eyes, she turned her neck and searched the direction where she witnessed that unknown Gi. In a matter of a few seconds, she found the person with the indescribable Gi she was looking for. However, before seeing that person, she saw a large pillar, which was 6 metres high and and two metres wide, erected from the ground. According to Khaos's knowledge, Alcesto had no other person in his party who could control the Earth element, except Jae-Hyuk.

Alcesto found something amiss here. He had been observing Khaos's facial expressions for a while now. He found out that she was had stopped caring for her battle with him and Kyung-Mi. Her complete attention was fixed on something behind them. Alcesto started swearing lightly. He did not wasted any second and rushed towards Kyung-Mi. He grabbed her hand and rushed towards Khaos while thinking to himself,

"Let's take a look at her reaction! If she react to me, then I'll punch her face in and if she doesn't react... I'll run further behind her!"

While running along with Kyung-Mi, Alcesto pointed out his fist towards Khaos. Amidst confusion, Kyung-Mi asked him,

"H-hey, Alcesto! What are you doing?!"

Alcesto replied,

"Just keep on watching, my darling!"


He reached Khaos with his pointed fist being just a few centimeters away from her face. However, she showed no reaction. Her eyeballs were fixed at the pillar and the enigmatic Gi releasing atop of it. Alcesto realized that the secret to her spacing out is behind them. He pulled his fist back and rushed to the end of the arena.

Upon reaching the end, he heard the same voice of mail which said,

"Hahaha! You are impressive, Alcesto! You are really really impressive. I thought that you will be an idiot just like your father, putting his own life away to save others. But no... You are not like that... And this fact please this, Razel-Mino-Jonas Schneider, even more!"

As soon as this voice pierced Razel's ears, he turned back to find the source of that voice. He was stunned to see a pillar getting formed behind him from nowhere. He thought to himself,

"Looks like this 'Razel' guy really is something."

He looked at Kyung-Mi and spoke to her,

"He is standing on a higher ground than Khaos. What do you think this means?"

She replied,

"This clarifies the doubt of him being a subordinate of Khaos. She is arrogant. It is not possible that she would let his underling stand on a higher ground than her."

Alcesto asked another question,

"What do you think about the possibility of Khaos being his underling?"

Kyung-Mi answered again,

"This is not possible. Khaos is the highest levelled goddess in this realm. And, no other god can enter in the Khaos realm."

After coming to a conclusion, Alcesto and Kyung-Mi decided to watch the discussion between Khaos and Razel.


This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.