Although Khaos's head was hurting, she released the dark Gi in the form of a blast which she had been gathering in her palms. On her opposite side stood Alcesto. He was boosting his Azure Gi in his entire body to prepare for Khaos's ultimate attack.

He created a barrier around him, which was as powerful as possible for him. He brought his hands forward, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He assimilated all of the Azure Gi which was flowing in his entire body, at one point. All the Azure Gi of his body was now gathered at the tip of his palms. The moment he felt that his body's Gi has been reduced to almost nothing, he opened his eyes. His eyes were shining with an Azure brightness. He stared Khaos whose eyes were rolled over as she was not able to keep her mind on track. However, the first thing which gazed him was Deces.

Between the two of these powerhouses, was lying down a non-loving doll, which was Deces. Her nerves were lurking out of her neck and her eyes were constantly gazing Alcesto. It was the moment he knew, his pride had went down. While Khaos's wave of dark Gi was headed towards his direction and he was releasing his every bit of Azure Gi into this battle, he thought to himself,

"Vanzel was Razel's son... But when I checked him, he did not had any darkness in his soul... But now... Deces is dead! My pride which I was trying to protect... Is no longer safe!"

Due to unknown reasons, all of a sudden, the amount of Azure Gi which he had already released, got reverted back in his body. He did not knew what caused in the increase of his Azure Gi, he only knew that he must defeat Khaos.

He released half of his newly reverted Azure Gi in the form of energy wave. Khaos's wave was getting weaker whereas Alcesto's Azure Gi's wave got even wider, stronger and larger. Khaos started sweating heavily when she found herself losing in the battle against Alcesto, or the Azure emperor. Without a second thought, she boosted her dark Gi.


*TOTAL USAGE - 20!!!*

She reached her limit. No one can oppose the rules written by the Moirai, or the fate spirits. All of her released dark Gi wave got extinguished and Alcesto's Azure Gi wave took over. Slowly, the Azure coloured wind took Khaos with it. The moment she lost her consciousness, she remembered the curse placed upon her. While recalling her past, she thought to herself,

"No matter what one does... They cannot change their fate..."

Soon, her body, along with Deces, started falling apart like sand and vanished into thin air. Alcesto did not wasted more than fifty percent of his Gi and that was the reason why he stood straight as if Khaos was just a hyena in the lion's way.

As soon as the battle overed, Alcesto and his leftover party got summoned to the relaxation room, in other words, the white coloured room where a person relaxed after taking part in a battle.

This time, in the room, there was a little bit difference from the last time when Schwartz and others were relaxing in it. This time, the room had no beds. There was also a table placed in the middle of the room. On the top of the table, there were three white coloured and shining stones positioned in a triangular shape.

Upon entering, Alcesto and his party members ignored the table and the stones as they started discussing about Vanzel and Deces. Some members of Alcesto's party were sad and depressed, while some were not feeling any emotion as they were protected by the godly blood of Milo Azaloth. However, Alcesto convinced his friends to raise up their mood. Whilst they were talking, suddenly, the white stones started emitting huge flash of white light.

Everybody got blinded by that flash. As everyone got confused and searched for the source of the flash, the one who saw the source with his eyes, started heading towards it in instinctual manner as he shouted,

"W-what da hell is it?!"

He reached the stones while covering his eyes with his right hand. This person was Alcesto. As soon as he reached the stones, he heard a voice.

"O the brave ones, the Moirai will bless you for your victory in your upcoming battles. Now take these dimensional stones which will create paths for you."

As soon as the voice faded away, along with it, the flash also disappeared. Alcesto told his friends the words of the fate spirit. They were surprised that Alcesto was able to understand the divine language. Schwartz stepped forward and took those stones in his grasps. Schwartz was about to keep them in his pockets, but he was interrupted by Jae-Hyuk. Jae-Hyuk stepped towards him and said,

"Schwartz, do you know what those are?"

Schwartz replied,

"Ah! These... Yes, I know about these dimensional stones."

Jae-Hyuk said with a smile,

"Oh! That's really great then!"

Alcesto was confused by Schwartz's and Jae-Hyuk's words and stepped towards them to ask,

"Oi! What you guys are talkin' 'bout?"

Schwartz sighed and said to him,

"Ah... Did you even read the slayer guide book?"

Alcesto sweated a little and replied as he scratched his forehead,

"O-of course I read it... But I don't remember much, tee-hee!"

Schwartz's nerves popped as he saw Alcesto's, according to him, utterly idiotic behaviour. He tightened his fists and tried to control his anger. Zhao saw this and took Schwartz backwards to calm him. Whilst, Jae-Hyuk started explaining about the dimensional stones to Alcesto.

"These stones are very rare. As long as you have a place in your mind, even if you haven't visited it in your lifetime, and throw this stone at the ground, it will create a portal which will connect your location to the place you wanted to travel to."

Alcesto got a better grasp of these items and replied,

"Oh! Thanks for explaining!"

Jae-Hyuk waved his hand as he slowly walked towards Kyung-Soon. Alcesto saw them talking about something but he was diverted by Kyung-Mi. She reached for Alcesto's head and wiped off the dust which resided on his hairs. He replied,

"T-thank you."

She said with a smile,

"Don't mention it!... So, looks like after Vanzel, Schwartz is the one who is most likely suitable to be the leader of the team. We should all go and ask what he would like to do from now on."

Alcesto replied,


Slowly, Alcesto and Kyung-Mi reached Schwartz who was sitting on a large and wide piece of stone, along with Zhao. Soon, they were also joined by Jae-Hyuk and Kyung-Soon. Schwartz raised his head and looked at his teammates' blank faces. He got up and started speaking,

"I know why you guys have come here... So, let me be clear, from now onwards, I will be your new leader. Now, our new plan will be, leaving this place and going back to planet Earth. We will assemble our funds and buy new equipments. We also need to relax a little bit, if we push ourselves too much, we won't be able to fight. Navertozwein cannot destroy the world in a matter of a few weeks. There would be some kind of reason for Vanzel's betrayal. However, we won't dwell too much on this. I hope I am clear?"


Everybody said in unison.


This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.