After leaving off Alcesto's party and killing one of his teammates or more like friends, Vanzel met his father and walked a different path along with him. Razel and Vanzel travelled through dimensions and are currently residing in an abandoned land, which is unknown, even to Razel.

This land is not so large and it could even be the shortest land Razel and his son might have ever seen. Instead of artificial light, this land had an actual sky with an actual sun. However, the only difference was that the sun was of green colour. It would be weird to call it a sun, however, Razel decided to call it a sun anyways. The sky was of normal azure and light blue colour. The land looked fertile, as it was blooming with beautiful flowers and wild grass. Some medium sized trees also inhabited this land. In the middle of that land, there stood a huge castle built of the highest quality of Megalithium.

In one of the many rooms of the castle, specifically, the library, together sat Razel and Vanzel. Razel was sitting on a chair near the bookshelf. The chair was aligned horizontally against a desk. On the other side of the desk, Vanzel sat with his legs spread and arms on the table.

"The dimensional stones which are used in creating a portal to another realm, how do they do it?"

Razel asked his son sitting before him. His son started speaking and replied,

"... Probably because of the dark energy it contains."

His father raised his eyes and smiled at him.

"You are right. I do not remember exactly but, many years ago... My father, in other words, your grandfather, when he was just a kid, he got teleported to the land of demons from the land of humans, which was his homeland. During this teleportation, his undeveloped body was not able to tolerate the immense pressure of demonic aura generated around him. During this, he died. So... The question is, what would happen if a person dies during teleportation? The answer is, portal's dark energy, enters their body. This resulted in his revival. Almost the same case happened with Wang Lei, in other words, Jung Alcesto's father. The only difference was that, he did not died. He never entered the portal, but, the portal's divine energy entered inside him. That portal was created by Milo Azaloth..."

While the father and son kept on talking, an intruder set his feet on their land. Without Razel and Vanzel's knowing, a huge portal overflowing from dark energy was created a few hundred metres behind their back. A shady figure stepped out of that portal.

He had a muscular and manly body. His upper limb was covered with a red piece of cloth. Numerous gold coins were glued to this cloth. A long cotton like, red coloured garment clothed his legs. This garment was also covered with gold coins. He was 6.5 feet tall and had a beast like head. His beast's head did not specifically resembled any animal but it gave a feeling of a dog's.

He turned his neck in all the directions as if he was searching for something. After taking a deep breath, he said somethinf to himself. He spoke in divine language, which upon translating would be,

"Looks like this is the place where my lord Navertozwein's special sword is kept, huh..."


Suddenly! Razel felt something! He felt a dark and strange aura emitting from the south of his castle. He realized that there is an intruder lurking in his territory. He turned his neck and looked back as he got up. Vanzel realized that something is strange with Razel and asked him,

"Is there any problem, father?"

Razel smirked and replied to him,

"I hope you understood everything I told you here. For now, I have a small work to do. Till that work is completed, you wait here and guard the castle."

Vanzel stood up and replied,

"Understood. I will guard the castle, please come back safely."

Razel turned towards south and started creating a dimensional portal. As soon as its construction completed, he passed through it with a smile and said,

"Don't worry about me, I am always safe."

The person who wandered Razel's land was none other than the egyptian god of storms, SET. He was full of pride and he never deemed anyone more than a pebble in his eyes. But, as the years passed, his pride turned into arrogance. This arrogance became a major weakness for him, until he encountered someone. While he, along with his son, was on the expedition of obtaining the heavens slaying sword, he met another person who wanted this legendary sword within his grasp. This person generated a great sense of inferiority within Set's mind. He was Navertozwein. He easily defeated Set in a one on one battle. Set lost his trust in his power. His mirror of pride was shattered into pieces of glass. Even though he feared Navertozwein's almighty existence, he also admired his miraculously beautiful charisma. Set got drawn towards him and decided to follow his lead.

He remembered his past as he walked towards the direction of Razel. But, Razel's Gi which was being sensed by Set, dissappeared suddenly. He was confused. In divine language, he mumbled to himself,

"W-what the heck is happening?! Where did that evil aura vanished?!"


Out of the blue, behind Set's back, a dimensional portal was created. The one who emerged from that portal was none other than Razel. Thinking that Set is unaware of him, he decided to finish Set in one blow. He used the ultimate move of DARK DEMONIC MARTIAL ARTS! He created a barrier of dark Gi around his body. He also accumulated his demonic Gi throughout his entire body. Ultimately, he attacked Set behind is back.

"You fell for it fool!!"



Suddenly, Set turned back and shouted at Razel. Razel was surprised, but he was unable to do anything. The god of storms, Set, used his ability. The land under ten metres of radius beneath Set's foot, started deteriorating. The grasses, trees, flowers and the soil completely crumbled in a matter of a few seconds. The fall of the trees resulted in the releasing of dust and dirt into the sky. Whilst, Set thought to himself,

"Did I achieved success? Did I decayed that Razel?"

A few moments later, the dust flew over and vanished into the sky, while the dirt settled within the ground. Set saw it with his own eyes and Razel was nowhere to be found. He stepped back, and burst in laughter.

"WRAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I didn't thought that he would die so easily!"



Suddenly, a huge blast sent Set flying away. After falling a few metres away form his previous location, he immediately got up and searched for the cause of this explosion while shouting,

"What the F#ck was that?!"

A layer of smoke enveloped everything in front of Set's eyes. As the smoke extinguished gradually, the one who came out of the smoke was Razel, himself and said,

"Did you really thought that I would die so easily?"


This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.