11.- Childhood. Part 8/?

[I don't own Marvel, Naruto, or Assasins's Creed]

Currently I'm sneaking to the kitchen with Kira early in the morning, using my magic to erase any sound we are making, and sensing if there is anybody in front of us.

As soon we reached the kitchen I peek through the door to see if there is anybody inside; seeing as its empty we quickly make our way inside, opening the refrigerator and grabbing everything I need to make a smoothie; and some chicken breast from last night for Kira, I put the chicken on her bowl, and start to cut the fruits, grab some Ice, and pour some milk with a spoon of sugar, I put the lid on the blender, and turned it on. After pouring it in a large glass, we try to go back to our room. Keyword trying because as I open the door my mother is already there waiting for me. Sighing in defeat, I hand over my smoothie, and go back to the fridge to grab the other smoothie I prepared beforehand, knowing my mother loves my smoothies.

After grabbing another glass and pouring it inside, I make my way towards the living room. It's been the same for the past 2 years, I wake up, make smoothies for both me and my mom, and we drink them while talking and waiting until everybody is up, before eating breakfast as a family.

I'm a growing boy and I need as many nutrients as I can get, and having a super body preventing me from going fat is a blessing, and my mother gaining a little fat on her body, only did wonders. Her beauty only reached new new heights, and my father was more than happy, he even started to work out saying he didn't want to be left behind, so now he's bulkier than before. Honestly it's a little scary and exciting knowing that I inherited both their good looks, I just hope that I don't go over The Rocks level of muscles, because any more than that, will restrain my movement.

Right now I'm sitting next to my mom, on our garden that I've been taking care of since I'm 8, Kira in between us receiving both our petting, her fur silkier than ever after giving her a bath with a new shampoo my mom bought a week ago when we went shopping for new clothes for me, I'm growing really fast and my old clothes don't fit me anymore.

Right now I'm 5'5 and my muscles are starting to show, even though my mom thought it was weird, she didn't really thought about it, because I'm often exercising with mi dad, mostly on the mill-tracks, because I want to be as fast as I could and be stronger than Thor, and he's a God, so that leaves a lot of room of improvement, I'm pretty sure I will never reach that level, but you can't blame me for trying.

Considering my growth over the years I can't say I'm dissapointed, I haven't asked to join a dojo or if there is any around, or receive any kind of CQC training, because I plan to do that when I join Kamar-Taj. I often feel observed when I'm training my magic, and more than sure its The Ancient One, so if I caught her attention than it's possible they'll teach me, and if she hasn't made contact yet, it's because it's not time yet. She dies around 2016, and its 1993, so I have quite a bit of time to do so. On different note, Captain Marvel will happen in 2 years, and even though, I would like to witness it, It's not worth it.




I have 15 years to prepare for Iron-Man, which I won't take part in, I want to announce myself during Thor, and join the avengers during the Invasion.