10.- Childhood. Part 7/?

[I don't own Marvel, Naruto, or Assasins's Creed]

*Time skip 6 years*

Currently I'm playing piano on my grandfather's funeral. [F.S]

Last year my grandmother [F.S], died of a hearth attack, she had high cholesterol for the last 13 years. Last year she had a hearth attack during lunch, thankfully she received medical attention on time and survived, but this time she wasn't so lucky, she had a hearth attack at midnight, and everyone was asleep, even her nurse.

Her death hit my grandpa hard, he finally stepped down, and gave the CEO position to my uncle, my dad's elder brother.

After he retired he gave up on life, he started to drink as much alcohol he could until he passed out, and started to smoke like a chimney.

10 months later he was diagnosed with lung cancer after he went to the hospital, because of liver failure. He was told he had 1 month left; but that didn't discouraged him, no it made him happy instead. He finally would be reunited with the love of his life after 1 long and painful year; however he stopped smoking and drinking. Instead he decided that he wanted to spend the last of his days with me, his only grandchild.

For one month and a half we became beat friends, we would talk for hours, I would play music for him, Kira would normally sleeping on lis lap while he read a book, and Rocko would bring back the ball he threw around the room.

Finally he was allowed to rest, just like my grandma, he went to sleep to never wake up. I don't think I ever cried like I did during his funeral, I cried a lot during grandma's funeral, but it couldn't compare to grandpa's.

Currently I am playing "Won't Let Go by Fivefold" in the living room, while my parents and grandparents,[M.S. A/N: I wont be using M.S or F.S, since their is no need to anymore] are resting against their respective partners, Kira is on my left, and Rocko on my feet.

After finishing the song, I bid everybody good night and go to my room Kira on my arms, and Rocko following me. Even though its only 7:30 I'm mentally exhausted. After taking my shirt and pants off, I jump on my bed only wearing my boxer's.

Ian: I'm sorry for your loss, wanna' talk about it?

Mc: I'm good, I just wanna' sleep.

Ian: Make some clones to train your magic and finish your books.

Mc: Sure

After I turned 8, Ian said that my body finally finished developing or as he said the first stage of strengthening was over.

He said that my body will go through 3 stages, the first one that started when I was 4 months old, and finished after I turned 8. The second one that will also be the one that will decide my limits, that will happen during puberty, and the last one will start at the age of 25 and end around the age of 32-35.

After I turned 8, my brain was capable to support the creation of 3 clones without problem, and through constant use of the skill I can create 10 clones with only a headache as a result. So now my day consists in making clones in the mornings, and having 6 of them reading books, while the other 4 practicing their skill using the retractable blades, while he attends to his tutoring classes.

When I was 6, my parents wanted me to go to a private school, but I refused with no room of negotiation. I refuse to go to a school full of brats.

So instead I asked to be homeschooled. After some time they finally relented, and now at the age of 10, I'm starting my softmore year of high school education.

At first my parents wanted me to make friends which was the reason they suggested going to school, but after my mother took me to my regular skating park she realised it wasn't needed, why?, because as soon as we got off the car everybody stopped at came to greet me, while some parents asked her who taught me how to skate, since their kids couldn't shut up about me.


After ardously training my magic, I can finally levitate for over 30 seconds, and the reason I love skating so much is because it helps my training controlling the wind around me, like changing its direction and strength, I normally use it to gain speed, and keep myself in the air a little longer to do flips, and 360's, or in some cases soften my falls. And kids being kids love seeing dangerous things like flips, which they later tell their parents about, so long story short, I'm a local celebrity around here.