[I don't own Marvel, Naruto, or Assasins's Creed]
*Mc's POV*
There she is, one of the strongest person in the world smiling at me. So as a gentleman I began the conversation. ( Who the fuc* are you?- just kiddin)
"And you are?"
She walks towards the window and says:
"I've had many names throughout my long life, but I'm currently known as The Ancient One."
"We'll Ms. Ancient One, would you be kind enough to tell me why are you in my room?"
She turns her head and smiles me one more time, "You already know my answer", her smile grew a little, so I decided to play her game, "And you know mine", I say with a straight face.
She only nods, her smile never leaving leaving her face as she opens the door before giving me a slight nod and closing it again.
I have no Idea what happened, or what she was doing here. As I shake my head in exasperation, I noticed a small note on the small drawer next to the hospital bed. After I grabbed it and read what it was written down, I could only shake my head, and curse a certain green marble in my head.
It was the address of a certain building I wanted to visit soon.
After my mom came back we had our drinks together and than my parets told me they were going home to shower, change and sleep, they told me that they would come pick me up tomorrow and that they would bring me a change of clothes.
*Time skip 1 month*
After I was told I was good to go, I went home and had breakfast with everybody, after eating my dad basically dragged me outside, and I soon as I steped outside I noticed a relatively small building in our backyard.
Apperently dad wanted me to help him restore cars, he was always working so I ended up restoring it myself, so here I am one month later with the help of my clones a beautiful 1968 Shelby Mustang gt500, to say everyone was surprised, they only knew that I finished my High School Education, but they don't know I had read almost every book about cars and mechanics they had on the market, the reason I did this is because I know Tony Stark has a collection of cars, and one of his father's goals where flying cars, I have no plans to create flying cars for the public, but I wanted my own, so getting Tony's attention was just a plus.
Now after one month of constant work, it's finally time to visit a certain bulding.