15.- Kamar-Taj

[I don't own Marvel, Naruto, or Assasins's Creed]

*Time skip 2 years*

*Mc's POV*

It's been 2 years since I joined kamar-Taj, and I've been here 5 days a week since I joined, normally I would leave a clone at home, and I would stay in Kamar-Taj paracticing martial arts, while 19 clones are reading every single scroll and book in the library, I didn't hide this skill from The Ancient One; she probably already knows anyways. Fun fact as soon as I step inside the building, she sent me across the multi-verse, it wasn't as eye-opening as I expected, overwhelming?, of course it was, but I didn't have any kind of mystic revelation of some sorts, but one scroll did changed many things.

*Flashback 6 moths*

I was frustrated, according to every master I was a prodigy, I was learning at a speed never seen before, my martial arts were on par with most of the masters im only one year of training , and now I'm learning the way of a weapon master, which consists on being a master of every king of weapon, like blades, (knifes, daggers, swords, etc.) blunt weapons (war hammers, bo-staff, etc), and ranged weapons (bows, throwing knives, shurikens).

I'm also practicing how to shoot, dismantle, and crate my own fire arms, but it's harder and way too time consuming, so I'll leave it for the future.

Anyways, I've read almost the whole library, and know almost all spells, but it's not enough, I want to create my own. The Ancient One seems to trust me, and allowed me to read the books that most aren't allowed to, but they don't have what I want; yes stronger spells, ways to be physically faster and stronger, even dark rituals, but any of it is what I want, and The Ancient One seems a little calmer knowing that I'm not interested in that kind of knowledge, but come on, 666 virgins, and I'll be immortal, if that isn't fishy I don't know what is, and I know that making deals with demons is just stupid.




I fell on my back and realeased a tired sigh, another day of reading and no answers.I get back up; If I can't find answers I can at least continue my weapon training...

and there it is, an ordinary looking scroll sitting right in front of me, I don't sense any dark energies inside and/or around it. So I grabbed it and started to read it, and at first it seems like another scroll about how important confidence it's needed, but arrogance will be your downfall.

But than it changed, not the scroll, but its meaning it said that it's important to understand that, sometimes it's important to brake the cycle; that sometimes a common problem its not a problem, but since others leveled it as one; and no one said otherwise, it became one. It explained how things don't happen when somebody, something, or a certain circumstances happen; it just does. Things just happen, it's said that you don't think about something; the thoughts just happen. Or when you go to sleep, you can't go to sleep, you only do when you stop trying to do so; sleep just happens.

And it clicked in my mind....


Things happens because they do, you can't change that, but you can influence what's "happening" right now to create a desired outcome.

And once again it clicked in my head; Reality it's but a concept; it can be influenced, but not change. And thats what the infinity stones do, they change reality forcefully and crate something new, but it comes with a price( Like Iron-man died, because he couldn't contain their power). So what if I could simply rub or bend reality to change something, not create because that will simply not work, but change something not entirely new, but different, and not having to pay a price for it since I'm not forcing reality to change (in other words I'm not breaking any rules, I'm just bending them a little), and so it happened; a magic circle appeared in my hand, containing symbols I've never seen before,and I instantly tried to use it; I willed it to change my robes color to white, and it did, but as soon as the change finished the magic circle dissapered, I fell on my back panting, and covered in sweat.

As I turn to my right, I see The Ancient One, with a smile different than the usual, this one seemed real and it was bigger.

"Congratulations on creating something never done before...

Master Di Angelo"