Set in Place

It was mid-day through experiments, and among Overseer Jophiel's chamber were three subjects practicing their abilities; Gian-Luca, Ian, and Abel.

Gian-Luca and Ian had already finished their trials, and so it was Abel's turn to run tests on his ability; Reflection.

"I've gotta say, that ability has grown on you," Jophiel told Abel. "It's dangerously defensive."

"Thank you sir," Abel acknowledged him.

Suddenly, a buzz was heard coming from the keypad speaker in the wall.

"Answer that John, it's probably Gabriel," Jophiel told forth.

John nodded, and walked over to answer the call. With a surprised expression, he waved Jophiel over.

"Overseer Gabriel has some important news…" John raised his eyebrows.

Jophiel walked over, leaning in on the speaker. He heard Overseer Gabriel speak:

"Jophiel, the preparations for the soul transfer are complete. Raphael's heading to your chamber to retrieve the vessel right now."

"RIGHT NOW?" Jophiel was shocked. "What do you mean right now? It's the middle of the day, and we're in the middle of trials!"

"I know, but you know how impatient Raphael can be," Gabriel's static-voice said.

"Does he not understand the risks of doing it at a time like this? The rest of the subjects are awake, they're all potential witnesses!"

Gabriel sighed. "I tried to convince Raphael with facts that mattered, but he's completely disregarded it. He wants Abel right now…" He paused, "No, he wants REED right now."

Jophiel frustratedly pinched his forehead. "Urgh… Why is he like this."

"Doesn't matter. Get the vessel ready, he'll be there soon." The call ended.

Taking a deep breath, Jophiel recomposed himself. He walked back over to the other subjects who were distracted by Abel's trials.

"Abel," he called out.


"Your ability is extremely well developed, almost to perfection now. The only problem I see is that it's excessively defensive. Don't you feel like we could add some offense to you?"

"What do you mean?" Abel didn't understand.

"I'm offering you another ability."

The room froze. Gian-Luca and Ian both reacted with surprise; "Another ability?" Both thought in their heads.

"Another ability? Second to my Reflection?"

Jophiel nodded. "Yes, and actually the plan has already been laid out for this to happen. You'll be returning to the Garden to induct the new ability."

"When?" Abel couldn't keep up.

Knocking was then heard on the chamber's door.

"Now." Jophiel turned to go answer the door. Upon opening, he was met with two familiar faces; Overseer Raphael, and his reporter Matthew.

"I'm sure Gabriel's already told you—"

"I know," he interrupted. "Grow some patience Raphael."

He laughed in response. "You know how long I've been working on this Jophiel. My experiment from 'then' is still ongoing. The hypothesis is still technically unconfirmed, and will only be absolutely confirmed once the soul transfer goes through." Light glared off his glasses, "Reed Regardius has been patiently waiting," he smiled eerily.

"This experiment of yours better work. I know a lot of preparation's gone into it." Jophiel leaned in. "Also, I told Abel that he's returning to the Garden for the purpose of inducting a secondary ability. He knows nothing about the truth. Go along with it."

Raphael nodded. Jophiel turned around and both Raphael and Matthew followed.

"Abel, meet Overseer Raphael. He'll be in charge of your secondary ability induction."

Gian-Luca and Ian's eyes grew wide with realiazation at the person that stood before them.

"Overseer Raphael was never gone…" Midas' words echoed through their memories. "He's always been here…"

Abel on the other hand, recognized the familiar face;

"Has he forgotten that I've already met Overseer Raphael? Wasn't he in charge of my retrieval and transfer over to this place?" Abel thought to himself.

"Nice to meet you Abel Vaso. I'll be honoured to ordain the first subject with two abilities in this facility," Raphael smiled.

"Oh…" Abel's thoughts continued. "He thinks my memories were properly wiped… He really thinks I don't recall anything before being here."

"We'll be taking you back to the Garden to induct your new ability," Raphael turned around. "Follow me."

Abel nodded and proceeded after him, exiting the chamber.

Jophiel sighed, watching as he realized that the subject that was Abel Vaso, would never return to his chamber ever again.

The two subjects who bystood; Gian-Luca and Ian, watched with now complete understanding of Midas' words told beforehand—

"It won't be us disabling the immobilizers… an old foe's gonna be making their return. He'll be the one to soon initiate our escape."

Reed Regardius.

Everything for the escape was now truly set in place.