s t o p.




you have a good eye...

but you see...I know about your obsession with winning...

don't you think...king?

after that, I eventually stopped texting him and went back to my bed with a hand full of snacks...

I watched Netflix for a while and I fell asleep...

the next morning...I woke up just in time...put my uniform on, my shoes, the normal routine you know...

I head out to school with my motorbike...

on my way to the entrance, I spot someone leaning on the tree...Kim Taehyung...I have to ignore him...he is no good...

I parked my motorbike and walked to school eating a picky stick...as I took a new one out someone grabs it and munches on it...

"Your so rude you could've just asked.."

i whine to taehyung...

"well I know you won't give me some because you trying to avoid me, right?"


"good for you.."

I say walking away from him..

I enter the school heading to my locker...when I hear footsteps behind me...

"Why are you following me?"

"wanna skip school jen?"

he says with a smirk..

I thought about it maybe it isn't a bad idea...I wanna know where he'll take me anyways so why not just follow him...I shut my locker close...

"Yeah, sure it's not a bad idea right?"

"If you're with me it's isn't a bad idea"

he smiles

me and taehyung head outside the school he wraps his arm around me..and I didn't even bother to take it off..

"Taehyung you're heavy.."

I whine in annoyance.

"well, I don't care."

he pulls me closer and I push him away.

"Where are you taking me anyways."

"for me to know for you to figure out."

he says as he pulls me in the car.

the car ride was silent and engulfed in always air no one bothered to say anything which is why it's awkward...

he parks the car in front of an ice cream shop...it looks old..almost vintage...

he grabs my hand bringing me in...

"What flavor do you want?"


"Do you have a strawberry fetish or something..."

"I-...that's none of your business.."

somethings up with this dude...I wanna know what it is...what he does...his past...I wanna know his past...I took a seat near the window trying to figure out how I know him...

volleyball this..volleyball that...the V engraved into the coin means volleyball right?!...

he sits in front of me, handing me a cup of ice cream...

"oh...about the message...you sent me..why did you say that.."

"Well, that's simple... you always making a scene your loud, obnoxious..and well annoying."

he says smugly...

"well, your cocky and cold-hearted.."

I say taking a scoop of ice cream

"But thanks for the ice cream"

"your welcome.."

he says trying to hide his smile but fails...

"taehyung...have we met before?..do I know you...why are you so familiar.."

he looks at me with wide eyes thinking I didn't see him because of his bangs...

"Oh...uh...well that's...we have never met before if you really want to know..."

he averts his attention to the table...

"Is there something dirty on the table or did I strike a nerve with that question?"

I laugh...

"well, I don't really know.."

"well, I have no intention of being friends with you, if you know what I mean..."

I take a scoop of my ice cream...

he slightly smiles...not gonna lie that kinda scared me...

I don't what I feel for him...I can't tell lisa...or the girls I'm way too scared...

well, let's just say...

it didn't end well...after that, he took me to a lookout...a place...it's beautiful...reminded me of Japan...

"Why did you take me here?"

"for peace Jennie...close your eyes and don't say anything..."

as I close my eyes...I felt something landed on my lips...soft...moving...OH MAN, it's MOVING-

I opened my eyes to see taehyung kissing me...

what do I  do oh man...

oh good lord please help me...

I do not move one inch...not even a centimeter...

I just freeze...he pulls away from me saying...

"you look shocked..."

he smirks