c o n f u s e d.



you did it again ruby jane...fell for it...you are so stupid....at this point, I didn't feel like the ace of the volleyball club...the daughter of an amazing divorced couple...the sister of a cheater...

I'm so confused about what's going on...Kim Taehyung what have you done to me...I hate the feeling of vulnerability...

as of right now I'm trapped, helpless...and fearful...

I sat on the car leaning back...he had his arms stretch out on each side of my body pinning me against him...

"I'm not shocked...why did you do that.."

"you know tobio...right?"

he says blinking at me curiously.

i nod at him...he lets out a long deep sigh...

"he's my stepbrother..."

wait for what...that's when my world collided.


after that big competition..my mom brought me to a park...kids were there playing waiting for their parents...that's when I met tobio...

at first, I really didn't know him...but I stayed there for a couple of weeks...

the first time I met him a boy named...V , he told me to call him V...at first I didn't recognize him...he was the boy from the stadium that sat I front of me...

I was shocked we even saw each other....he left something more like dropped something...

a COIN...I had no idea how it got there...I didn't even know if he left it on purpose...

after that day we never saw each other again...tobio became my best friend...my sister's boyfriend...I hated it...

it made me angry...sad..unhappy...why him..why my best friend...one day...tobio found out she had cheated on a match...and they broke up...

but then I had to leave Japan...

I never saw them again...


"remember me now princess..."

he said as he went closer to my face...

all I could respond with are tears in my eyes...

"Why did you leave Japan...why did you leave me...we met one day...and you left the next day..."

the tears start dropping one by one...he lifts his thumb to wipe them away but it didn't help much...

"I had to my mom lives here.."

I nod as I look down...what shocked me is that instead of leaving me there all sad and bulky...he hugs me tight...

he leans in near my ear whispering...

"I'll never leave you again princess.."

I couldn't help but feel relieved...and reassured...

"I suffered so much..when you were gone so much happened..."

I grasp the coin on my neck and show him...

"This is the only thing that kept me sane...my lucky charm..."

he smiles as he caresses my cheek...

"tobio hates me now"

he sighs deeply...

"he said the reason why you don't like him is because of me..."

"i...I wanted to keep the coin...to see if you'd come back...you did...and I'm happy you did..."

"thank you taehyung...."