Fortune or Freedom

Delaney couldn't move. It may have been years since she'd seen him but she recognized Vincent's face instantly. He was smirking, amused, green eyes sparkling and arms crossed over his chest.

"You what... what are you doing here?"

"Well, we were able to get some time at home for the holiday so we thought we'd stop here and escort you home," Vincent spoke, his voice deep. It was then that Delaney realized he wasn't alone. Standing beside him was an even taller man with rust-colored waives and bright blue eyes. Duncan. Well, Selina would be happy to see he'd at least grown up handsomely.

She glanced over at the blonde girl to see her staring at the table in embarrassment. Delaney knew she was probably wringing her hands under the table.

"Imagine our surprise," Vincent continued now, "When we found you were not at your school. But I will say no one was more surprised than the headmistress."

"She knows?" Selina squeaked.

"She does now," Duncan answered her with a little laugh.

"We have to go," Selina stood then, "We're going to be in such trouble!"

"No need to rush. Your friends are quick on their feet. Olive assured her you two had just slipped out early this morning to get some things before we came. Unless you had your trunks already packed, you will find them so now. Most likely the quick work of Cora and Constance while Olive was stalling." Vincent turned from smirk to smile and he chuckled then too. "Honestly, I believe we would have done the same thing if we'd ever figured out how to sneak out of our school."

"It definitely would have made the time go by faster," Duncan shrugged, smiling now too.

The two women glanced at each other, confused. Were they angry or not?

"If you don't mind my asking," Uncle Win stood then and stepped around the table, handing Delaney her purse laden with all her winnings "Who are you, men?" Delaney looked around and noticed the rest of the club's occupants were making their way out, leaving them to whatever scene they were in the midst of.

"Forgive us, sir," Vincent held out his hand, "I am Vincent Adair." He shook the man's hand and Duncan introduced himself and did the same.

"You wouldn't happen to be Vincent Adair, Duke of Edgewood?" Win looked between Delaney who was looking away at the floor, to Vincent who seemed to quite amused by the whole situation.

"I am."

"Ah well then," Win shifted his ample weight, "I must tell you, you are a lucky man, your Grace."

Delaney looked up, meeting sparkling green eyes, "I see indeed I am." Vincent smiled a lovely pearly grin that made her heart leap. He was deadly handsome, there was no denying that.

She had to look away from him so she could think straight. Looking around the club, Delaney couldn't stop herself from thinking about what her life could be like without the man in front of her. She could rent out rooms and make money playing cards in the evening and maybe even teach at her school during the day. She would be free to go anywhere and do anything she wished. The idea of such freedom was tantalizing.

Delaney looked back at the man she was promised to marry. He was studying her and she blushed seeing it. If she had her dream of freedom that would mean she wouldn't have him. She wouldn't be a Duchess. She wouldn't have a life of comfort and splendor and safety.

Vincent gave her a reassuring smile as if he knew what was racing through her mind. He took her hand in his and tucked it in his arm. "May I take you to get your things now?" She nodded and said goodbye to Uncle Win who smiled as he watched them go. Vincent was tall, handsome, and strong. He had always seemed kind as well. But was he worth giving up her freedom for?

"Things may end happily for you but it appears to not be certain yet. It will all depend on your choices." The witch's words echoed in her head then. Was this one of the choices? The choice to try to break her marriage contract or not?

Vincent lead her down the steps to an elegant carriage that was waiting. She saw Selina was already inside it with Duncan. Selina would never dream of trying to break her contract. She followed the rules.

Delaney sighed. It probably wasn't worth thinking about. It wasn't like it was that easy to break her marriage contract. Parents had them written nearly airtight so their children couldn't ruin everything if they grew up to be rebels. In the end, if both the parents and the children didn't agree to break the contract they had to send it to the King with a plea for him to break it for them.

Delaney's parents were both dead so that would leave it to her against Vincent and his mother Violet. Violet would never let the contract be broken. It would be too much of an embarrassment for them. Just the idea of broaching the subject made Delaney's stomach twist.

"Are you alright?" Vincent asked quietly before they got too near the carriage. He slowed and looked down at her. Delaney hadn't noticed she was frowning as she thought.

"I'm alright," she spoke quietly, meeting his gaze as the fall wind blew pieces of raven hair across his brow, "Are you angry?"

A grin bloomed across his face and he chuckled. "I was at first. Then, when one of your school mates snuck out to tell me where you were I think I was more curious... I did wonder if you had run off to meet with a lover or something."

Delaney immediately turned red. "What?" she gasped, "No! I promise Vincent it was nothing like that!" She panicked knowing that if he questioned her fidelity to the contract and to him he would be able to break it quite simply. Then, she would be ruined. She might think she wanted the contract broken but not like that.

A deep laugh rumbled from his chest and he gave her hand a squeeze. "Don't worry my confidence isn't so easily rattled. Once I found you here and saw what you were doing I was intrigued. Then I saw you win and I was impressed."

Delaney giggled, relief making her almost giddy.

"What about you?" he paused to look curiously at her, "Are you angry I burst in on you and now want you to ride home with me?"

Delaney considered this, "Will it be just the two of us?" She blushed at her own words and looked away.

Vincent looked surprised but then grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief, "I think I can make that happen."