Game Night

Delaney opened her eyes, at last, to find it had started to grow dark outside. She shifted and was surprised when she felt something warm against her cheek. Eyes going wide, she realized she had fallen asleep against Vincent. She turned red in embarrassment as she sat up quickly, waking him up as well.

"I'm sorry," she straightened her skirt and patted her hair to make sure it was in place.

He smiled, "It's alright you lasted much longer than I thought you would." He pulled the curtain back and grinned, "And this is perfect timing. It looks like you're almost home."

Delaney felt a pang of sadness at the idea of leaving him already. She regretted having spent most of their time asleep. Now she was starving and sore from the carriage and ready to be on solid ground again.

When the carriage came to a stop in front of her Aunt and Uncle's home, Vincent helped her out and studied the building. "I haven't been here since your birthday ball."

"Oh, the one where your friends all laughed at us?" she smirked, her eyes sparkling.

Now it was his turn to look embarrassed, "Ah yes... Well, we were young."

"I'm the same age now as most of you were then," she laughed and twirled her skirt before heading to the door.

Inside her Aunt and Uncle were thrilled to see them and even more thrilled to see them together. They asked a million questions to which Delaney and Vincent answered the best they could while eating a huge dinner that had been prepared.

After dinner, Vincent took Delaney's arm and walked with her out around the lawn under the stars. They talked about childhood memories of days spent running and playing and how they sometimes dreamed of going back to those times.

Soon it was late and time for Vincent to be on his way. "Will you come back?" Delaney asked eagerly as they said their goodbyes beside his carriage.

"I will do better than that. I am going to invite everyone to Edgewood night after next for some fun! A game night. I'll invite all your friends!"

Delaney giggled at his excitement, "Well send out an invitation early. Girls have to plan outfits you know."

He smiled and leaned forward, giving her a second quick kiss on the lips, "Oh I know."

She blushed but felt her heart leap in her chest. Was this man really to be her husband if she wanted it? He got in the carriage and said one last good night before it rolled away. Delaney watched it until it turned down the lane. Then, she nearly floated inside from happiness and collapsed on her bed to spend the next hour thinking about him and imagining their future before falling asleep fully dressed.

Vincent was true to his word and everyone had their invitations before the midday meal. Delaney, who had slept in, still recovering from her night at the club, had barely made it out of her bath and dressed before all of her friends were eagerly waiting in the drawing-room, ready to plan outfits and accessories like men planned battles in a war.

The day flew by as well as the morning of the next. Carriages rolled from in front of Delaney's home like a parade, each with only as many girls in it as would fit without being crowded in and wrinkling their gowns. The ride to Vincent's would take them an hour, just enough time for each of them to try and fail at calming their nerves.

When they arrived at Edgewood, called a manor but more of a castle, welcoming light was pouring through the windows. Many carriages were already there and Delaney felt anxious now seeing how many people were there. Surely she wouldn't get much time with Vincent now. He would be too busy hosting.

When the door to her carriage opened and the footman standing there saw her, he smiled for a moment before he regained his composure. He whispered something to the man beside him who all but ran up the stairs into the giant black stoned manor.

Selina stepped out first, her hand going lightly into the waiting footman's who ensured she wouldn't trip or fall. Delaney stepped out after her, looked up, and to her surprise saw Vincent rushing down the stairs with a bright smile on his handsome face.

"There you are My Lady," he took her hands in his, squeezing them as he stepped close to her, looking down into her eyes. Delaney felt her heart leap as was becoming its habit when she saw him.

"Hello Your Grace," Selina cut in from beside them, looking on disapprovingly. Vincent chuckled and bowed to her.

"Good evening Selina," he smirked, "I believe Duncan is just inside if you'd like to make your way to him." The blonde woman frowned, knowing she was being dismissed but did as he said and headed inside as the carriage behind them pulled away.

"I didn't know there would be so many people," Delaney whispered to him as he tucked her hand in his arm and walked slowly up the stairs with her, "When you said a game night I thought it would be more...intimate."

Vincent sighed, "Yes so did I but between Mother and Miles the number just kept rising... but don't worry I have a surprise for you to keep you busy for when I have to step away."

"Surprise?" she laughed as they stepped in through the grand wooden doors and the noise of the party inside hit them in full force.

"Yes," he spoke so near her ear she felt his warm breath before he kissed her hair just above it. As they walked into the grandest ballroom Delaney had ever seen, she saw the surprise he had been referring to. All around the edge of the dance floor were various game tables with men dealing cards and people gathering around to play. "I thought this might make you feel more at home," he grinned as he saw the excitement fill her eyes.

"Oh thank you, Vincent," she leaned up to kiss his cheek. She knew her Aunt and his Mother would not approve but she didn't care. Around them, a few girls hissed their disapproval which was just shrouding jealousy.

"Dance with me now. I need to make up for our first dance that I let my friends ruin."

Without waiting for her reply Vincent swept her out onto the dance floor as a new song started. Couples moved aside to let their attractive host and his pretty partner move to the center of the floor.

Delaney's heart could have burst from happiness as her handsome Husband-to-be held her and spun her around the floor to the music. All eyes were on them as they made their turns, the lovely young woman with her sea glass eyes and chestnut locks and the tall, dashing young man with the raven black hair and pearly grin.

Delaney looked past him for a moment and saw how everyone seemed to watch them and she nearly laughed. She may not be a child anymore but she still got a secret thrill from the attention. She knew that was part of the reason she loved the club. Being one of the only women there, all eyes were usually on her. Now here, with Vincent, she had that again.

She thought for a moment of her idea of breaking her marriage contract as their dance came to an end. If she didn't marry Vincent she could go to a club every night and remain the center of attention for as long as she wanted. She knew her future with Vincent though meant spending a lot of time at Edgewood far from society. It also meant having children. She wouldn't be able to remain the desired young woman she was now after that.

Would his attention only be enough for her? And would she even be able to keep it? She had seen many a married couple lose interest in one another fairly quickly.

As she looked out at the gaming tables, Delaney saw Olive playing as Bernard watched. She thought of her future the witch had revealed. She would have a son she would love more than anything she had ever known. Delaney wondered if that kind of love would be in her future. Again the witch's words came back to her hauntingly.

"It will all depend on your choices."