Violet Adair

 Delaney slept through the night and late into the next morning. Her maids crept in to check on her and take care of her worn clothes but she never stirred.

 Finally, it was late enough in the afternoon that her Aunt couldn't wait any longer. She went to the sleeping young woman's room and gently shook her awake.

 "What is it?" Delaney asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

 "Besides you sleeping the day away?" her Aunt scoffed, "You need to get up and get yourself ready. Lord Adair and his mother will be here soon to meet with all of us."

 Delaney shot up, "What are you talking about?"

 Her Aunt looked at her seriously, "Violet came to speak to us yesterday but you were out. She said she would come back today with her son."

 "Violet was here?" Delaney squeaked as her heart started to race. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she listened as her Aunt told her about their encounter the day before.