
 Delaney tossed and turned all night, rarely sleeping and constantly worrying Vincent might storm into her room at any moment. Why he would come, she didn't really know, but the idea still worried her.

 Finally falling into an exhausted sleep just before sunrise, she slept late into the morning, missing the bell for breakfast. When Ivy came and pulled the curtains back on her windows, letting the light shine in, she gave up on sleep and got up for the day.

 The anxious young maid helped her mistress wash and dress, before pulling her hair up into an elegant knot on the crown of her head. Delaney looked herself over in the mirror, seeing the shadows under her eyes.

 "Has Lord Adair already had breakfast?" she asked her maid before yawning.

 "Yes, he has my Lady," Ivy nodded, "And I believe he's been in his study since. Mrs. King has left food in a warmer for you though. I imagine they have the table ready by now."