
 The butler himself rushed forward to Vincent's side and helped him to his feet again. The pair made it to Vincent's room and he sat on the edge of his bed, still pressing the cloth to his side.

 Delaney went with them and hovered nervously by his side. His valet came in a moment later though and went ghostly white at the sight of his master's blood-soaked clothes. He was quick to suggest they get him into something clean.

 Vincent nodded and looked towards Delaney. She blushed before excusing herself to wait outside.

 In the hall, Delaney realized her own dress was now quite dirty and had blood stains as well. Slipping into her bedroom, she pulled the bell string to call for Ivy. There was still a bowl of water on her vanity waiting since she hadn't come to bed before.

 She used a cloth and washed her face and hands of the blood and grime. When Ivy came in and saw her she still gasped and nearly dropped the cup of tea she was carrying.