Unwanted Guest

 "What-what is your mother doing here?" Delaney asked anxiously, feeling her heart begin to speed up.

 "I don't know," he fumed in sudden anger, "I can assure you she wasn't invited."

 Delaney watched as he quickly pulled on his jacket, wincing as he did so, and straightened his appearance before the mirror. He was nearly radiating his displeasure.

 "Vincent you shouldn't be up yet," Delaney tried.

 "Well, I'm going to have to be now," he snapped, "I can't leave you alone to deal with her."

 Delaney watched him as he stopped to lean against the wall for support, a grimace on his face. Her worry for him only grew.

 "I'll be fine with her," she tried again although she wasn't sure it was true, "You need to rest. The doctor said..."

 "Delaney please," he cut her off abruptly, taking a deep breath to try to steady himself, "You know how my mother can be. If she's here unexpectedly it's just to cause trouble."