A Brother

 The next morning it was Delaney who woke early and left Vincent sleeping. Ms. Bird came in but was silent upon seeing her new master still asleep. She quickly helped Delaney dress then gathered up some of her things and signaled for them to go to the next room.

 "Oh my Lady I'm so happy to see you and Lord Adair were able to work through things. I said a prayer for you both last night."

 Delaney was touched to hear that and smiled fondly at her new maid, "Thank you, Ms. Bird. You were exactly right with your guesses about his thinking on the hunt. Honestly, talking about it all actually brought us even closer together."

 Ms. Bird beamed, "Well I'm happy to hear it. Now let me do your lovely hair up nice so you'll look even prettier for him when he wakes up."

 Delaney giggled but sat back and let the woman go to work.