Dancing And Wine

 Delaney smiled at her husband as she walked back towards him on Captain Black's arm. When he looked at her with a smirk she knew Mason had told him the identity of his partner. 

 "Thank you for letting me enjoy a dance with Lady Adair," Captain Black spoke smoothly to Vincent, "Now Lord Adair I would like to talk to you about our business too. Do you think your wife could keep herself occupied for a time?"

 Delaney was surprised to hear that and looked from the pirate to her husband. Vincent hesitated, looking out at the crowd of people who were still only barely hiding their staring eyes. Stepping to Delaney, he kissed her on the head.

 "I promised my wife I wouldn't leave her alone here. I want her with me so I know she's safe."

 Captain Black turned to a group of men standing along the wall and spoke loudly to them in another language. They looked at one another and one stepped forward.