Exciting Plans

 Delaney tried to put thoughts of the potion from her mind for the day. Since Vincent was working she decided to do a walk-through of the house to check for any repairs or updates that might need to be done before they left back to Edgewood. The ocean house had been lovely but since they had spoken about returning home Delaney was starting to look forward to it.

 It was strange for the house to be so quiet and to not have their friends around. Delaney found herself hoping that soon she and Vincent would be able to fill the house with children and then it wouldn't be so quiet anymore. She fluctuated between being excited about taking the potion and being anxious.

 Around midday, she went down to find her husband. She brought him the list of the repairs and improvements that he read over, glancing up at her now and then with a smile of admiration. Once he was finished they headed to lunch together, sitting alone in the large dining room again.