To The City

 The next morning things moved quickly. The servants were all loaded up and headed out with the guards. Delaney and Vincent had kept quiet about what their plans were for themselves and their servants knew better than to question them. At last, all that was left was Delaney, Vincent, and the few servants who lived at the ocean house year-round and kept it up.

 Ms. Bird had helped Delaney get ready that morning and Delaney had been able to sneak in her dose of potion before tucking it in the bottom of her trunk. She hoped the maid wouldn't find it before they got to the city house that evening.

 Delaney walked with Vincent through the ocean house one last time to say goodbye to it. Like leaving Edgewood, it hurt Delaney's heart to leave this house. The only thing that made it easier was the terrible memory of the pirates coming and the knowledge that soon they would be safely home in Edgewood again and that was where she truly felt at home.