Dinner and Dresses

 Delaney and Vincent found the Black siblings were already waiting at the table when they came in. Ian sat across from Delaney as he had when he ate with them before and Ilona sat beside him to avoid sitting by the Duchess. That left Delaney with the two younger boys sitting beside her. They both smiled pleasantly when she took her seat and she felt it was probably better for her this way anyway.

 When the servers brought the food Delaney carefully observed them and was relieved to see they were no longer glaring at Ian or any of the others. 

 The first half of their meal they ate in silence. Delaney kept looking up and meeting Ian's gaze. He seemed as uncomfortable with the silence as she was but she didn't know what to say. Vincent kept his eyes down, clearly not sure where to go from here either. What should you discuss at a dinner with so many pirates, including one that had sent her crew to raid your house and would have likely killed you?