The Feast

 The next day the skies were overcast and by midday, the rain had begun to drizzle down on the land. As always, Vincent was anxious from the storm and went to the windows over and over to look out and see if he thought it might get worse. His wife reminded him they had the medicine Ian had gotten for them and that would fix everything. He didn't need to worry. That didn't stop the Duke's worry, however.

   Delaney and Vincent told Ilona and Ian about their plan. They both seemed genuinely surprised the duchess wouldn't be going with her husband but they understood that it was dangerous at the moment. Besides, Ilona wouldn't be safe there anyway after the last visit. Even though it made sense, that didn't mean Ian was happy about leaving them behind while he went to a silly feast with Vincent. Luckily it was important to him to keep the Duke safe as well. He agreed to go and leave the women home.