Do Not Go To The Woods Alone

 "Miles!" Delaney gasped, "What are you doing outside my bedroom?"

 Miles frowned at her in disapproval, "I was coming to make sure you were alright. Where are you going?"

 "Oh, I... I'm just going outside," she stammered, put on the spot, "Outside for some fresh air."

 "And you need a basket and a lantern to just step outside for fresh air then?"

 Delaney blushed and now frowned back at him, knowing she was caught.

 "It doesn't matter," she said quietly, not wanting to be overheard, "I will be back before morning. No one will even know that I was gone."

 "Except me," Miles shook his head, "I'm not letting you go somewhere alone in the middle of the night."

 "I'm not going anywhere," she snapped, "I'm not even leaving the estate."