Court Of Dangers and Pain

      Delaney held tight to Vincent's arm as the other nobles began to slowly file out of the room.  There was lots of grumbling and complaining but no one would dare stand up to the King and Queen.  Especially not after seeing the mood the King was in.

      At last, the throne room was empty of all the nobles and the doors were closed.  The King had signaled for his guards stationed around the room to stay so they had and now the Adair guards backed away from the Duke and Duchess at Vincent's command.

      Daniel stared at Vincent for a moment before turning and walking back to take his place on his throne.  Beside him, Sophia sat forward, keeping her eyes on the Duchess.  Delaney noticed this time Anna had stayed behind with her sister, likely too interested in hearing what this news was.

      "Alright then," Daniel said to Delaney, his tone annoyed, "You have your private audience.  What is it you have to share with us?"